Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/3/arrays/12.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Java 对二维数组排序会在某些值中产生零_Java_Arrays_Sorting_Multidimensional Array_Comparator - Fatal编程技术网

Java 对二维数组排序会在某些值中产生零

Java 对二维数组排序会在某些值中产生零,java,arrays,sorting,multidimensional-array,comparator,Java,Arrays,Sorting,Multidimensional Array,Comparator,我希望有人能很容易地指出我做了哪些错误的选择,使这个数组排序的东西无法工作 我有一个数据集,我希望排序,这样我可以把一个函数的值绘制到屏幕上,但我需要这些排序的时间值从最小到最大。一旦我将树映射解析为二维数组,然后对值进行排序,排序过程就会删除一些值并用零替换它们 下面是完整的代码,下面是我使用的三个集合之间的一些结果: 非常感谢您的帮助…谢谢 输出 地图6091097.15385107.53 2D 0.0,[0.0,0.0] 全部[0.0,0.0,0.0] 地图6761094.65385112





输出 地图6091097.15385107.53 2D 0.0,[0.0,0.0] 全部[0.0,0.0,0.0] 地图6761094.65385112.53 2D 0.0,[0.0,0.0] 全部[0.0,0.0,0.0] 地图5921092.15385107.53 2D 0.0,[0.0,0.0] 全部[0.0,0.0,0.0] 地图7521124.65385102.53 2D 1154.0[1067.15385127.53] 全部[1154.01067.15385127.53] 地图8611127.15385107.53 2D 1154.0[1067.15385127.53] 全部[1154.01067.15385127.53] 地图10371127.15385117.53 2D 1154.0[1067.15385127.53] 全部[1154.01067.15385127.53] 地图12131127.15385127.53 2D 1213.0[1127.15385127.53] 全部[1213.01127.15385127.53]

在使用Arrays.sort对其进行排序之前,请完全初始化timeLocation\u 2DArray,或使用Arrays.sort…,0,行+1,新。。。将排序限制为数组的初始化部分。否则,具有正时间的数据将被排序到数组的末尾。您的数组在使用新的双精度[…][3]分配后包含所有零。感谢您的及时响应。这种方法现在正在发挥作用。我将排序和排序后的位置放入第一个循环之外的数组中,并创建了另一个循环,现在已经解决了排序问题。干杯。
        public void paintContours(Graphics2D g2, World world, Rectangle2D bounds, Rectangle2D canvas, double scale) {

        //Class to store the three attributes for mapping.
        class Triple {  
            int t;  double x;   double y;   
            public Triple(int time, double xLoc, double yLoc) { 
                t = time;   
                x = xLoc;   
                y = yLoc;  
        //Set attributes of the Renderer
        g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
        //Do for the Pattern in the World 
        for(Pattern p: world.getPatternList().values()) {
            //Do if the pattern has at least 1 initiation point
            if(!p.getiPList().isEmpty()) {
                //Create a new Triple
                Triple store;
                //Create a new TreeMap to store all Triples
                TreeMap<Integer, Triple> map = new TreeMap<Integer, Triple>();
                //Set a counting key
                int key = 0;
                //Set the range for the rendered result
                double xmin = p.getBounds().getMinX();
                double ymin = p.getBounds().getMinY();
                double xmax = p.getBounds().getMaxX();
                double ymax = p.getBounds().getMaxY();
                //Do for all surface connectors in the pattern
                for(SurfaceConnector sc: p.getSurfaceList().values()) {
                    //Put values to map in the Triple
                    store = new Triple(sc.getTime(),sc.getTo().getEasting(),sc.getTo().getNorthing());
                    //Put the Triple in the map
                    map.put(key, store);
                    //Increment the counting key
                //Create a 1 dimensional array for storing time
                double [] time_1DArray = new double[map.size()];
                //Create a 2 dimentional array for storing locations
                double [] [] location_2DArray = new double[map.size()][2];
                //Create a 2 dimentional array for storing time, x, y so they can be sorted in ascending time order.
                double [] [] timeLocation_2DArray = new double[map.size()][3];
                //Do if there are values in the Treemap
                if (!(map.values().isEmpty())) {
                    //Loop through the rows
                    for (int row = 0; row < time_1DArray.length; row++) {
                        //Assign the values in the Triple TreeMap to the doubles 
                        double tt = map.get(row).t;
                        double xx = map.get(row).x;
                        double yy = map.get(row).y;
                        //Loop through the columns
                        for(int column = 0; column<3; column++) {
                            //Put the time in the first column
                            if(column == 0)         {timeLocation_2DArray[row][column] = tt;}
                            //Put the x in the second column
                            else if(column == 1)    {timeLocation_2DArray[row][column] = xx;}
                            //Put the y in the third column
                            else if(column == 2)    {timeLocation_2DArray[row][column] = yy;}

                        //Sort the array in order ascending from 0 to ∞ - based on time order
                        Arrays.sort(timeLocation_2DArray, new Comparator<double[]>() {
                            public int compare(double[] o1, double[] o2) {
                                //                                      return Double.compare(o1[0], o2[0]);
                                if (o1[0] > o2[0])      return 1;    // o1 comes after o2
                                else if (o1[0] < o2[0]) return -1;   // o1 comes before o2
                                else {                  return 0;}
                        //place sorted values in to the appropriate arrays.
                        for(int column = 0; column < 3; column++) {
                            //Time goes in the time array
                            if(column == 0) {
                                time_1DArray[row] = (timeLocation_2DArray[row][column]);
                            //X values go in the first column of the Location Array
                            else if(column == 1) {
                                location_2DArray[row][column-1] = (timeLocation_2DArray[row][column]);
                            //Y values go in the second column of the Location Array
                            else if (column == 2) {
                                location_2DArray[row][column-1] =  (timeLocation_2DArray[row][column]); 
                        //Print the Arrays for confirmation and checking - Comment out when working
                        System.out.println("Map "+ map.get(row).t +","+ map.get(row).x +","+map.get(row).y);
                        System.out.println("2D " +time_1DArray[row] +","+Arrays.toString(location_2DArray[row]));
                        System.out.println("All "+Arrays.toString(timeLocation_2DArray[row]));
                //Create a new marching square algorithm
                MarchingSquares marchingSquares = new MarchingSquares();
                //Create the iso lines from the algorithm usin the above sorted arrays.
                GeneralPath[] isolines = marchingSquares.mkIsos(location_2DArray, time_1DArray); 
                //PRNTLN For checking the ascii representation of the IsoLines
                //System.out.println(marchingSquares.asciiPrintContours(array2d, array));               
                // Convert isos from array coords to world UTM coords.
//              AffineTransform xf = new AffineTransform();
//              xf.scale((canvas.getWidth())/(p.getBounds().getWidth()),(canvas.getHeight())/(p.getBounds().getHeight()));

//              xf.translate(ymin, xmin);
                //          xf.translate(-1, -1); // Because MxN data was padded to (M+2)x(N+2).
                for (int i = 0; i < isolines.length; i++) {

//                  isolines[i].transform(xf); // Permanent mapping to world coords.

                    Shape iso = (isolines[i]); // Remapped every pan & zoom.

                    g2.draw(iso); // Color iso.

                    g2.draw(iso); // Outline iso.
