Java Gradle生成错误:提供的字符串模块表示法

Java Gradle生成错误:提供的字符串模块表示法,java,android,firebase,android-studio,gradle,Java,Android,Firebase,Android Studio,Gradle,我在做一个项目 我试图使用我自己的Firebase和Google API密钥。我已经添加了所有依赖项和Firebase SDK,但是当我尝试同步项目时。我收到了以下错误 ERROR: Supplied String module notation '' is invalid. Example notations: 'org.gradle:gradle-core:2.2', 'org.mockito:mockito-core:1.9.5:jav


我试图使用我自己的Firebase和Google API密钥。我已经添加了所有依赖项和Firebase SDK,但是当我尝试同步项目时。我收到了以下错误

ERROR: Supplied String module notation '' is invalid. Example notations: 'org.gradle:gradle-core:2.2', 'org.mockito:mockito-core:1.9.5:javadoc'.
Open File

apply plugin: ''

android {
    compileSdkVersion buildConfig.compileSdk

    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.udacity.nanodegree.blooddonation"
        minSdkVersion buildConfig.minSdk
        targetSdkVersion buildConfig.targetSdk
        versionCode buildConfig.version.code
        testInstrumentationRunner ""

        vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true

    buildTypes {

        debug {
            debuggable true

        release {
            minifyEnabled false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

        buildTypes.each {
            it.resValue('string', "google_maps_key", propOrThrow('GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY'))

    lintOptions {
        textReport true
        textOutput 'stdout'
        lintConfig rootProject.file('lint.xml')

        checkDependencies true
        checkTestSources true
        explainIssues false

    dataBinding {
        enabled = true

    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
    // Support lib
    implementation ""

    // Support Design
    implementation ""

    // Constraint layout
    implementation ""

    implementation ''

    // Firebase Auth
    implementation ""

    // Realtime database
    implementation ""

    //Country code picker
    // // TODO: move to project level gradle
    implementation 'com.github.joielechong:countrycodepicker:2.1.5'

    // Leak canary
    implementation ''
    debugImplementation "deps.square.leackcanary.debug"
    releaseImplementation "deps.square.leackcanary.release"

    // Timber - Logging library
    implementation "deps.square.leackcanary.release"

    // Fused location
    implementation "deps.square.leackcanary.release"

    // Geo-fire
    implementation ""

    // Map
    implementation ""

    // PinView // TODO: move to project level gradle
    implementation 'com.github.GoodieBag:Pinview:v1.3'

    implementation ""

    implementation ""

    testImplementation "deps.junit"

    androidTestImplementation ""
    androidTestImplementation ""


apply plugin: ''
buildscript {

    ext.versions = [
            'supportLibrary'  : '27.1.1',
            'constraintLayout': '1.1.0',
            'firebase'        : '15.0.2',
            'testRunner'      : '1.0.1',
            'espressoCore'    : '3.0.1',
            'leak_canary'     :  '1.5.4',
            'timber'          : '4.7.0',
            'play_services'   : '15.0.0',
            'geo_fire'        : '2.3.1',
            'gson'            : '2.8.4',
            'fcm'             : '15.0.2',
            'firebase_auth'   : '15.1.0',


    ext.buildConfig = [
            'compileSdk': 27,
            'targetSdk' : 27,
            'minSdk'    : 16,
            'isSnapshot': false,

            'version'   : [
                    'major'     : 1,
                    'minor'     : 0,
                    'patch'     : 0,
                    'classifier': null, // dev, beta, alpha etc.

    String versionName = "${buildConfig.version.major}.${buildConfig.version.minor}.${buildConfig.version.patch}"

    if (buildConfig.version.classifier == null) {
        if (buildConfig.isSnapshot) {
            buildConfig.version.classifier = 'SNAPSHOT'

    if (buildConfig.version.classifier != null) {
        versionName += "-" + buildConfig.version.classifier

    ext.buildConfig.version['name'] = versionName
    ext.buildConfig.version['code'] = buildConfig.version.major * 100000 + buildConfig.version.minor * 10000 + buildConfig.version.patch * 100

    ext.deps = [
            'android': [
                    'support': [
                            'appcompatV7'     : "${versions.supportLibrary}",
                            'annotations'     : "${versions.supportLibrary}",
                            'constraintLayout': "${versions.constraintLayout}",
                            'design'          : "${versions.supportLibrary}",
                            'test'            : [
                                    'runner'      : "${versions.testRunner}",
                                    'espressoCore': "${versions.espressoCore}"

            'google' : [
                    'firebase': [
                            'auth': "${versions.firebase_auth}",
                            'gson': "${versions.gson}"



            'junit'  : 'junit:junit:4.12'

    repositories {
    dependencies {

        classpath ''
        classpath ''
        classpath ''

        // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
        // in the individual module build.gradle files


allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }

    // Force all of the primary support libraries to use the same version.
    configurations.all {
        resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { details ->
            if ( == '') {
                details.useVersion versions.supportLibrary

task clean(type: Delete) {
    delete rootProject.buildDir

def propOrThrow(String name) {
    if (hasProperty(name))
        return getProperty(name)
        throw new GradleException("Can't find property `$name`, make sure you have added them to the global '' file")


apply plugin: ''

android {
    compileSdkVersion buildConfig.compileSdk

    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.udacity.nanodegree.blooddonation"
        minSdkVersion buildConfig.minSdk
        targetSdkVersion buildConfig.targetSdk
        versionCode buildConfig.version.code
        testInstrumentationRunner ""

        vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true

    buildTypes {

        debug {
            debuggable true

        release {
            minifyEnabled false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

        buildTypes.each {
            it.resValue('string', "google_maps_key", propOrThrow('GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY'))

    lintOptions {
        textReport true
        textOutput 'stdout'
        lintConfig rootProject.file('lint.xml')

        checkDependencies true
        checkTestSources true
        explainIssues false

    dataBinding {
        enabled = true

    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
    // Support lib
    implementation ""

    // Support Design
    implementation ""

    // Constraint layout
    implementation ""

    implementation ''

    // Firebase Auth
    implementation ""

    // Realtime database
    implementation ""

    //Country code picker
    // // TODO: move to project level gradle
    implementation 'com.github.joielechong:countrycodepicker:2.1.5'

    // Leak canary
    implementation ''
    debugImplementation "deps.square.leackcanary.debug"
    releaseImplementation "deps.square.leackcanary.release"

    // Timber - Logging library
    implementation "deps.square.leackcanary.release"

    // Fused location
    implementation "deps.square.leackcanary.release"

    // Geo-fire
    implementation ""

    // Map
    implementation ""

    // PinView // TODO: move to project level gradle
    implementation 'com.github.GoodieBag:Pinview:v1.3'

    implementation ""

    implementation ""

    testImplementation "deps.junit"

    androidTestImplementation ""
    androidTestImplementation ""


apply plugin: ''
buildscript {

    ext.versions = [
            'supportLibrary'  : '27.1.1',
            'constraintLayout': '1.1.0',
            'firebase'        : '15.0.2',
            'testRunner'      : '1.0.1',
            'espressoCore'    : '3.0.1',
            'leak_canary'     :  '1.5.4',
            'timber'          : '4.7.0',
            'play_services'   : '15.0.0',
            'geo_fire'        : '2.3.1',
            'gson'            : '2.8.4',
            'fcm'             : '15.0.2',
            'firebase_auth'   : '15.1.0',


    ext.buildConfig = [
            'compileSdk': 27,
            'targetSdk' : 27,
            'minSdk'    : 16,
            'isSnapshot': false,

            'version'   : [
                    'major'     : 1,
                    'minor'     : 0,
                    'patch'     : 0,
                    'classifier': null, // dev, beta, alpha etc.

    String versionName = "${buildConfig.version.major}.${buildConfig.version.minor}.${buildConfig.version.patch}"

    if (buildConfig.version.classifier == null) {
        if (buildConfig.isSnapshot) {
            buildConfig.version.classifier = 'SNAPSHOT'

    if (buildConfig.version.classifier != null) {
        versionName += "-" + buildConfig.version.classifier

    ext.buildConfig.version['name'] = versionName
    ext.buildConfig.version['code'] = buildConfig.version.major * 100000 + buildConfig.version.minor * 10000 + buildConfig.version.patch * 100

    ext.deps = [
            'android': [
                    'support': [
                            'appcompatV7'     : "${versions.supportLibrary}",
                            'annotations'     : "${versions.supportLibrary}",
                            'constraintLayout': "${versions.constraintLayout}",
                            'design'          : "${versions.supportLibrary}",
                            'test'            : [
                                    'runner'      : "${versions.testRunner}",
                                    'espressoCore': "${versions.espressoCore}"

            'google' : [
                    'firebase': [
                            'auth': "${versions.firebase_auth}",
                            'gson': "${versions.gson}"



            'junit'  : 'junit:junit:4.12'

    repositories {
    dependencies {

        classpath ''
        classpath ''
        classpath ''

        // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
        // in the individual module build.gradle files


allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }

    // Force all of the primary support libraries to use the same version.
    configurations.all {
        resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { details ->
            if ( == '') {
                details.useVersion versions.supportLibrary

task clean(type: Delete) {
    delete rootProject.buildDir

def propOrThrow(String name) {
    if (hasProperty(name))
        return getProperty(name)
        throw new GradleException("Can't find property `$name`, make sure you have added them to the global '' file")


为什么您有重复的依赖项?我从Github下载了这个项目,在这里您可以看到完整的代码并更好地理解。我刚刚添加了Firebase SDK