Hibernate 为什么在本机查询中休眠惰性加载的子实体?

Hibernate 为什么在本机查询中休眠惰性加载的子实体?,hibernate,spring-data-jpa,Hibernate,Spring Data Jpa,我不明白,当我使用JPQL和JOIN fetch时,hibernate应该执行一个查询来连接子实体,但当我想使用本机查询并使用一个查询连接所有子实体时,hibernate仍然在其他查询中惰性地加载子实体。 我使用的是Spring数据2 使用本机查询时,我应该如何避免延迟加载或n+1查询 例如: @Query(value = "SELECT recipe.*, r_ing.*, ing.* FROM recipe recipe join " + " on recipe.id = r

我不明白,当我使用JPQL和JOIN fetch时,hibernate应该执行一个查询来连接子实体,但当我想使用本机查询并使用一个查询连接所有子实体时,hibernate仍然在其他查询中惰性地加载子实体。 我使用的是Spring数据2



@Query(value = "SELECT recipe.*, r_ing.*, ing.* FROM recipe recipe join " +
        " on recipe.id = r.recipe_id " +
        " LEFT JOIN recipe_ingredients r_ing on r.recipe_id = r_ing.recipe_id " +
        " LEFT JOIN ingredient ing on r_ing.ingredient_id = ing.id where ing.names in (:ingredientsNames)",
        countQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM recipe recipe join " +
                " on recipe.id = r.recipe_id " +
                " LEFT JOIN recipe_ingredients r_ing on r.recipe_id = r_ing.recipe_id " +
                " LEFT JOIN ingredient ing on r_ing.ingredient_id = ing.id where ing.names in (:ingredientsNames)",
        nativeQuery = true
Page<Recipe> findAllByIngredientsNames(List<String> ingredientsNames, Pageable page);

public class Recipe {
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "recipe", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
    private List<RecipeIngredients> ingredients;
public class RecipeIngredients implements Serializable {

    private RecipeIngredientsId recipeIngredientsId;

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    private Recipe recipe;

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE})
        private Ingredient ingredient;

public class Ingredient {

    @Column(unique = true)
    private String name;

对于本机查询,Hibernate不知道如何映射高级数据。在您的例子中,您有一个获取配方实体的请求,实体映射器知道如何从SELECT*from Recipe中提取结果。但Components属性是反向映射,它是作为一个惰性的init集合实现的,后面是查询。这就是JPA和Spring数据为您所做的,但它们不够聪明,无法自动理解并进一步映射它,从而急切地将查询结果映射到集合属性




public class FullRecipeProjection {
    private final Integer recipeId; 
    private final Integer recipeIngredientsId;
    private final Integer ingredientId
    private final Integer ingredientName 

    /* Full-arg-constructor */
    public FullRecipeProjection (Integer recipeId, Integer recipeIngredientsId, Integer ingredientId, String ingredientName) {...}


@Query(value = "SELECT new FullRecipeProjection(recipe.recipeId, r_ing.recipeIngredientsId, ing.ingredientId, ing.IngredientName) FROM recipe recipe join " +
        " on recipe.id = r.recipe_id " +
        " LEFT JOIN recipe_ingredients r_ing on r.recipe_id = r_ing.recipe_id " +
        " LEFT JOIN ingredient ing on r_ing.ingredient_id = ing.id where ing.names in (:ingredientsNames)",
        countQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM recipe recipe join " +
                " on recipe.id = r.recipe_id " +
                " LEFT JOIN recipe_ingredients r_ing on r.recipe_id = r_ing.recipe_id " +
                " LEFT JOIN ingredient ing on r_ing.ingredient_id = ing.id where ing.names in (:ingredientsNames)",
        nativeQuery = true
List<FullRecipeProjection> findAllByIngredientsNames(List<String> ingredientsNames);

final List<FullRecipeProjection> data = repository.findAllByIngredientsNames(ingredientsNames);

final List<FullRecipe> results = data
    // extracting distinct identities of recipes, you have fetched  
    // now we have unique key for the data and can map it
    .map(it -> 
         new FullRecipe(
             // extracting all ingredients, which  were fetched in rows with references to recipe.
                 .filter(o -> o.recipeId.equals(it))
                 .map(ing -> new IngredientProjection(ing.ingredientId, ing.ingredientName))
    .collect(Collectors.toList()) ; 


final List<FullRecipeProjection> data = repository.findAllByIngredientsNames(ingredientsNames);

final List<FullRecipe> results = data
    // extracting distinct identities of recipes, you have fetched  
    // now we have unique key for the data and can map it
    .map(it -> 
         new FullRecipe(
             // extracting all ingredients, which  were fetched in rows with references to recipe.
                 .filter(o -> o.recipeId.equals(it))
                 .map(ing -> new IngredientProjection(ing.ingredientId, ing.ingredientName))
    .collect(Collectors.toList()) ;