Html twitter引导:如何在单行中对齐引导选项卡

Html twitter引导:如何在单行中对齐引导选项卡,html,css,twitter-bootstrap,twitter-bootstrap-3,Html,Css,Twitter Bootstrap,Twitter Bootstrap 3,这是我的标签菜单的屏幕截图 但如果选项卡菜单项有更多项,则跳到下一行 代码 <div class="row col-lg-12"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#home">Home</a></li> <li><a data-toggle




<div class="row col-lg-12">
    <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
            <li class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#home">Home</a></li>
            <li><a data-toggle="tab" href="#menu1">Menu 1</a></li>
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  • ......



.包装纸{ 位置:相对位置; 保证金:0自动; 溢出:隐藏; 填充物:5px; 高度:50px; } .名单{ 位置:绝对位置; 左:0px; 顶部:0px; 最小宽度:3000px; 左边距:12px; 边际上限:0px; } 李先生{ 显示:表格单元格; 位置:相对位置; 文本对齐:居中; 光标:抓取; 光标:-webkit抓取; 颜色:#efefef; 垂直对齐:中间对齐; } .卷轴{ 文本对齐:居中; 光标:指针; 显示:无; 填充:7px; 填充顶部:11px; 空白:无换行; 垂直对齐:中间对齐; 背景色:#fff; } .右滚动条{ 浮动:对; } .左滚动条{ 浮动:左; } 可变宽度; var scrollBarWidths=40; var widthOfList=函数(){ var itemsWidth=0; $('.list li')。每个(函数(){ var itemWidth=$(this).outerWidth(); itemsWidth+=itemWidth; }); 返回项目swidth; }; var widthOfHidden=函数(){ 返回($('.wrapper').outerWidth())-widthOfList()-getLeftPosi())-scrollBarWidths; }; var getLeftPosi=函数(){ 返回$('.list').position().left; }; 变量重新调整=函数(){ 如果(($('.wrapper').outerWidth())if(getLeftPosi()可以将其扩展到所需的列数。它需要添加一个less函数


@grid-columns:              12;

// Grid system
// --------------------------------------------------

// Set the container width, and override it for fixed navbars in media queries
.container {

// mobile first defaults
.row {

// Common styles for small and large grid columns
.col-lg-18 {
  position: relative;
  // Prevent columns from collapsing when empty
  min-height: 1px;
  // Inner gutter via padding
  padding-left:  (@grid-gutter-width / 2);
  padding-right: (@grid-gutter-width / 2);

// Extra small grid
// Grid classes for extra small devices like smartphones. No offset, push, or
// pull classes are present here due to the size of the target.
// Note that `.col-xs-12` doesn't get floated on purpose—there's no need since
// it's full-width.

.col-xs-17 {
  float: left;
.col-xs-1  { width: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-2  { width: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-3  { width: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-4  { width: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-5  { width: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-6  { width: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-7  { width: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-8  { width: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-9  { width: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-10 { width: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-11 { width: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-12 { width: 100%; }

// Small grid
// Columns, offsets, pushes, and pulls for the small device range, from phones
// to tablets.
// Note that `.col-sm-12` doesn't get floated on purpose—there's no need since
// it's full-width.

@media (min-width: @screen-tablet) {
  .container {
    max-width: @container-tablet;

.col-sm-17 {
  float: left;
  .col-sm-1  { width: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-2  { width: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-3  { width: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-4  { width: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-5  { width: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-6  { width: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-7  { width: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-8  { width: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-9  { width: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-10 { width: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-11 { width: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-12 { width: percentage((12/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-13 { width: percentage((13/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-14 { width: percentage((14/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-15 { width: percentage((15/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-17 { width: percentage((16/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-17 { width: percentage((17/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-18 { width: 100%; }

  // Push and pull columns for source order changes
  .col-sm-push-1  { left: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-2  { left: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-3  { left: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-4  { left: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-5  { left: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-6  { left: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-7  { left: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-8  { left: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-9  { left: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-10 { left: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-11 { left: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }

  .col-sm-pull-1  { right: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-2  { right: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-3  { right: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-4  { right: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-5  { right: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-6  { right: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-7  { right: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-8  { right: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-9  { right: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-10 { right: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-11 { right: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }

  // Offsets
  .col-sm-offset-1  { margin-left: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-2  { margin-left: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-3  { margin-left: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-4  { margin-left: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-5  { margin-left: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-6  { margin-left: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-7  { margin-left: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-8  { margin-left: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-9  { margin-left: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-10 { margin-left: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-11 { margin-left: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }

// Medium grid
// Columns, offsets, pushes, and pulls for the desktop device range.
// Note that `.col-md-12` doesn't get floated on purpose—there's no need since
// it's full-width.

