Java 颤振-尝试最小化应用程序大小后Android崩溃

Java 颤振-尝试最小化应用程序大小后Android崩溃,java,android,flutter,gradle,crash,Java,Android,Flutter,Gradle,Crash,通过将minifyEnabled设置为false,我尝试减小我的应用程序(AAB)大小。这真的大大减少了我的应用程序大小,所以我真的很想使用它 但是,在应用程序打开3秒钟后,它会崩溃,通过调试会出现以下错误: 09-28 12:58:55.566 22633 22681 I flutter : current time is Ashr,14:54 09-28 12:58:55.608 22633 22681 I flutter : Instance of 'Future<dynamic&g



09-28 12:58:55.566 22633 22681 I flutter : current time is Ashr,14:54
09-28 12:58:55.608 22633 22681 I flutter : Instance of 'Future<dynamic>'
09-28 12:58:55.608 22633 22681 I flutter : set All Prayer Time Notification
09-28 12:58:55.608 22633 22681 I flutter : check prayer time Instance of 'PrayerTime'
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/shell/platform/android/] java.lang.AssertionError: AssertionError (GSON 2.8.5): java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: Drawable
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at c.c.c.q.a(:103)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at c.c.c.q.a(:90)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at c.c.c.q.a(:88)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at com.dexterous.flutterlocalnotifications.d.e(:7)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at com.dexterous.flutterlocalnotifications.d.a(:154)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at com.dexterous.flutterlocalnotifications.d.onMethodCall(:4)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel$IncomingMethodCallHandler.onMessage(:2)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at io.flutter.embedding.engine.dart.DartMessenger.handleMessageFromDart(:5)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterJNI.handlePlatformMessage(:2)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at android.os.Looper.loop(
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at$
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter : Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: Drawable
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at c.c.c.b.a.ia$a.<init>(:12)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at c.c.c.b.a.U.a(:5)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at c.c.c.q.a(:18)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at c.c.c.b.a.p.a(:21)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at c.c.c.b.a.p.a(:37)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at c.c.c.b.a.p.a(:17)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at c.c.c.q.a(:18)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at c.c.c.b.a.c.a(:5)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at c.c.c.q.a(:18)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at c.c.c.q.a(:100)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  ... 15 more
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter : Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: Drawable
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at java.lang.Class.getField(
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  at c.c.c.b.a.ia$a.<init>(:6)
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter :  ... 24 more
09-28 12:58:55.630 22633 22633 E flutter : 
09-28 12:58:55.631 22633 22633 F flutter : [FATAL:flutter/shell/platform/android/] Check failed: CheckException(env). 
--------- beginning of crash
09-28 12:58:55.631 22633 22633 F libc    : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 22633 (dia.zipediaapps)
09-28 12:58:55.696 22734 22734 I crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned
09-28 12:58:55.697  2585  2585 I /system/bin/tombstoned: received crash request for pid 22633
09-28 12:58:55.709 22734 22734 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 22633 (target tid = 22633)
09-28 12:58:55.710 22734 22734 F DEBUG   : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
09-28 12:58:55.710 22734 22734 F DEBUG   : Build fingerprint: 'docomo/SO-01J/SO-01J:8.0.0/41.3.B.1.140/2040413506:user/release-keys'
09-28 12:58:55.710 22734 22734 F DEBUG   : Revision: '0'
09-28 12:58:55.710 22734 22734 F DEBUG   : ABI: 'arm64'
09-28 12:58:55.710 22734 22734 F DEBUG   : pid: 22633, tid: 22633, name: dia.zipediaapps  >>> zipedia.zipediaapps <<<
09-28 12:58:55.710 22734 22734 F DEBUG   : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
09-28 12:58:55.719 22734 22734 F DEBUG   : Abort message: '[FATAL:flutter/shell/platform/android/] Check failed: CheckException(env). 
09-28 12:58:55.719 22734 22734 F DEBUG   : '
09-28 12:58:55.719 22734 22734 F DEBUG   :     x0   0000000000000000  x1   0000000000005869  x2   0000000000000006  x3   0000000000000008
09-28 12:58:55.719 22734 22734 F DEBUG   :     x4   0000000000800000  x5   0000000000800000  x6   0000000000800000  x7   0000800000000000
09-28 12:58:55.719 22734 22734 F DEBUG   :     x8   0000000000000083  x9   c98852fc9a3a6ea2  x10  0000000000000000  x11  0000000000000001
09-28 12:58:55.719 22734 22734 F DEBUG   :     x12  ffffffffffffffff  x13  0000000000000010  x14  ffffffffffffffff  x15  00004e089a6a2ad1
09-28 12:58:55.719 22734 22734 F DEBUG   :     x16  0000007c9c5552e8  x17  0000007c9c4f6f10  x18  00000000133f2a68  x19  0000000000005869
09-28 12:58:55.719 22734 22734 F DEBUG   :     x20  0000000000005869  x21  0000007fc9dad288  x22  000000000000001f  x23  0000000000000095
09-28 12:58:55.719 22734 22734 F DEBUG   :     x24  0000007c762ee000  x25  0000007c75f444f0  x26  0000007c7e6e4000  x27  0000007c9b23dd80
09-28 12:58:55.719 22734 22734 F DEBUG   :     x28  0000007c911b5000  x29  0000007fc9dad270  x30  0000007c9c4aafe4
09-28 12:58:55.719 22734 22734 F DEBUG   :     sp   0000007fc9dad230  pc   0000007c9c4f6f18  pstate 0000000060000000
09-28 12:58:55.723 22734 22734 F DEBUG   : 
09-28 12:58:55.723 22734 22734 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
09-28 12:58:55.723 22734 22734 F DEBUG   :     #00 pc 0000000000069f18  /system/lib64/ (tgkill+8)
09-28 12:58:55.723 22734 22734 F DEBUG   :     #01 pc 000000000001dfe0  /system/lib64/ (abort+88)
09-28 12:58:55.723 22734 22734 F DEBUG   :     #02 pc 000000000001f058  /data/app/zipedia.zipediaapps-4P2ng3U3-Wx8g81LloyNYg==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk (offset 0xd2a000)
09-28 12:58:56.944  2759 22735 D ActivityManager: New dropbox entry: zipedia.zipediaapps, data_app_native_crash, 0c7a125a-005d-4aa6-b7bf-debb21ca6403


buildTypes {
    release {
        minifyEnabled false
        shrinkResources false