Hash Apache2AuthDBD-md5在数据库中哈希密码,但apache将其与原始密码进行比较

Hash Apache2AuthDBD-md5在数据库中哈希密码,但apache将其与原始密码进行比较,hash,config,basic-authentication,apache2.4,Hash,Config,Basic Authentication,Apache2.4,我在Apache2中通过pgsql进行身份验证时遇到问题。连接到数据库是成功的,若我将哈希放入密码字段,它将得到验证,但如何使Apache2.4将数据库密码与尚未哈希的本地插入密码进行比较呢。我想我必须把auth散列方法放到md5中,但由于某些原因,文档有点不完整 <Location "/something"> Header add Pragma "must-revalidate no-cache" Header add X-RequestTime "%t %D"


<Location "/something">
    Header add Pragma "must-revalidate no-cache"
    Header add X-RequestTime "%t %D"
    ExpiresActive on
    ExpiresDefault "now"

    AuthName "Something"
    AuthType Basic 
    AuthUserFile "L:\Docs\mgrpass.txt" #does not take usernames and passwords
     #from there anymore. Takes them from database instead.

    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

    SetEnv ERR_MAIL "sysadmin@mywebsite.com"
    SetEnv SCHEMA   "manager"
    SetEnv AUTHTYPE "manager"

    AuthBasicProvider socache dbd
    AuthnCacheProvideFor dbd
    AuthnCacheContext myServer

    # Here should be some hash config to convert local password
    # to md5 encrypted one... Help please :(

    Require valid-user

    AuthDBDUserPWQuery "SELECT parool as password FROM _usr WHERE email = %s"

    SetEnv "FORMAT"     "json"

    php_flag pgsql.log_notice off
    php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
    php_flag output_buffering off
    php_admin_flag safe_mode_gid on

    Header add X-Timing "%D microseconds"


AuthDBDUserPWQuery "SELECT CONCAT('{SHA}',parool_sha1) as password FROM _usr WHERE email = %s"