Java 合并多个RealmList´;对结果列表进行排序?

Java 合并多个RealmList´;对结果列表进行排序?,java,android,realm,Java,Android,Realm,我刚开始在我当前的android应用程序中使用Realm,到目前为止它非常棒。 不幸的是,我遇到了一个问题: 在我的应用程序中,用户可以将不同类型的条目(他今天吃了什么?喝了什么饮料?)添加到他的日记中。 一个日记条目对象表示给定日期(例如2017年5月21日等)所有条目的总和 我为我的问题想出了一个暂时的解决办法,但它还远远不够完美。 下面的代码是在UI线程上执行的,这显然是错误的做法 List<RealmObject> entryList = new ArrayList<&

我刚开始在我当前的android应用程序中使用Realm,到目前为止它非常棒。 不幸的是,我遇到了一个问题:

在我的应用程序中,用户可以将不同类型的条目(他今天吃了什么?喝了什么饮料?)添加到他的日记中。 一个日记条目对象表示给定日期(例如2017年5月21日等)所有条目的总和

我为我的问题想出了一个暂时的解决办法,但它还远远不够完美。 下面的代码是在UI线程上执行的,这显然是错误的做法

List<RealmObject> entryList = new ArrayList<>();
        OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot<MealEntry> mealEntries = diaryEntry.getMealEntries().createSnapshot();
        OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot<DrinkEntry> drinkEntries = diaryEntry.getDrinkEntries().createSnapshot();
        OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot<MedicineEntry> medicineEntries = diaryEntry.getMedicineEntries().createSnapshot();
        OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot<SymptomEntry> symptomEntries = diaryEntry.getSymptomEntries().createSnapshot();


        Collections.sort(entryList, entryComparator);






public class Entry extends RealmObject {
    private static final int ENTRY_MEAL = 0;
    private static final int ENTRY_DRINK = 1;
    private static final int ENTRY_SYMPTOM = 2;
    private static final int ENTRY_MEDICINE = 3;

    /** The tag describes what kind of entry it represents */
    private int tag;

    /* Only one of these can be set, according to what this entry represents. */
    @Nullable private MealEntry mealEntry;
    @Nullable private DrinkEntry drinkEntry;
    @Nullable private SymptomEntry symptomEntry;
    @Nullable private MedicineEntry medicineEntry;

    /** The time value this entry was created at */
    /** Format: hours + minutes * 60 */
    private int time;

    public int getTime() {
        return time;

/* Can only be accessed from within the 'data' package */

    void setTime(int time) {
        this.time = time;

     * Creates a new entry object in the realm database and tags it as 'MEAL'
     * @param realm not null
     * @param mealEntry the {@link MealEntry} object to map this entry to, not null
     * @return the newly created entry
    static Entry createEntryAsMeal(@NonNull final Realm realm, @NonNull final MealEntry mealEntry) {
        if(realm == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("'realm' may not be null");
        if(mealEntry == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("'mealEntry' may not be null");

        Entry entry = realm.createObject(Entry.class);
        entry.tag = ENTRY_MEAL;
        entry.mealEntry = mealEntry;
        return entry;

/* Same methods for other tag types ... */

public class MealEntry extends RealmObject {

    @PrimaryKey @Required private String id;

    @Required private String title;

    /** The entry objects this meal-entry is added to */
    Entry entry;

    /** This time value describes when the user consumed this meal **/
    private int time;
// other fields

* Creates a new MealEntry object in the realm.
 * <p>
 *     Note: It is important to use this factory method for creating {@link MealEntry} objects in realm.
 *     Under the hood, a {@link Entry} object is created for every MealEntry and linked to it.
 * </p>
 * @param realm not null
 * @return new MealEntry object which has been added to the <code>realm</code>
public static MealEntry createInRealm(@NonNull Realm realm) {
    if(realm == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("'realm' may not be null");

    MealEntry mealEntry = realm.createObject(MealEntry.class, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
    mealEntry.entry = Entry.createEntryAsMeal(realm, mealEntry);
    return mealEntry;

