Haskell 附加模式匹配内盒

Haskell 附加模式匹配内盒,haskell,switch-statement,Haskell,Switch Statement,希望代码注释得足够好 -我有两种数据类型: data Person=Person{firstName::String,lastName::String,age::Int} 衍生节目 数据错误=不完整的数据错误|不正确的数据错误字符串 衍生节目 -此函数应采用如下列表: -fillPerson[名字,约翰,姓氏,史密斯,dbdf,dff,年龄,30岁,40岁] -并用具有相应名称的字段值填充记录。 -它忽略了冗余字段。 -如果少于3个有意义的字段,它应该抛出一个错误IncompleteDataEr


-我有两种数据类型: data Person=Person{firstName::String,lastName::String,age::Int} 衍生节目 数据错误=不完整的数据错误|不正确的数据错误字符串 衍生节目 -此函数应采用如下列表: -fillPerson[名字,约翰,姓氏,史密斯,dbdf,dff,年龄,30岁,40岁] -并用具有相应名称的字段值填充记录。 -它忽略了冗余字段。 -如果少于3个有意义的字段,它应该抛出一个错误IncompleteDataError -如果字段age没有数字,If应该返回IncorrectDataError str,其中str-是age的值。 fillPerson::[String,String]->任一错误人员 fillPerson[]=左不完全数据错误 fillPerson x:xs=let -Int存储字段的数量 助手::[String,String]->Person->Int->任一错误人员 助手uP 3=右p helper[]\uu0=左不完全数据错误 助手键,值:xs p n=大小写键 firstName->helper xs p{firstName=value}n+1 lastName->helper xs p{lastName=value}n+1 -如何在此处返回不正确的DataError str? -我需要存储读取值::[Int,String] -如果字符串不为空,则返回Left IncorrectDataError值 -但是怎么写呢? age->helper xs p{age=read value::Int}n+1 _->helper xs p n 在里面 助手x:xs个人{}0

由于get::String->[String,String]->任一错误字符串,函数的应用程序实例确保fillPerson::[String,String]->任一错误字符串。如果对get的任何调用返回Left IncompletedDataError,则Person。。。我们也会这样做;否则,你会找到一个合适的人。。。值。


由于get::String->[String,String]->任一错误字符串,函数的应用程序实例确保fillPerson::[String,String]->任一错误字符串。如果对get的任何调用返回Left IncompletedDataError,则Person。。。我们也会这样做;否则,你会找到一个合适的人。。。值。


-- readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
import Text.Read (readMaybe)


fillPerson store = do  -- Either monad

  -- May fail with ‘IncompleteDataError’
  f <- string "firstName"
  l <- string "lastName"

  -- May fail with ‘IncompleteDataError’ *or* ‘IncorrectDataError’
  a <- int "age"

  pure Person
    { firstName = f
    , lastName = l
    , age = a


    string :: String -> Either Error String
    string key = maybeToEither IncompleteDataError (lookup key store)

    int :: String -> Either Error Int
    int key = do
      value <- string key  -- Reuse error handling from ‘string’
      maybeToEither (IncorrectDataError value) (readMaybe value)


"age" -> case reads value of
  [(value', "")] -> helper xs p{age=value'} (n + 1)
  _ -> Left (IncorrectValueError value)




fillPerson' :: [(String, String)] -> Either Error Person
fillPerson' = fillFields (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)

      -- Accumulator of firstName, lastName, and age.
      :: (Maybe String, Maybe String, Maybe Int)
      -- Remaining input keys to check.
      -> [(String, String)]
      -- Final result.
      -> Either Error Person

    -- Set firstName if not set.
    fillFields (Nothing, ml, ma) (("firstName", f) : kvs)
      = fillFields (Just f, ml, ma) kvs

    -- Set lastName if not set.
    fillFields (mf, Nothing, ma) (("lastName", l) : kvs)
      = fillFields (mf, Just l, ma) kvs

    -- Set age if not set, failing immediately if not a valid number.
    fillFields (mf, ml, Nothing) (("age", a) : kvs)
      | all (`elem` ['0'..'9']) a
      = fillFields (mf, ml, Just (read a)) kvs
      | otherwise
      = Left (IncorrectDataError a)

    -- Ignore redundant firstName.
    fillFields acc@(Just{}, ml, ma) (("firstName", _) : kvs)
      = fillFields acc kvs

    -- Ignore redundant lastName.
    fillFields acc@(mf, Just{}, ma) (("lastName", _) : kvs)
      = fillFields acc kvs

    -- Ignore redundant age.
    fillFields acc@(mf, ml, Just{}) (("age", _) : kvs)
      = fillFields acc kvs

    -- Ignore extra fields.
    fillFields acc (_ : kvs)
      = fillFields acc kvs

    -- If all fields are present anywhere in the input,
    -- we can finish early and successfully.
    fillFields (Just f, Just l, Just a) _
      = Right Person
        { firstName = f
        , lastName = l
        , age = a

