Google maps 在谷歌地图上画多边形

Google maps 在谷歌地图上画多边形,google-maps,Google Maps,我需要在谷歌地图上画一个相机视角。这与最大180°的视角相对应,但如果角度更大,我需要另一种解决方案,而不是绘制三角形 以下是我想要实现的一个示例: 有人知道我该怎么做吗? 中心点是标记 这是我绘制角度小于180度的代码: var fillTriangles = []; fillColorVAR = "#007caf"; fillOpacityVAR = ""; fillAlphaVAR = "0.25"; strokeColorVAR = "#0000



有人知道我该怎么做吗? 中心点是标记


    var fillTriangles = [];
    fillColorVAR = "#007caf";
    fillOpacityVAR = "";
    fillAlphaVAR = "0.25";
    strokeColorVAR = "#000000";

    var this_marker_home = marker.getPosition();
    var startPoint = new LatLon(, this_marker_home.lng());

    // prepare the direction for point calculation
    var pointOneDirection = parseInt(300) - ( 90 / 2 );
    var pointTwoDirection = parseInt(300) + ( 90 / 2 );

    // other points needed for the triangle
    var pointOne = startPoint.destinationPoint(pointOneDirection, 0.5);
    var pointTwo = startPoint.destinationPoint(pointTwoDirection, 0.5);

    // make a triangle with fill
    var fillTrianglePath = [
        new google.maps.LatLng(, this_marker_home.lng()),
        new google.maps.LatLng(, pointOne.lon),
        new google.maps.LatLng(, pointTwo.lon),
        new google.maps.LatLng(, this_marker_home.lng())
    fillTriangles = new google.maps.Polygon({
        paths       : fillTrianglePath,
        strokeWeight: 0,
        fillColor   : fillColorVAR,
        fillOpacity : fillAlphaVAR

    // make a line as an open stroke for the fill
    var strokeTrianglePath = [
        new google.maps.LatLng(, pointOne.lon),
        new google.maps.LatLng(, this_marker_home.lng()),
        new google.maps.LatLng(, pointTwo.lon)
    strokeTriangles = new google.maps.Polyline({
        path         : strokeTrianglePath,
        geodesic     : true,
        strokeColor  : strokeColorVAR,
        strokeOpacity: 1.0,
        strokeWeight : 2
