Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/3/heroku/2.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
将Laravel部署到Heroku-Jeffrey Way的问题';发电机_Heroku_Laravel_Push - Fatal编程技术网

将Laravel部署到Heroku-Jeffrey Way的问题';发电机

将Laravel部署到Heroku-Jeffrey Way的问题';发电机,heroku,laravel,push,Heroku,Laravel,Push,所以,我正在尝试将我的Laravel项目部署到Heroku。 在我的供应商文件夹中,我安装了Jeffrey Way的发电机[/Vendor/Way]。而赫罗库似乎没有。当我运行git push heroku master时,我会得到以下结果 Initializing repository, done. Counting objects: 88, done. Delta compression using up to 8 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (73

所以,我正在尝试将我的Laravel项目部署到Heroku。 在我的供应商文件夹中,我安装了Jeffrey Way的发电机[/Vendor/Way]。而赫罗库似乎没有。当我运行git push heroku master时,我会得到以下结果

Initializing repository, done.
Counting objects: 88, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (73/73), done.
Writing objects: 100% (88/88), 34.47 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 88 (delta 4), reused 0 (delta 0)

-----> PHP app detected
-----> No runtime requirements in composer.json, defaulting to PHP 5.6.1.
-----> Installing system packages...
       - PHP 5.6.1
       - Apache 2.4.10
       - Nginx 1.6.0
-----> Installing PHP extensions...
       - zend-opcache (automatic; bundled, using 'ext-zend-opcache.ini')
-----> Installing dependencies...
       Composer version 73e9db5d9952d52a46ecbc20a269a8c5f9c5b011 2014-10-07 15:03:19
       Loading composer repositories with package information
       Installing dependencies from lock file
         - Installing symfony/translation (v2.5.5)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing symfony/security-core (v2.5.5)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing symfony/routing (v2.5.5)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing symfony/process (v2.5.5)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing symfony/http-foundation (v2.5.5)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing symfony/event-dispatcher (v2.5.5)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing symfony/debug (v2.5.5)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing psr/log (1.0.0)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing symfony/http-kernel (v2.5.5)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing symfony/finder (v2.5.5)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing symfony/dom-crawler (v2.5.5)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing symfony/css-selector (v2.5.5)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing symfony/console (v2.5.5)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing symfony/browser-kit (v2.5.5)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing swiftmailer/swiftmailer (v5.3.0)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing stack/builder (v1.0.2)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing predis/predis (v0.8.7)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing phpseclib/phpseclib (0.3.8)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing patchwork/utf8 (v1.1.25)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing nesbot/carbon (1.13.0)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing monolog/monolog (1.11.0)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing nikic/php-parser (v0.9.5)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing jeremeamia/superclosure (1.0.1)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing ircmaxell/password-compat (1.0.3)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing filp/whoops (1.1.2)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing d11wtq/boris (v1.0.8)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing symfony/filesystem (v2.5.5)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing classpreloader/classpreloader (1.0.2)
           Downloading: 100%         

         - Installing laravel/framework (v4.2.11)
           Downloading: 100%         

       Generating optimized autoload files
       PHP Fatal error:  Class 'Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider' not found in /tmp/build_5ed58964-00a1-4095-976d-3975a31d73d8/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/ProviderRepository.php on line 157
       {"error":{"type":"Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalErrorException","message":"Class 'Way\\Generators\\GeneratorsServiceProvider' not found","file":"\/tmp\/build_5ed58964-00a1-4095-976d-3975a31d73d8\/vendor\/laravel\/framework\/src\/Illuminate\/Foundation\/ProviderRepository.php","line":157}}Script php artisan clear-compiled handling the post-install-cmd event returned with an error

  Error Output: PHP Fatal error:  Class 'Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider' not found in /tmp/build_5ed58964-00a1-4095-976d-3975a31d73d8/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/ProviderRepository.php on line 157  

install [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--dry-run] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-plugins] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [packages1] ... [packagesN]

 !     Push rejected, failed to compile PHP app

To git@heroku.com:tranquil-shore-5073.git
 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 'git@heroku.com:tranquil-shore-1111.git'

$vagrant ssh

$cd code/webdev.local
$composer require way/generators--dev
4。根据您的幼体版本,将项目的composer.json“way/generators”更新为“dev master”或“2.*”或“~3.0”[例如:

"require-dev": {
        "way/generators": "dev-master"


php artisan