     * Sets the time value for the <code>mealEntry</code> to the specified value.
     * <p>
     *     Note: This method is necessary in order to sync the new time value with the underlying
     *     {@link Entry} object that is connected with the <code>mealEntry</code>.
     * </p>
     * @param mealEntry the {@link MealEntry} object to set the time for, not null
     * @param time the new time value, must be in range of [0, 24*60] because of the format: hours*60 + minutes
    public static void setTimeForMealEntry(@NonNull MealEntry mealEntry, @IntRange(from=0, to=24*60) int time) {
        if(mealEntry == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("'mealEntry' may not be null");


        Entry entry = mealEntry.entry;
        if(entry == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("'mealEntry' contains no object of type 'Entry'! Something went wrong on creation of the 'mealEntry'");

        /* Syncs the entries time value with the time value for this MealEntry. */
        /* That´s important for sorting a list of all entries. */

public class Entry extends RealmObject {
    private static final int ENTRY_MEAL = 0;
    private static final int ENTRY_DRINK = 1;
    private static final int ENTRY_SYMPTOM = 2;
    private static final int ENTRY_MEDICINE = 3;

    /** The tag describes what kind of entry it represents */
    private int tag;

    /* Only one of these can be set, according to what this entry represents. */
    @Nullable private MealEntry mealEntry;
    @Nullable private DrinkEntry drinkEntry;
    @Nullable private SymptomEntry symptomEntry;
    @Nullable private MedicineEntry medicineEntry;

    /** The time value this entry was created at */
    /** Format: hours + minutes * 60 */
    private int time;

    public int getTime() {
        return time;

/* Can only be accessed from within the 'data' package */

    void setTime(int time) {
        this.time = time;

     * Creates a new entry object in the realm database and tags it as 'MEAL'
     * @param realm not null
     * @param mealEntry the {@link MealEntry} object to map this entry to, not null
     * @return the newly created entry
    static Entry createEntryAsMeal(@NonNull final Realm realm, @NonNull final MealEntry mealEntry) {
        if(realm == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("'realm' may not be null");
        if(mealEntry == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("'mealEntry' may not be null");

        Entry entry = realm.createObject(Entry.class);
        entry.tag = ENTRY_MEAL;
        entry.mealEntry = mealEntry;
        return entry;

/* Same methods for other tag types ... */
public class MealEntry extends RealmObject {

    @PrimaryKey @Required private String id;

    @Required private String title;

    /** The entry objects this meal-entry is added to */
    Entry entry;

    /** This time value describes when the user consumed this meal **/
    private int time;
// other fields

* Creates a new MealEntry object in the realm.
 * <p>
 *     Note: It is important to use this factory method for creating {@link MealEntry} objects in realm.
 *     Under the hood, a {@link Entry} object is created for every MealEntry and linked to it.
 * </p>
 * @param realm not null
 * @return new MealEntry object which has been added to the <code>realm</code>
public static MealEntry createInRealm(@NonNull Realm realm) {
    if(realm == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("'realm' may not be null");

    MealEntry mealEntry = realm.createObject(MealEntry.class, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
    mealEntry.entry = Entry.createEntryAsMeal(realm, mealEntry);
    return mealEntry;
     * Sets the time value for the <code>mealEntry</code> to the specified value.
     * <p>
     *     Note: This method is necessary in order to sync the new time value with the underlying
     *     {@link Entry} object that is connected with the <code>mealEntry</code>.
     * </p>
     * @param mealEntry the {@link MealEntry} object to set the time for, not null
     * @param time the new time value, must be in range of [0, 24*60] because of the format: hours*60 + minutes
    public static void setTimeForMealEntry(@NonNull MealEntry mealEntry, @IntRange(from=0, to=24*60) int time) {
        if(mealEntry == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("'mealEntry' may not be null");


        Entry entry = mealEntry.entry;
        if(entry == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("'mealEntry' contains no object of type 'Entry'! Something went wrong on creation of the 'mealEntry'");

        /* Syncs the entries time value with the time value for this MealEntry. */
        /* That´s important for sorting a list of all entries. */