Java 找不到“的资源引用绑定”;xxx“;资源参考,

Java 找不到“的资源引用绑定”;xxx“;资源参考,,java,websphere,Java,Websphere,我试图部署我的EAR,但它显示错误为: InjectionProc E CWNEN0044E: A resource reference binding could not be found for the GlobISDatasource resource reference, defined for the GlobIS component. [11/10/16 16:20:35:196 IST] 00000027 InjectionEngi E CWNEN0011E: The i


InjectionProc E   CWNEN0044E: A resource reference binding could not be found for the GlobISDatasource resource reference, defined for the GlobIS component.
[11/10/16 16:20:35:196 IST] 00000027 InjectionEngi E   CWNEN0011E:  The injection engine failed to process bindings for the metadata.
[11/10/16 16:20:35:198 IST] 00000027 ComponentName E   CNTR0125E: Unable to process injection information for class: [].
[11/10/16 16:20:35:235 IST] 00000027 webapp        E WebGroup SRVE0015E: Failure to initialize Web application GlobIS
[11/10/16 16:20:35:237 IST] 00000027 DeployedAppli W   WSVR0206E: Module, GLOBISWeb.war, of application, GlobISswati.ear/deployments/GlobISswati, failed to start..
