
如何使用()方法将参数传递给groovy,groovy,Groovy,我希望在某个脚本的上下文中调用外部提供的闭包,但我希望它能够访问一个对象,该对象的作用域是从中调用闭包的方法: def method1(Map config) { ... with config.some_closure //here I'd like to pass the config map as a param. } //now invoke: method1 { some_value: 1, some_closure: { def param1 ->


def method1(Map config) {
  with config.some_closure //here I'd like to pass the config map as a param.

//now invoke:
method1 {
  some_value: 1,
  some_closure: { def param1 ->
     //access param here, eg:
     param1.some_value = 2

globalConfig = null

def method1(Map config) {
  globalConfig = config
  with config.some_closure //here I'd like to pass the config map as a param.

//now invoke:
method1 {
  some_value: 1,
  some_closure: { 
     //access global here, eg:
     globalConfig.some_value = 2


def method1(Map config) {
  config.some_closure.delegate = this // retain access to this object's methods
  config.some_closure(config) //pass config explicitly

//now invoke:
method1 {
  some_value: 1,
  some_closure: { def param1 ->
     //access param here, eg:
     param1.some_value = 2


def method1(Map config) {

  with config.some_closure.curry(config) // this is a new closure taking no arguments, where param1 has been fixed.

//now invoke:
method1 ([
  some_value: 1,
  some_closure: { def param1 ->
     //access param here, eg:
     param1.some_value = 2