    -- If any field is missing at the end, fail.
    fillFields __ []
      = Left IncompleteDataError


你遇到的问题是试图在一个递归函数中同时完成所有事情,并将多个不同的关注点交织在一起。这样写是可能的,但最好按照@chepner答案的格式,把事情分解成几部分。这是对《公约》的补充 我回答你。年龄的验证。添加了一个导入:

-- readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
import Text.Read (readMaybe)


fillPerson store = do  -- Either monad

  -- May fail with ‘IncompleteDataError’
  f <- string "firstName"
  l <- string "lastName"

  -- May fail with ‘IncompleteDataError’ *or* ‘IncorrectDataError’
  a <- int "age"

  pure Person
    { firstName = f
    , lastName = l
    , age = a


    string :: String -> Either Error String
    string key = maybeToEither IncompleteDataError (lookup key store)

    int :: String -> Either Error Int
    int key = do
      value <- string key  -- Reuse error handling from ‘string’
      maybeToEither (IncorrectDataError value) (readMaybe value)


"age" -> case reads value of
  [(value', "")] -> helper xs p{age=value'} (n + 1)
  _ -> Left (IncorrectValueError value)




fillPerson' :: [(String, String)] -> Either Error Person
fillPerson' = fillFields (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)

      -- Accumulator of firstName, lastName, and age.
      :: (Maybe String, Maybe String, Maybe Int)
      -- Remaining input keys to check.
      -> [(String, String)]
      -- Final result.
      -> Either Error Person

    -- Set firstName if not set.
    fillFields (Nothing, ml, ma) (("firstName", f) : kvs)
      = fillFields (Just f, ml, ma) kvs

    -- Set lastName if not set.
    fillFields (mf, Nothing, ma) (("lastName", l) : kvs)
      = fillFields (mf, Just l, ma) kvs

    -- Set age if not set, failing immediately if not a valid number.
    fillFields (mf, ml, Nothing) (("age", a) : kvs)
      | all (`elem` ['0'..'9']) a
      = fillFields (mf, ml, Just (read a)) kvs
      | otherwise
      = Left (IncorrectDataError a)

    -- Ignore redundant firstName.
    fillFields acc@(Just{}, ml, ma) (("firstName", _) : kvs)
      = fillFields acc kvs

    -- Ignore redundant lastName.
    fillFields acc@(mf, Just{}, ma) (("lastName", _) : kvs)
      = fillFields acc kvs

    -- Ignore redundant age.
    fillFields acc@(mf, ml, Just{}) (("age", _) : kvs)
      = fillFields acc kvs

    -- Ignore extra fields.
    fillFields acc (_ : kvs)
      = fillFields acc kvs

    -- If all fields are present anywhere in the input,
    -- we can finish early and successfully.
    fillFields (Just f, Just l, Just a) _
      = Right Person
        { firstName = f
        , lastName = l
        , age = a

    -- If any field is missing at the end, fail.
    fillFields __ []
      = Left IncompleteDataError


你能检查年龄字符串是否为数字格式吗?当然,写一个函数verify::string->Error Int,然后使用get age kv>>=verify。你能检查年龄字符串是否为数字格式吗?当然,编写一个函数verify::String->Error Int,然后使用get age kv>>=verify。
fillPerson' :: [(String, String)] -> Either Error Person
fillPerson' = fillFields (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)

      -- Accumulator of firstName, lastName, and age.
      :: (Maybe String, Maybe String, Maybe Int)
      -- Remaining input keys to check.
      -> [(String, String)]
      -- Final result.
      -> Either Error Person

    -- Set firstName if not set.
    fillFields (Nothing, ml, ma) (("firstName", f) : kvs)
      = fillFields (Just f, ml, ma) kvs

    -- Set lastName if not set.
    fillFields (mf, Nothing, ma) (("lastName", l) : kvs)
      = fillFields (mf, Just l, ma) kvs

    -- Set age if not set, failing immediately if not a valid number.
    fillFields (mf, ml, Nothing) (("age", a) : kvs)
      | all (`elem` ['0'..'9']) a
      = fillFields (mf, ml, Just (read a)) kvs
      | otherwise
      = Left (IncorrectDataError a)

    -- Ignore redundant firstName.
    fillFields acc@(Just{}, ml, ma) (("firstName", _) : kvs)
      = fillFields acc kvs

    -- Ignore redundant lastName.
    fillFields acc@(mf, Just{}, ma) (("lastName", _) : kvs)
      = fillFields acc kvs

    -- Ignore redundant age.
    fillFields acc@(mf, ml, Just{}) (("age", _) : kvs)
      = fillFields acc kvs

    -- Ignore extra fields.
    fillFields acc (_ : kvs)
      = fillFields acc kvs

    -- If all fields are present anywhere in the input,
    -- we can finish early and successfully.
    fillFields (Just f, Just l, Just a) _
      = Right Person
        { firstName = f
        , lastName = l
        , age = a

    -- If any field is missing at the end, fail.
    fillFields __ []
      = Left IncompleteDataError