@media (min-width: @screen-desktop) {
  .container {
    max-width: @container-desktop;
  .col-md-17 {
    float: left;
  .col-md-1  { width: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-2  { width: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-3  { width: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-4  { width: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-5  { width: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-6  { width: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-7  { width: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-8  { width: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-9  { width: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-10 { width: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-11 { width: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-12 { width: percentage((12/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-13 { width: percentage((13/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-14 { width: percentage((14/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-15 { width: percentage((15/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-17 { width: percentage((16/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-17 { width: percentage((17/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-18 { width: 100%; }

  // Push and pull columns for source order changes
  .col-md-push-0  { left: auto; }
  .col-md-push-1  { left: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-2  { left: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-3  { left: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-4  { left: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-5  { left: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-6  { left: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-7  { left: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-8  { left: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-9  { left: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-10 { left: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-11 { left: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }

  .col-md-pull-0  { right: auto; }
  .col-md-pull-1  { right: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-2  { right: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-3  { right: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-4  { right: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-5  { right: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-6  { right: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-7  { right: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-8  { right: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-9  { right: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-10 { right: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-11 { right: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }

  // Offsets
  .col-md-offset-0  { margin-left: 0; }
  .col-md-offset-1  { margin-left: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-2  { margin-left: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-3  { margin-left: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-4  { margin-left: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-5  { margin-left: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-6  { margin-left: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-7  { margin-left: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-8  { margin-left: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-9  { margin-left: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-10 { margin-left: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-11 { margin-left: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }

// Large grid
// Columns, offsets, pushes, and pulls for the large desktop device range.
// Note that `.col-lg-12` doesn't get floated on purpose—there's no need since
// it's full-width.

@media (min-width: @screen-lg-desktop) {
  .container {
    max-width: @container-lg-desktop;

  .col-lg-17 {
    float: left;
  .col-lg-1  { width: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-2  { width: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-3  { width: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-4  { width: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-5  { width: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-6  { width: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-7  { width: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-8  { width: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-9  { width: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-10 { width: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-11 { width: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-12 { width: percentage((12/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-13 { width: percentage((13/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-14 { width: percentage((14/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-15 { width: percentage((15/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-16 { width: percentage((16/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-17 { width: percentage((17/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-18 { width: 100%; }

  // Push and pull columns for source order changes
  .col-lg-push-0  { left: auto; }
  .col-lg-push-1  { left: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-2  { left: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-3  { left: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-4  { left: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-5  { left: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-6  { left: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-7  { left: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-8  { left: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-9  { left: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-10 { left: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-11 { left: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }

  .col-lg-pull-0  { right: auto; }
  .col-lg-pull-1  { right: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-2  { right: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-3  { right: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-4  { right: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-5  { right: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-6  { right: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-7  { right: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-8  { right: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-9  { right: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-10 { right: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-11 { right: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }

  // Offsets
  .col-lg-offset-0  { margin-left: 0; }
  .col-lg-offset-1  { margin-left: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-2  { margin-left: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-3  { margin-left: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-4  { margin-left: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-5  { margin-left: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-6  { margin-left: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-7  { margin-left: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-8  { margin-left: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-9  { margin-left: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-10 { margin-left: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-11 { margin-left: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }

// Grid system
// --------------------------------------------------

// Set the container width, and override it for fixed navbars in media queries
.container {

// mobile first defaults
.row {

// Common styles for small and large grid columns
.col-lg-18 {
  position: relative;
  // Prevent columns from collapsing when empty
  min-height: 1px;
  // Inner gutter via padding
  padding-left:  (@grid-gutter-width / 2);
  padding-right: (@grid-gutter-width / 2);

// Extra small grid
// Grid classes for extra small devices like smartphones. No offset, push, or
// pull classes are present here due to the size of the target.
// Note that `.col-xs-12` doesn't get floated on purpose—there's no need since
// it's full-width.

.col-xs-17 {
  float: left;
.col-xs-1  { width: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-2  { width: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-3  { width: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-4  { width: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-5  { width: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-6  { width: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-7  { width: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-8  { width: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-9  { width: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-10 { width: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-11 { width: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }
.col-xs-12 { width: 100%; }

// Small grid
// Columns, offsets, pushes, and pulls for the small device range, from phones
// to tablets.
// Note that `.col-sm-12` doesn't get floated on purpose—there's no need since
// it's full-width.

