Java Grails字符串的简单处理

Java Grails字符串的简单处理,java,arrays,sorting,grails,groovy,Java,Arrays,Sorting,Grails,Groovy,具有如下类消息: public class Message { private String text; public Message(String text) { this.text = text; } public int getLength() { return text.length() } } 我想创建另一个具有以下函数的类: 功能1:为每个用户对文件夹和子文件夹中的邮件进行排序 功


public class Message { 
     private String text; 
     public Message(String text) { 
          this.text = text;
     public int getLength() { 
          return text.length()



  • 文件夹及其所有子文件夹中的邮件总数

  • 文件夹及其所有子文件夹中邮件的平均长度





节点生成器 使用Groovy可以创建对象树。能够表示消息和文件夹结构的树。这就是它的作用:

import groovy.util.NodeBuilder
import groovy.util.Node

def root = new NodeBuilder().root {
    message 'world'
    message 'hello'

    'John' {
        'Work' {
            message 'TPS report'

        'Secret Stuff' {
            message 'plea to mistress'
            message 'rejection from ex mistress'

   'Jane' {
       message 'John, I know about her!'

职能1:排序 排序不是递归完成的。相反,它是按需完成的

// Sort the messages in the root of the tree, on the fly.
assert root.message.toSorted { it.value() }.toString() == '[message[attributes={}; value=hello], message[attributes={}; value=world]]'
功能2a:消息总数 函数2b:平均消息长度 好处:访问特定消息 在所有这些情况下,我没有使用您的消息类。但是使用NodeBuilder的子类来代替消息类是很容易的

// Sort the messages in the root of the tree, on the fly.
assert root.message.toSorted { it.value() }.toString() == '[message[attributes={}; value=Message(hello)], message[attributes={}; value=Message(world)]]'

// Count the number of messages within the 'John' folder; including 'Work' and 'Secret Stuff' folders.
assert root.John.'**'.message.size() == 3

// Calculate the average length of the messages in the 'John' folder: 52 / 3 = 17.3333333333
assert root.John.'**'.message.sum { it.value().size() } / root.John.'**'.message.size() == 17.3333333333

// Access the first message in the 'Jane' folder.
assert root.Jane.message[0].value() instanceof Message 
assert root.Jane.message[0].value().text == 'John, I know about her!'
MessageTreeBuilder 可以使用自定义生成器使用消息实例填充树。但首先,让我们改进消息类

public class Message { 
     String text; 

     int size() { 
          return text.size()

class MessageTreeBuilder extends NodeBuilder {
    Object createNode(Object name, Object value) {
        def payload = name == 'message' ? new Message(value) : value

        [currentNode, name, payload] as Node


// Sort the messages in the root of the tree, on the fly.
assert root.message.toSorted { it.value() }.toString() == '[message[attributes={}; value=Message(hello)], message[attributes={}; value=Message(world)]]'

// Count the number of messages within the 'John' folder; including 'Work' and 'Secret Stuff' folders.
assert root.John.'**'.message.size() == 3

// Calculate the average length of the messages in the 'John' folder: 52 / 3 = 17.3333333333
assert root.John.'**'.message.sum { it.value().size() } / root.John.'**'.message.size() == 17.3333333333

// Access the first message in the 'Jane' folder.
assert root.Jane.message[0].value() instanceof Message 
assert root.Jane.message[0].value().text == 'John, I know about her!'
class MessageTreeBuilder extends NodeBuilder {
    Object createNode(Object name, Object value) {
        def payload = name == 'message' ? new Message(value) : value

        [currentNode, name, payload] as Node
// Sort the messages in the root of the tree, on the fly.
assert root.message.toSorted { it.value() }.toString() == '[message[attributes={}; value=Message(hello)], message[attributes={}; value=Message(world)]]'

// Count the number of messages within the 'John' folder; including 'Work' and 'Secret Stuff' folders.
assert root.John.'**'.message.size() == 3

// Calculate the average length of the messages in the 'John' folder: 52 / 3 = 17.3333333333
assert root.John.'**'.message.sum { it.value().size() } / root.John.'**'.message.size() == 17.3333333333

// Access the first message in the 'Jane' folder.
assert root.Jane.message[0].value() instanceof Message 
assert root.Jane.message[0].value().text == 'John, I know about her!'