Java 相邻数组的最小值

Java 相邻数组的最小值,java,arrays,Java,Arrays,我需要帮助解决这个问题,我需要一个数组3x5,然后当用户选择一个位置时,输出将显示相邻数字的最小值。像这样: 3 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 2 3 0 9 2 1 1 并且用户选择位置1,1对角线也算 输出:周围的最小值为0 这就是我拥有的代码,问题是我在问是否有比到处乱发if和else更好的方法 private static int checkAdjacentField(int p1, int p2, int[][] ae) { int min = Integer.MAX_VALU


3 5 6 7 8
6 7 8 2 3
0 9 2 1 1



private static int checkAdjacentField(int p1, int p2, int[][] ae) {
    int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    if (p1 == 0) {
        if (p2 == 0) {
            if (ae[p1][p2+1] < min) {
                min = ae[p1][p2+1];
            } else if (ae[p1+1][p2+1] < min) {
                min = ae[p1+1][p2+1];
            } else if (ae[p1+1][p2] < min) {
                min = ae[p1+1][p2];
        } else if (p2 == 1) {
            if (ae[p1][p2+1] < min){
                min = ae[p1][p2+1];
            } else if (ae[p1+1][p2+1] < min) {
                min = ae[p1+1][p2+1];
            } else if (ae[p1+1][p2] < min) {
                min = ae[p1+1][p2];
            } else if (ae[p1+1][p2-1] < min) {
                min = ae[p1+1][p2-1];
            } else if (ae[p1][p2-1] < min) {
                min = ae[p1][p2-1];

    return min;

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

    Random r = new Random();

    int [][] ar = new int[3][5];

    for (int i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
            int rand = r.nextInt(9) + 1;

    System.out.println("Select a position [][]: ");
    int pos1 = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
    int pos2 = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());

    System.out.println("The min value around is " + checkAdjacentField(pos1,pos2,ar));
private static int checkAdjacentField(int p1、int p2、int[]ae){
int min=整数最大值;





    int matrix[][]={{3, 5, 6, 7, 8},
                    {6, 7, 8, 2, 3} , 
                    { 0,9,2,1,1}};

    List adjacents = new ArrayList<>(8);

    int row= 0 ; int col=1 ;

    for (int adjRow = -1; adjRow <= 1; ++adjRow) {
        for (int adjCol = -1; adjCol <= 1; ++adjCol) {
            if ( (adjRow != 0 || adjCol != 0) 
                  // Avoid IndexOutOfBoundsException
                  && ( row + adjRow >= 0 && row + adjRow < 3 )
                  && ( col + adjCol >= 0 && col + adjCol < 5 )                    

                adjacents.add(matrix[row + adjRow][col + adjCol]);


在任何时候,我们都有8个相邻号码的可能位置。N、 西北、西、西南、南、东南、东、东北。因此,我们可以将它们全部添加到ArrayList中进行迭代并检查最小值,如果我们确信这样做不会使我们越界的话


import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;

public class Test {
    char[] array;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws NumberFormatException, IOException {
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

        Random r = new Random();

        int [][] ar = new int[3][5];

        for (int i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
                int rand = r.nextInt(9) + 1;

        System.out.println("Select a position [][]: ");
        int pos1 = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
        int pos2 = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());

        System.out.println("The min value around is " + checkAdjacentField(pos1,pos2,ar));

    private static int checkAdjacentField(int y, int x, int[][] ae) {
        int height = ae.length;
        int width = ae[0].length;

        int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        ArrayList<Integer> adj = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        // CHECK NORTH, only out of bounds if we're at the NORTH (y == 0)
        if (y != 0) { adj.add(ae[y-1][x]); }
        // CHECK NORTHWEST, only out of bounds if we're at the NORTHWEST (y == 0 & x == 0)
        if (y != 0 && x != 0) { adj.add(ae[y-1][x-1]); }
        // CHECK WEST, only out of bounds if we're at the WEST (x == 0)
        if (x != 0) { adj.add(ae[y][x-1]); }
        // CHECK SOUTHWEST, only out of bounds if we're at the SOUTHWEST (y == (height-1) & x == 0)
        if (y != (height-1) && x != 0) { adj.add(ae[y+1][x-1]); }
        // CHECK SOUTH, only out of bounds if we're at the SOUTH (y == (height-1))
        if (y != (height-1)) { adj.add(ae[y+1][x]); }
        // CHECK SOUTHEAST, only out of bounds if we're at the SOUTHEAST (y == (height-1) & x == (width-1))
        if (y != (height-1) && x != (width-1)) { adj.add(ae[y+1][x+1]); }
        // CHECK EAST, only out of bounds if we're at the EAST (x == (width-1))
        if (x != (width-1)) { adj.add(ae[y][x+1]); }
        // CHECK NORTHEAST, only out of bounds if we're at the NORTHEAST (y == 0 & x == (width-1))
        if (y != 0 && x != (width-1)) { adj.add(ae[y-1][x+1]); }

