集成ArcGIS';ios swift xcode应用程序的s时间滑块工具

集成ArcGIS';ios swift xcode应用程序的s时间滑块工具,ios,swift,arcgis,Ios,Swift,Arcgis,在我的移动应用程序中显示timeslider时出现问题 我已经安装了arcgis运行时工具包,看起来一切正常,但时间滑块没有显示 类MapViewController:UIViewController{ private var map = AGSMap(basemap: AGSBasemap.topographic()) private var timeSlider = TimeSlider() struct EphemeralCacheKeys { static let newS




private var map = AGSMap(basemap: AGSBasemap.topographic())
private var timeSlider = TimeSlider()

struct EphemeralCacheKeys {
    static let newSpatialFeature = "MapViewController.newFeature.spatial"
    static let newNonSpatialFeature = "MapViewController.newFeature.nonspatial"
    static let newRelatedRecord = "MapViewController.newRelatedRecord"

enum MapViewMode: Equatable {
    case defaultView
    case disabled
    case selectedFeature(featureLoaded: Bool)
    case selectingFeature
    case offlineMask

weak var delegate: MapViewControllerDelegate?

let changeHandler = AppContextChangeHandler()

@IBOutlet weak var mapView: AGSMapView!
@IBOutlet weak var smallPopupView: ShrinkingView!
@IBOutlet weak var popupsContainerView: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var addPopupRelatedRecordButton: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var selectView: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var pinDropView: PinDropView!
weak var activityBarView: ActivityBarView!
@IBOutlet weak var slideNotificationView: SlideNotificationView!
@IBOutlet weak var compassView: CompassView!
@IBOutlet weak var reloadMapButton: UIButton!

@IBOutlet weak var relatedRecordHeaderLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var relatedRecordSubheaderLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var relatedRecordsNLabel: UILabel!

@IBOutlet var selectViewTopConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
@IBOutlet weak var selectViewHeaderLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var selectViewSubheaderLabel: UILabel!

var maskViewController: MaskViewController!
@IBOutlet weak var maskViewContainer: UIView!

var featureDetailViewBottomConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!

var visibleAreaObserver: NSKeyValueObservation?

var identifyOperation: AGSCancelable?

var mapViewMode: MapViewMode = .defaultView {
    didSet {
        adjustForMapViewMode(from: oldValue, to: mapViewMode)

override func viewDidLoad() {

    mapView.map = map

    // Configure time slider
    timeSlider.isHidden = true
    timeSlider.labelMode = .ticks
    timeSlider.addTarget(self, action: #selector(MapViewController.timeSliderValueChanged(timeSlider:)), for: .valueChanged)

    // Add constraints to position the slider
    let margin: CGFloat = 10.0
    timeSlider.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
    timeSlider.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: mapView.attributionTopAnchor, constant: -margin).isActive = true
    timeSlider.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.leadingAnchor, constant: margin).isActive = true
    timeSlider.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.trailingAnchor, constant: -margin).isActive = true

self.timeSlider.initializeTimeProperties(geoView: self.mapView, observeGeoView: true, completion: { [weak self] (error) in

// Make sure self is around
guard let self = self else {

// If time slider fails to init then
// return with an error.
guard error == nil else {

// Show the time slider
self.timeSlider.isHidden = false

    // Assign the map view touch delegate and other configurations.

    // Builds and constrains the activity view to the map view.

    // Ensure the map view attribution bar top auto layout constraint is attached to the small pop-up view.

    // Set up the small pop-up view.

    // Set initial map view mode.
    adjustForMapViewMode(from: nil, to: mapViewMode)

    // Associate the compass view to the map view.
    compassView.mapView = mapView

    // Begin listening to changes to the app context.

    // Load map from the app context.

    // Adjust location display for app location authorization status. If location authorized is undetermined, this will prompt the user for authorization.

    // If device is not reachable upon launch, inform the end-user.

