
在Java中添加if语句,java,string,Java,String,我想确保URL中的某个地方有一个/,如果最后没有,它会添加一个,例如:www.google.co.uk变为www.google.co.uk/ 我如何在URL末尾添加/如果必要?如果!URL.endsWith/{URL=URL+/;}似乎太明显了 我发现很难相信你正在做的字符串替换实际上将sambulosenda.com更改为tink.stca.herts.ac.uk。。。 //loop for each argument on the command line for(int argind=0;




//loop for each argument on the command line
for(int argind=0; argind<args.length; argind++) {
    // each argument is a URL to fetch
    String URL = args[argind];
    String fileName = null;
    int port = 80;   // default, unless URL contains :nnnn

    // first check that it is an HTTP URL
    if(! URL.startsWith("http://")) {
        System.err.println(URL+" does not start with http:\n");

    //   remove "http://" so that for example:
    //   http://xxxxx/stuff/tiny.html
    // becomes:
    //  xxxxxx/stuff/tiny.html
    URL = URL.replace("http://", "");
//loop for each argument on the command line
for(int argind=0; argind<args.length; argind++) {
  // each argument is a URL to fetch
  String URL = args[argind];
  String fileName = null;
  int port = 80;   // default, unless URL contains :nnnn

  // removes any blank spaces at the start and the end of the string
  URL = URL.trim();

  // first check that it is an HTTP URL
  if(! URL.startsWith("http://")) {
    System.err.println(URL+" does not start with http:\n");

  //   remove "http://" so that for example:
  //   http://sambulosenda.com/stuff/tiny.html
  // becomes:
  //   sambulosenda.com/stuff/tiny.html
  URL = URL.replace("http://", "");

  // checks if the url contains the / at the end    
  If (!URL.endsWith("/")
    URL = URL.concat("/"); // if not then one is added