Java 如何从随机访问文件中获取信息并将其放入多个数组中?

Java 如何从随机访问文件中获取信息并将其放入多个数组中?,java,fileinputstream,randomaccessfile,Java,Fileinputstream,Randomaccessfile,我搞不清楚这件事。我应该从提供给我的随机访问文件中读取信息,然后将信息放入几个数组(firstName、lastName、age、gpa、computerClub)。我被告知每种类型的信息是什么,但不是按什么顺序写的。如何读取这些信息并将其放入适当的数组中。这就是我到目前为止所做的: import*;//imports the IO tools for use in this program import java.text.DecimalFormat;//imports th


import*;//imports the IO tools for use in this program
import java.text.DecimalFormat;//imports the decimal format tool for use in this program
public class RandomAccessProject
   public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception

      String[] firstName = new String[100];//creates an array of length 100 called firstName
      String[] lastName = new String[100];//creates an array of length 100 called lastName
      int[] age = new int[100];//creates an array of length 100 called age
      double[] gpa = new double[100];//creates an array of length 100 called gpa
      boolean[] computerClub = new boolean[100];//creates an array of length 100 called computerClub   

      int numElements = loadArrays(firstName,lastName,gpa,age,computerClub);//invokes the loadArrays method to fill the created arrays with values from the text file.


   * loadArrays
   * @param String[] first ,String[] last,double[] grades, int[] age, boolean[] club.
   * @return int count
  public static int loadArrays(String[] first, String[] last, double[] grades,int[] age, boolean[] club) throws Exception
      RandomAccessFile inputFile = new RandomAccessFile("rand.dat","r");//creates a new File object
      int count = 0;//creates and initializes a variable for dermining which element of an array is interacted with
      int r = 0;

      while((r = != -1)
          String firstName = inputFile.readUTF();//takes the next string and places it into the firstName variable
          String lastName = inputFile.readUTF();//takes the next string and places it into the lastName variable
          int old = inputFile.readInt();
          double gpa = inputFile.readDouble();//takes the next double and places it into the score variable
          boolean compClub = inputFile.readBoolean();
          first[count] = firstName;//sets the element corresponding to the current value of count in the first array to the firstName array
          last[count] = lastName;//sets the element corresponding to the current value of count in the last array to the lastName array
          age[count] = old;
          grades[count] = gpa;//sets the element corresponding to the current value of count in the first array to the score array
          club[count] = compClub;
          count++;//increment count by one

      return count;




