Java 为kafka流中的左联接在右流中仅获取空值

Java 为kafka流中的左联接在右流中仅获取空值,java,join,apache-kafka,apache-kafka-streams,Java,Join,Apache Kafka,Apache Kafka Streams,我正在尝试连接来自两个卡夫卡主题的两个数据流 每个主题都有一个键-值对,其中键是一个整数数据类型,值包含字符串格式的json。来自这两个来源的数据如下所示(键、值): 现在,我正试图基于ProductID左连接这两个流,因此所有这些记录的键都设置为ProductID。但不幸的是,我在正确的连接流值中不断得到空值。甚至没有一个记录被正确地加入。以下是我连接两条记录的代码: import org.apache.kafka.streams.StreamsConfig; import org.apach




import org.apache.kafka.streams.StreamsConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.*;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.KafkaStreams;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serde;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serdes;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.*;

public class Tester {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        final Properties streamsConfiguration = new Properties();

        final Serde<String> stringSerde = Serdes.String();
        final Serde<Integer> intSerde = Serdes.Integer();

        streamsConfiguration.put(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, "join-streams");
        streamsConfiguration.put(StreamsConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG, "joining-Client");
        streamsConfiguration.put(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "localhost:9092");

        streamsConfiguration.put(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_KEY_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, intSerde.getClass().getName());
        streamsConfiguration.put(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_VALUE_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, stringSerde.getClass().getName());

        streamsConfiguration.put(StreamsConfig.COMMIT_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG, 100);
        streamsConfiguration.put(StreamsConfig.CACHE_MAX_BYTES_BUFFERING_CONFIG, 0);
        streamsConfiguration.put(ConsumerConfig.SESSION_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG, 9000);

        final KStreamBuilder builder = new KStreamBuilder();
        KStream<Integer,String> pData =,stringSerde,"Ptopic");
        KStream<Integer,String> streamData =,stringSerde,"Dtopic");
// Test the data type and value of the key
        pbData.selectKey((k,v)->{System.out.println("Table : P, Type : "+k.getClass()+" Value : "+k);return k;});
        streamData.selectKey((k,v)->{System.out.println("Table : StreamRecord, Type : "+k.getClass()+" Value : "+k);return k;});

        KStream<Integer,String> joined = streamData.leftJoin(pbData,(table1Value,table2Value)->returnJoin(table1Value,table2Value),JoinWindows.of(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(30)));

        final KafkaStreams streams = new KafkaStreams(builder, streamsConfiguration);

        // Add shutdown hook to respond to SIGTERM and gracefully close Kafka Streams
        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(streams::close));
    private static HashMap convertToHashMap(String jsonString, String tablename){
            HashMap<String,String> map = new Gson().fromJson(jsonString, new TypeToken<HashMap<String, String>>(){}.getType());
            return map;
        catch(Exception x){
            //couldn't properly parse json
            HashMap<String,String> record = new HashMap<>();
            if (tablename.equals("PB")){
                List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("ProductName", ", "CategoryID", "ProductID", "BrandID", "BrandName", "ProductCategoryID"));
                for(String key : keys){
                List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("UniqueID", "ConsumerID", "CategoryID", "BrandID", "ProductID", "Date","Flag","ProductDetails"));
                for(String key : keys){
            return record;
    private static String returnJoin(String map1, String map2){
        HashMap h1 = convertToHashMap(map1,"consumer_product");
        HashMap h2 = convertToHashMap(map2,"PB");
        HashMap map3 = new HashMap<>();