        // Now, we check our min using our list that contains 3-8 entries
        for (Integer num : adj) {
            if (num < min) { min = num; }

        return min;
公共静态void main(字符串[]args)引发NumberFormatException,IOException{
BufferedReader br=新的BufferedReader(新的InputStreamReader(;
for(int i=0;i

private static int checkAdjacentField(int p1, int p2, int[][] ae) {
  int[] tmp = new int[8];
  int left = (p2-1) % ae[0].length;
  int right = (p2+1) % ae[0].length;
  int up = (p1-1) % ae.length;
  int down = (p1+1) % ae.length; 

  tmp[0] = ae[up][left];
  tmp[1] = ae[up][p2];
  tmp[2] = ae[up][right];

  tmp[3] = ae[p1][left];
  tmp[4] = ae[p1][right];

  tmp[5] = ae[down][left];
  tmp[6] = ae[down][p2];
  tmp[7] = ae[down][right];

  List<Integer> tmpList =;
  return -> i).min().orElse(0);


  • 所有相邻位置的列表(无论它们是否在阵列中)
  • 筛选出不在数组中的
  • 将其余位置映射到它们在数组中的值
  • 查找最小的一个(当我们处理整数时,您可以对它们进行排序并取第一个)

private static int checkAdjacentField(int col, int row, int[][] ae) {
    int nbRows = ae.length;
    int nbCols = ae[0].length;

    // Stream all the 8 positions around your position
    Stream<Point> positions = Stream.of(       
            new Point(col-1, row-1), new Point(col-1, row), new Point(col-1, row+1),
            new Point(col, row-1), new Point(col, row+1),
            new Point(col+1, row-1), new Point(col+1, row), new Point(col+1, row+1));

    return positions
            .filter(p -> p.x>=0 && p.y>=0 && p.x<nbCols && p.y<nbRows)   // keep those inbound
            .mapToInt(p -> ae[p.y][p.x])      // replace positions by their values in the array
            .sorted()                         // sort the values
            .findFirst().orElse(-1);          // take the first one (smallest) 
私有静态int checkAdjacentField(int col,int row,
private static int checkAdjacentField(int col, int row, int[][] ae) {
    int nbRows = ae.length;
    int nbCols = ae[0].length;

    // Stream all the 8 positions around your position
    Stream<Point> positions = Stream.of(       
            new Point(col-1, row-1), new Point(col-1, row), new Point(col-1, row+1),
            new Point(col, row-1), new Point(col, row+1),
            new Point(col+1, row-1), new Point(col+1, row), new Point(col+1, row+1));

    return positions
            .filter(p -> p.x>=0 && p.y>=0 && p.x<nbCols && p.y<nbRows)   // keep those inbound
            .mapToInt(p -> ae[p.y][p.x])      // replace positions by their values in the array
            .sorted()                         // sort the values
            .findFirst().orElse(-1);          // take the first one (smallest) 
private static int checkAdjacentField(int col, int row, int[][] ae) {
    int nbRows = ae.length;
    int nbCols = ae[0].length;

    // Stream all the 8 positions around your position
    Stream<Point> positions = IntStream.rangeClosed(-1, 1).boxed() // -1, 0, 1
            .map(c -> IntStream.rangeClosed(-1, 1).boxed()         // -1, 0, 1
                    .map(r -> new Point(col+c, row+r)))
            .flatMap(p -> p)                                       // to a list
            .filter(p -> !(p.x == col && p.y==row));               // remove center point

    // then same as first example
    return  positions
            .filter(p -> p.x>=0 && p.y>=0 && p.x<nbCols && p.y<nbRows)
            .mapToInt(p -> ae[p.y][p.x])
private static int checkAdjacentField(int p1, int p2, int[][] ae) {
    int minColIdx = p2 == 0 ? p2 : p2 - 1;
    int minRowIdx = p1 == 0 ? p1 : p1 - 1;
    int maxRowIdx = p1 == ae.length - 1 ? p1 : p1 + 1;

    int result = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    for (int i = minRowIdx; i <= maxRowIdx; i++) {
        int[] row = ae[i];
        int maxColIdx = p2 == row.length - 1 ? p2 : p2 + 1;
        for (int k = minColIdx; k <= maxColIdx; k++) {
            if (!(p1 == i && p2 == k) && ae[i][k] < result) {
                result = ae[i][k];
    return result;
private static int checkAdjacentField(int p1, int p2, int[][] ae) {
    int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    for (int i = p1 - 1; i <= p1 + 1; i++) {
        for (int j = p2 - 1; j <= p2 + 1; j++) {
            if ((i < 0 || j < 0) || (i > 2 || j > 4) || (i == p1 && j == p2)) {
            if (ae[i][j] < min) {
                min = ae[i][j];


    return min;