
为iOS定制BottomAppBar中的晶圆厂,ios,floating-action-button,material-components-ios,Ios,Floating Action Button,Material Components Ios,现在我想知道如何为iOS做同样的事情 实际上,我需要更改fabCradleDiameter,fabCradleRoundedCornerRadius,fabCradleVerticalOffset和FAB radius 上面的文章显示,在Android上,它是通过一些布局xml中的app:*参数完成的。但是在iOS中没有这样的xml。在iOS touch中查看如何在执行时创建组件,要做到这一点,请按以下方式执行: var bottomAppBar: MDCBottomAppBarView {


和FAB radius


在iOS touch中查看如何在执行时创建组件,要做到这一点,请按以下方式执行:

 var bottomAppBar: MDCBottomAppBarView {
            let bottomAppBar = MDCBottomAppBarView()
            // background color Bottom App Bar
            bottomAppBar.barTintColor = UIColor(named: "Teal")
            // Image floatingButton
            bottomAppBar.floatingButton.setImage(UIImage(named: "CloudUpload"), for: .normal)
            // Background color floatingButton
            bottomAppBar.floatingButton.backgroundColor = UIColor(named: "Gray600")
            // here you define the size of the bottom app bar, in my case I define the size based on a view that I added to the ViewController
            let size = bottomAppBar.sizeThatFits(self.containerView.bounds.size)
            bottomAppBar.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: size.width, height: size.height) 

            // The following lines of code are to define the buttons on the right and left side
            let barButtonLeadingItem = UIBarButtonItem(
                image: UIImage(named:"IconName"), // Icon
                style: .plain,
                target: self,
                action: #selector(self.onMenuButtonTapped))

            let barButtonTrailingItem = UIBarButtonItem(
                image: UIImage(named: "IconName"), // Icon
                style: .plain,
                target: self,
                action: #selector(self.onNavigationButtonTapped))
            bottomAppBar.leadingBarButtonItems = [barButtonLeadingItem]
            bottomAppBar.trailingBarButtonItems = [barButtonTrailingItem]
            return bottomAppBar
 // Add bottombar to view

注意:以上代码在Swift 5.0中测试

在iOS touch中查找以在执行时创建组件,要执行,请按以下方式执行:

 var bottomAppBar: MDCBottomAppBarView {
            let bottomAppBar = MDCBottomAppBarView()
            // background color Bottom App Bar
            bottomAppBar.barTintColor = UIColor(named: "Teal")
            // Image floatingButton
            bottomAppBar.floatingButton.setImage(UIImage(named: "CloudUpload"), for: .normal)
            // Background color floatingButton
            bottomAppBar.floatingButton.backgroundColor = UIColor(named: "Gray600")
            // here you define the size of the bottom app bar, in my case I define the size based on a view that I added to the ViewController
            let size = bottomAppBar.sizeThatFits(self.containerView.bounds.size)
            bottomAppBar.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: size.width, height: size.height) 

            // The following lines of code are to define the buttons on the right and left side
            let barButtonLeadingItem = UIBarButtonItem(
                image: UIImage(named:"IconName"), // Icon
                style: .plain,
                target: self,
                action: #selector(self.onMenuButtonTapped))

            let barButtonTrailingItem = UIBarButtonItem(
                image: UIImage(named: "IconName"), // Icon
                style: .plain,
                target: self,
                action: #selector(self.onNavigationButtonTapped))
            bottomAppBar.leadingBarButtonItems = [barButtonLeadingItem]
            bottomAppBar.trailingBarButtonItems = [barButtonTrailingItem]
            return bottomAppBar
 // Add bottombar to view

注意:以上代码在Swift 5.0中测试