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {


@IBAction func userRequestsReloadMap(_ sender: Any) {

@IBAction func userRequestsAddNewRelatedRecord(_ sender: Any) {

    assert(currentPopupManager != nil, "This function should not be reached if a popup is not currently selected.")

    guard let manager = currentPopupManager, let relationships = manager.richPopup.relationships, let relationship = relationships.oneToMany.first else {
        present(simpleAlertMessage: "Unable to add a new related record.")

    let relatedManager: RichPopupManager

    do {
        relatedManager = try manager.buildRichPopupManagerForNewOneToManyRecord(for: relationship)
    catch {
        present(simpleAlertMessage: "Unable to add a new related record. \(error.localizedDescription)")

    SVProgressHUD.show(withStatus: String(format: "Creating new %@.", (relatedManager.title ?? "related record")))

    relationships.load { [weak self] (error) in


        guard let self = self else { return }

        guard error == nil else {
            self.present(simpleAlertMessage: error!.localizedDescription)

        EphemeralCache.set(object: relatedManager, forKey: EphemeralCacheKeys.newRelatedRecord)

        self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "modallyPresentRelatedRecordsPopupViewController", sender: nil)

// MARK: Current Pop-Up

private(set) var currentPopupManager: RichPopupManager?

func setCurrentPopup(popup: RichPopup) {

    // Clear existing selection

    // Build new rich popup manager.
    currentPopupManager = RichPopupManager(richPopup: popup)

func clearCurrentPopup() {

    // Clear existing selection.

    // Nullify current popup manager.
    currentPopupManager = nil

override func shouldPerformSegue(withIdentifier identifier: String, sender: Any?) -> Bool {

    if identifier == "modallyPresentRelatedRecordsPopupViewController" {
        return currentPopupManager != nil

    return true

override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {

    if let destination = segue.navigationDestination as? RichPopupViewController {

        if let newPopup = EphemeralCache.get(objectForKey: EphemeralCacheKeys.newSpatialFeature) as? RichPopup {
            setCurrentPopup(popup: newPopup)
            destination.popupManager = currentPopupManager!
            destination.setEditing(true, animated: false)
            mapViewMode = .selectedFeature(featureLoaded: false)
        else if let popupManager = EphemeralCache.get(objectForKey: EphemeralCacheKeys.newRelatedRecord) as? RichPopupManager {
            destination.popupManager = popupManager
            destination.setEditing(true, animated: false)
            destination.shouldLoadRichPopupRelatedRecords = false
        else if let currentPopupManager = currentPopupManager {
            destination.popupManager = currentPopupManager
        else {
            assertionFailure("A rich popup view controller should not present if any of the above scenarios are not met.")
    else if let destination = segue.destination as? MaskViewController {
        maskViewController = destination

private func displayInitialReachabilityMessage() {

    if !appReachability.isReachable {
        displayReachabilityMessage(isReachable: false)

private func displayReachabilityMessage(isReachable reachable: Bool) {
    let connectionMessage = String(format: "Device %@ connection to the network.", (reachable ? "gained" : "lost"))
    slideNotificationView.showLabel(withNotificationMessage: connectionMessage, forDuration: 6.0)

func subscribeToAppContextChanges() {

    let currentMapChange: AppContextChange = .currentMap { [weak self] currentMap in

        guard let self = self else { return }

        self.mapViewMode = .defaultView
        self.mapView.map = currentMap

    let locationAuthorizationChange: AppContextChange = .locationAuthorization { [weak self] authorized in

    let workModeChange: AppContextChange = .workMode { [weak self] workMode in

        guard let self = self else { return }

        let color: UIColor = (workMode == .online) ? .primary : .offline

        self.activityBarView.colors = (color.lighter, color.darker)
        self.slideNotificationView.messageBackgroundColor = (workMode == .online) ? UIColor.primary.lighter : UIColor.offline.darker
        self.slideNotificationView.messageTextColor = .contrasting

    let reachabilityChange: AppContextChange = .reachability { [weak self] reachable in
        self?.displayReachabilityMessage(isReachable: reachable)

    changeHandler.subscribe(toChanges: [currentMapChange, locationAuthorizationChange, workModeChange, reachabilityChange])
} public func initializeTimeSteps(timeStepCount:Int,fullExtent:AGSTimeExtent,completion:@escaping(Error?)->Void){ }

} 私有函数错误(u错误:错误){ 让alertController=UIAlertController(标题:“错误”,消息:Error.localizedDescription,首选样式:。警报) addAction(UIAlertAction(标题:“确定”,样式:。默认,处理程序:nil)) 存在(alertController,动画:真) } }

@objc func timeSliderValueChanged(timeSlider: TimeSlider) {
    if mapView.timeExtent != timeSlider.currentExtent {
        mapView.timeExtent = timeSlider.currentExtent