
尝试指定要检索的字段时,Hibernate出现奇怪的错误,hibernate,hql,Hibernate,Hql,我试图在HQL select中指定所需的字段。但当我这么做的时候,我总是遇到这个奇怪的问题 错误消息 正如您所看到的,我的HQL当前设置为给出错误的那个。但那个被注释掉的很好用 //SQL = "from Staff where (surnameSearch is not null) and not (nvl(teleDirectory,'xxx') IN ('N','S','D')) and not (telephoneNumber IS NULL AND alias IS NULL)

我试图在HQL select中指定所需的字段。但当我这么做的时候,我总是遇到这个奇怪的问题



    //SQL = "from Staff where (surnameSearch is not null) and not (nvl(teleDirectory,'xxx') IN ('N','S','D')) and not (telephoneNumber IS NULL AND alias IS NULL) and (aliasList = 'Y' OR (teleDirectory IN ('A','B'))) and ((nvl(systemIdEnd,sysdate+1) > SYSDATE and entityType = 'P') or (entityType = 'N')) and (departmentSearch NOT like 'SPONSOR%')";
    SQL = "select staffId, parentId, entityType, title, firstname, surname, telephoneNumber, department, role from Staff where (surnameSearch is not null) and not (nvl(teleDirectory,'xxx') IN ('N','S','D')) and not (telephoneNumber IS NULL AND alias IS NULL) and (aliasList = 'Y' OR (teleDirectory IN ('A','B'))) and ((nvl(systemIdEnd,sysdate+1) > SYSDATE and entityType = 'P') or (entityType = 'N')) and (departmentSearch NOT like 'SPONSOR%')";

    SQL = "select staff.staffId, staff.parentId, staff.entityType, staff.title, staff.firstname, staff.surname, staff.telephoneNumber, staff.department, staff.role from Staff staff where (surnameSearch is not null) and not (nvl(teleDirectory,'xxx') IN ('N','S','D')) and not (telephoneNumber IS NULL AND alias IS NULL) and (aliasList = 'Y' OR (teleDirectory IN ('A','B'))) and ((nvl(systemIdEnd,sysdate+1) > SYSDATE and entityType = 'P') or (entityType = 'N')) and (departmentSearch NOT like 'SPONSOR%')";

我的hbm XML的片段



您已将staffid映射到列telsum\u id:


    SQL = "select staff.staffId, staff.parentId, staff.entityType, staff.title, staff.firstname, staff.surname, staff.telephoneNumber, staff.department, staff.role from Staff staff where (surnameSearch is not null) and not (nvl(teleDirectory,'xxx') IN ('N','S','D')) and not (telephoneNumber IS NULL AND alias IS NULL) and (aliasList = 'Y' OR (teleDirectory IN ('A','B'))) and ((nvl(systemIdEnd,sysdate+1) > SYSDATE and entityType = 'P') or (entityType = 'N')) and (departmentSearch NOT like 'SPONSOR%')";
public class Staff {
    Integer pk;
    String staffId;
    String parentId;
    String entityType;
    String title;
    String firstname;
    String surname;
    String telephoneNumber;
    String department;
    String role;

    String alias;
    String aliasList;
    String departmentSearch;
    String firstnameSearch;
    String roleSearch;
    String surnameSearch;
    String surnameLikeSearch;
    Date systemIdEnd;
    String teleDirectory;

    public Integer getPk() {
        return pk;
    public void setPk(Integer pk) {
        this.pk = pk;

    public String getStaffId() {
        return staffId;
    public void setStaffId(String staffId) {
        this.staffId = staffId;
    <class name="org.flinders.staffdirectory.models.database.Staff" table="teld_summary">
        <id name="pk" column="telsumm_pk" />
        <property name="staffId" column="telsumm_id" />
<property name="staffId" column="telsumm_id" />