        System.out.println("First : " + map1);
        System.out.println("Second : " + map2);
        //else{System.out.println("Null only");}
        for (Object key : h1.keySet()) {
            key = key.toString();
            if (map3.containsKey(key)) {
            map3.put(key, h1.get(key));
        try {
            for (Object key : h2.keySet()) {
                key = key.toString();
                if (map3.containsKey(key)) {
                map3.put(key, h2.get(key));
            System.out.println("Worked Okay PB!!!\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
        catch (NullPointerException ex){
            HashMap fakeC = getHashMap("{","consumer");
            for (Object key : fakeC.keySet()) {
                key = key.toString();
                if (map3.containsKey(key)) {
                map3.put(key, fakeC.get(key));
            return "INVALID";
        //return map3;
        return serializeObjectJSON(map3);
    private static String serializeObjectJSON(Map row){
        StringBuilder jsonString = new StringBuilder();
        for ( Object key : row.keySet()){
            try {
                jsonString.append("\"" + row.get(key).toString() + "\",");
            catch (NullPointerException Nexp){
                jsonString.append("\"" + "null" + "\",");

        String jsString = jsonString.toString();
        ////System.out.println("JString :"+jsString);
        return jsString;


Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1342
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:595
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1934
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2384
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1666
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:665
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2671
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:949
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2455
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:928
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1602
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:74
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1795
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:21
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1265
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:22
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2420
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:23
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1419
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:24
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1395
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:26
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1783
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:29
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1177
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:34
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1395
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:35
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2551
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:36
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2551
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2530
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:37
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:541
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:39
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:787
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:40
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2498
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:41
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1439
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:44
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:784
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:284
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:285
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:929
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:286
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:287
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2225
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:288
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:289
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:290
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:295
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:297
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:300
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:302
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:305
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:306
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:307
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:308
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:309
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:310
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:929
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1509
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:136
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2225
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:906
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1013
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1759
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1759
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:885
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1165
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:453






KStream rekeyedProductID=inserts.selectKey((k,v)->setTheKey(v.getdata(),“ProductID”);


public class recordHashmap {
    private String database;
    private String table;
    private String type;
    private Integer ts;
    private Integer xid;
    private Map<String,String> data;

    public Map getdata(){
        return data;
    public String getdatabase(){return database;}
    public String gettable(){return table;}
    public String gettype(){return type;}
    public Integer getts(){return ts;}
    public Integer getxid(){return xid;}

    public void setdata(Map<String, String> dta){
    public void setdatabase(String db){ database=db; }
    public void settable(String tble){ table=tble; }
    public void settype(String optype){type=optype;}
    public void setts(Integer unixTime){ts = unixTime;}
    public void setxid(Integer Xid){xid = Xid;}

    public String toString() {
        return "Database=" + this.database + ", Table=" + this.table+", OperationType="+this.type+", UnixOpTime"+this.ts + ", Data="

KStream<Integer,recordHashmap> rekeyedProductID = inserts.selectKey((k,v)->setTheKey(v.getdata(),"ProductID"));
KStream<Integer,String> consumer_product_Stream = rekeyedProductID.mapValues((v)->serializeObjectJSON(v.getdata()));
private static Integer setTheKey(Map map, String Key){
        try {
            //System.out.println("New Key : " + map.get(Key));
            return Integer.parseInt(map.get(Key).toString());
        catch (NumberFormatException nmb){
            //fake return a custom value
            return -1;
pbData.selectKey((k,v)->{System.out.println("Table : P, Type : "+k.getClass()+" Value : "+k);return k;});
streamData.selectKey((k,v)->{System.out.println("Table : StreamRecord, Type : "+k.getClass()+" Value : "+k);return k;});
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1342
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:595
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1934
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2384
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1666
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:665
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2671
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:949
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2455
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:928
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1602
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:74
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1795
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:21
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1265
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:22
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2420
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:23
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1419
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:24
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1395
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:26
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1783
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:29
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1177
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:34
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1395
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:35
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2551
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:36
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2551
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2530
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:37
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:541
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:39
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:787
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:40
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2498
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:41
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1439
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:44
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:784
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:284
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:285
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:929
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:286
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:287
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2225
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:288
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:289
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:290
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:295
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:297
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:300
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:302
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:305
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:306
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:307
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:308
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:309
Table : P, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:310
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:929
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1509
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:136
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:2225
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:906
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1013
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1759
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1759
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:885
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:1165
Table : streamRecord, Type:class java.lang.Integer Value:453