@media (min-width: @screen-tablet) {
  .container {
    max-width: @container-tablet;

.col-sm-17 {
  float: left;
  .col-sm-1  { width: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-2  { width: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-3  { width: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-4  { width: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-5  { width: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-6  { width: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-7  { width: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-8  { width: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-9  { width: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-10 { width: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-11 { width: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-12 { width: percentage((12/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-13 { width: percentage((13/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-14 { width: percentage((14/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-15 { width: percentage((15/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-17 { width: percentage((16/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-17 { width: percentage((17/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-18 { width: 100%; }

  // Push and pull columns for source order changes
  .col-sm-push-1  { left: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-2  { left: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-3  { left: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-4  { left: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-5  { left: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-6  { left: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-7  { left: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-8  { left: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-9  { left: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-10 { left: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-push-11 { left: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }

  .col-sm-pull-1  { right: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-2  { right: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-3  { right: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-4  { right: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-5  { right: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-6  { right: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-7  { right: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-8  { right: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-9  { right: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-10 { right: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-pull-11 { right: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }

  // Offsets
  .col-sm-offset-1  { margin-left: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-2  { margin-left: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-3  { margin-left: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-4  { margin-left: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-5  { margin-left: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-6  { margin-left: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-7  { margin-left: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-8  { margin-left: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-9  { margin-left: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-10 { margin-left: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-sm-offset-11 { margin-left: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }

// Medium grid
// Columns, offsets, pushes, and pulls for the desktop device range.
// Note that `.col-md-12` doesn't get floated on purpose—there's no need since
// it's full-width.

@media (min-width: @screen-desktop) {
  .container {
    max-width: @container-desktop;
  .col-md-17 {
    float: left;
  .col-md-1  { width: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-2  { width: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-3  { width: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-4  { width: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-5  { width: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-6  { width: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-7  { width: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-8  { width: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-9  { width: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-10 { width: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-11 { width: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-12 { width: percentage((12/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-13 { width: percentage((13/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-14 { width: percentage((14/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-15 { width: percentage((15/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-17 { width: percentage((16/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-17 { width: percentage((17/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-18 { width: 100%; }

  // Push and pull columns for source order changes
  .col-md-push-0  { left: auto; }
  .col-md-push-1  { left: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-2  { left: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-3  { left: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-4  { left: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-5  { left: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-6  { left: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-7  { left: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-8  { left: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-9  { left: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-10 { left: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-push-11 { left: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }

  .col-md-pull-0  { right: auto; }
  .col-md-pull-1  { right: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-2  { right: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-3  { right: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-4  { right: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-5  { right: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-6  { right: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-7  { right: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-8  { right: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-9  { right: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-10 { right: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-pull-11 { right: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }

  // Offsets
  .col-md-offset-0  { margin-left: 0; }
  .col-md-offset-1  { margin-left: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-2  { margin-left: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-3  { margin-left: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-4  { margin-left: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-5  { margin-left: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-6  { margin-left: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-7  { margin-left: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-8  { margin-left: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-9  { margin-left: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-10 { margin-left: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-md-offset-11 { margin-left: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }

// Large grid
// Columns, offsets, pushes, and pulls for the large desktop device range.
// Note that `.col-lg-12` doesn't get floated on purpose—there's no need since
// it's full-width.

@media (min-width: @screen-lg-desktop) {
  .container {
    max-width: @container-lg-desktop;

  .col-lg-17 {
    float: left;
  .col-lg-1  { width: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-2  { width: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-3  { width: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-4  { width: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-5  { width: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-6  { width: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-7  { width: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-8  { width: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-9  { width: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-10 { width: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-11 { width: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-12 { width: percentage((12/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-13 { width: percentage((13/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-14 { width: percentage((14/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-15 { width: percentage((15/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-16 { width: percentage((16/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-17 { width: percentage((17/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-18 { width: 100%; }

  // Push and pull columns for source order changes
  .col-lg-push-0  { left: auto; }
  .col-lg-push-1  { left: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-2  { left: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-3  { left: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-4  { left: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-5  { left: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-6  { left: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-7  { left: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-8  { left: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-9  { left: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-10 { left: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-push-11 { left: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }

  .col-lg-pull-0  { right: auto; }
  .col-lg-pull-1  { right: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-2  { right: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-3  { right: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-4  { right: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-5  { right: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-6  { right: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-7  { right: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-8  { right: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-9  { right: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-10 { right: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-pull-11 { right: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }

  // Offsets
  .col-lg-offset-0  { margin-left: 0; }
  .col-lg-offset-1  { margin-left: percentage((1 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-2  { margin-left: percentage((2 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-3  { margin-left: percentage((3 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-4  { margin-left: percentage((4 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-5  { margin-left: percentage((5 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-6  { margin-left: percentage((6 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-7  { margin-left: percentage((7 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-8  { margin-left: percentage((8 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-9  { margin-left: percentage((9 / @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-10 { margin-left: percentage((10/ @grid-columns)); }
  .col-lg-offset-11 { margin-left: percentage((11/ @grid-columns)); }