Ios 特定时间段的本地通知取消

Ios 特定时间段的本地通知取消,ios,swift,local,uilocalnotification,Ios,Swift,Local,Uilocalnotification,我想在某个特定时间发出本地通知,就像水通知一样。 和用户一样,用户可以设置每2小时的起床时间和上床时间n饮水通知,那么我如何设置从上床到起床时间之间的时间,我的本地通知获胜;t火灾,但通知将每2小时火灾一次 请帮帮我。 谢谢您所能做的就是获得唤醒时间和睡眠时间之间的时间,以及您希望发出通知的频率 首先,您需要创建一个本地通知,该通知每天在特定时间重复 func createNotification(title: String, body: String, hour: Int, repeats:

我想在某个特定时间发出本地通知,就像水通知一样。 和用户一样,用户可以设置每2小时的起床时间和上床时间n饮水通知,那么我如何设置从上床到起床时间之间的时间,我的本地通知获胜;t火灾,但通知将每2小时火灾一次




func createNotification(title: String, body: String, hour: Int, repeats: Bool, identifier: String) {
    let calendar = Calendar.current
    let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()
    content.title = title
    content.body = body

    let today = Date()
    let futureDate = .hour, value: hour, to: today)
    let hourComponent = calendar.dateComponents([.hour], from: futureDate!)
    let trigger = UNCalendarNotificationTrigger(dateMatching: hourComponent, repeats: repeats)
    let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: identifier, content: content, trigger: trigger)
    center.add(request, withCompletionHandler: {(error) in })


    let calendar = Calendar.current
    //set the wakeup and sleep hour
    let wakeupHour = 6 //6am
    let sleepHour = 18 // 6pm
    //Obtain starting time using date components
    let wakeup = DateComponents(calendar: calendar, hour: wakeupHour)
    //Obtain ending time using date components
    let sleep = DateComponents(calendar: calendar, hour: sleepHour)
    //calculate the number of hours between the two time
    //obtain number of hour difference
    let hourDifference = calendar.dateComponents([.hour], from: wakeup, to: sleep)
    //how many hours do you want
    let frequency:Int = 2
    //how many notifications will there be between the wakeup and sleeptime
    let numberOfNotifications:Int = hourDifference.hour! / frequency
    //create the notifications
    for num in 1...numberOfNotifications {
        //hour that each notification will fire off
        let hour = wakeupHour + frequency * num
           createNotification(title: "Drink Up", body: "Drink Up", hour:  hour, repeats: true, identifier: "drink\(hour)")

