
用Java生成数独,java,sudoku,Java,Sudoku,我在java编程方面有一些问题。这是我第一次遇到java,所以请耐心等待,因为我可能会错过一些基本的东西。总之,长话短说,我有数独游戏要做,我遇到了五个问题。我需要随机数来制作数独板,或者更确切地说是它的值 如果你不知道数独是关于什么的,那么只能有1-9的数字,而且它们不能在行、列和3x3正方形中重复。电路板本身是9x9,因此可以分成9个3x3的正方形 主要问题是,随机生成的值有时会使模式无法解决。因此,我试图重复随机抽取那些不可能解决的线,以避免这些情况,但正如我所经历的,我不能这样做。这是代




import java.util.Random;

public class tabela {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
      boolean bylo[] = new boolean[10];//this array tells me if the number is avalible to pick

      boolean wysw[][] = new boolean[9][9];//not used yet it is ment to be used while displaying array in GUI
      int tabela[][] = new int[9][9];//here will be generated values of sudoku

      for(int i=0; i<9;i++)
          for(int j=0;j<9;j++)
               tabela[i][j]=0; //filling array with 0s

      for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {

             // System.out.print("a"); <- debugging tools
          out:for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
                  for (int h = 0; h < 10; h++)
                      bylo[h] = false;
                      int zaokr1 = i + 1, zaokr2 = j + 1; //setting values other than j and i +1 
                      int resz;                           //bcouse i want to set values divided by 3 
                      if (zaokr1 % 3 != 0) { //
                          resz = i % 3;
                          zaokr1 = zaokr1 + (3 - resz);//rounding up to 3 to determine in which 3x3 square we are
                      if (zaokr2 % 3 != 0) {            // 1 2 3
                          resz = j % 3;                 // 4 5 6
                          zaokr2 = zaokr2 + (3 - resz); // 7 8 9

                      int c = i, d = j;               //Here i take agan values from i and j 
                      while (c > 0) {                 //
                          c--;                        //and i set values of numbers in column true to 
                          bylo[tabela[c][d]] = true;  //reroll them later
                      c = i;d = j;                    //same here
                      while (d > 0) {                 //
                          d--;                        //this time for rows
                          bylo[tabela[c][d]] = true;  //

                      if (zaokr1 / 3 == 1 && zaokr2 / 3 == 1) //those are 3x3 squares from 1 - 9(
                                                              //this is first one

                          bylo[tabela[0][0]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[0][1]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[0][2]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[1][0]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[1][1]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[1][2]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[2][0]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[2][1]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[2][2]] = true;

                      if (zaokr1 / 3 == 1 && zaokr2 / 3 == 2)//second
                          bylo[tabela[0][3]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[0][4]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[0][5]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[1][3]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[1][4]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[1][5]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[2][3]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[2][4]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[2][5]] = true;

                      if (zaokr1 / 3 == 1 && zaokr2 / 3 == 3)//third
                          bylo[tabela[0][6]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[0][7]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[0][8]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[1][6]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[1][7]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[1][8]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[2][6]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[2][7]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[2][8]] = true;

                      if (zaokr1 / 3 == 2 && zaokr2 / 3 == 1)//fourth
                          bylo[tabela[3][0]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[3][1]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[3][2]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[4][0]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[4][1]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[4][2]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[5][0]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[5][1]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[5][2]] = true;

                      if (zaokr1 / 3 == 2 && zaokr2 / 3 == 2)//fifth
                          bylo[tabela[3][3]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[3][4]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[3][5]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[4][3]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[4][4]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[4][5]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[5][3]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[5][4]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[5][5]] = true;
                      if (zaokr1 / 3 == 2 && zaokr2 / 3 == 3)//sixth
                          bylo[tabela[3][6]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[3][7]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[3][8]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[4][6]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[4][7]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[4][8]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[5][6]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[5][7]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[5][8]] = true;
                      if (zaokr1 / 3 == 3 && zaokr2 / 3 == 1)//seventh
                          bylo[tabela[6][0]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[6][1]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[6][2]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[7][0]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[7][1]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[7][2]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[8][0]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[8][1]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[8][2]] = true;
                      if (zaokr1 / 3 == 3 && zaokr2 / 3 == 2)//eighth
                          bylo[tabela[6][3]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[6][4]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[6][5]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[7][3]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[7][4]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[7][5]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[8][3]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[8][4]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[8][5]] = true;
                      if (zaokr1 / 3 == 3 && zaokr2 / 3 == 3)//ninth
                          bylo[tabela[6][6]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[6][7]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[6][8]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[7][6]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[7][7]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[7][8]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[8][6]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[8][7]] = true;
                          bylo[tabela[8][8]] = true;
                  int licznik=0;
                  for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
                       if(bylo[x]==true){licznik++;} //here i count if all values are not blocked already
                      if(i>3&&i<=6) {i=3;j=0;}
                      if(i>6) {i=6;j=0;}
                      break out;//i read somwhere that this goes back to the certain point ;)

                  tabela[i][j] = RandomBeetween(1, 10);
                  if (bylo[tabela[i][j]] == true) {
                      do {

                          tabela[i][j] = RandomBeetween(1, 10);//randomizing numbers

                      } while (bylo[tabela[i][j]] == true);
                      bylo[tabela[i][j]] = true;//and setting their value in bool array to true
                  } else {
                      if (bylo[tabela[i][j]] == false) {
                          bylo[tabela[i][j]] = true;
                      //for(int x=0;x<10;x++)
                      //  System.out.print(bylo[x]+"   ");

                  //System.out.println("e  ");
              for(int a=0;a<9;a++)
                  System.out.print(tabela[i][a]+"  ");System.out.print("f");


      static int RandomBeetween ( int min, int max)//just random  in custom range
          Random random = new Random();
          int a1 = random.nextInt(max - min);
          int a2 = a1 + min;
          return a2;





class SudokuPuzzle {
    // A constructor that initializes to all zeros.
    public SudokuPuzzle() { ... }

    // Create a legal finished board
    public randomizeBoard() { ... }

    // Take the legal board and hide some squares to make it a puzzle
    public turnIntoAPuzzle() { ... }

    // Output
    public display() { ... }

每行必须精确地包含每个数字一次 每列必须精确地包含每个数字一次 9个小正方形中的每个正方形必须包含每个数字一次 所以随机化卡片不是一件小事。我已经为计算机编程45年了,但我不清楚该如何编写它


是否可以根据9个单元格中的所有其他单元格来确定? 可以根据这一行来确定吗? 是否可以根据此列确定? 如果是这样,则可以安全地隐藏该单元。您可以使用随机函数查找尚未隐藏的单元格,并查看规则


我可以根据这个9的平方、这一行和这一列的组合来确定这个单元格吗? 如果在某个时刻,所有测试都返回否,我不能,那么您将从以后的隐藏考虑中删除该单元格,并从剩余的尚未隐藏的单元格中随机选择




