Java 连接到https url时出现问题

Java 连接到https url时出现问题,java,https,Java,Https,我能够连接到http url,但当 服务器已移动到https,我的代码无法工作。 有谁能帮我把它修改得很好吗 我正在使用以下管理器文件的开源代码 用于执行所有类型的http请求上载文件, 下载文件或简单身份验证 我也尝试过使用httpsUrlConnection,但我猜, 我错过了一些东西。请提出一些建议 public class ClientHttpRequest { HttpURLConnection connection; OutputStream os = null;

我能够连接到http url,但当 服务器已移动到https,我的代码无法工作。 有谁能帮我把它修改得很好吗

我正在使用以下管理器文件的开源代码 用于执行所有类型的http请求上载文件, 下载文件或简单身份验证

我也尝试过使用httpsUrlConnection,但我猜, 我错过了一些东西。请提出一些建议

public class ClientHttpRequest 
    HttpURLConnection connection;
    OutputStream os = null;

    public static int responseCode;
    public static String responseContentLength;

    protected void connect() throws IOException 
        if (os == null) os = connection.getOutputStream();

    protected void write(char c) throws IOException 

    protected void write(String s) throws IOException 

    protected void newline() throws IOException 

    protected void writeln(String s) throws IOException 

    private static Random random = new Random();

    protected static String randomString() {
        return Long.toString(random.nextLong(), 36);

    String boundary = "---------------------------" + randomString() + randomString() + randomString();

    private void boundary() throws IOException 

     * Creates a new multipart POST HTTP request on a freshly opened URLConnection
     * @param connection an already open URL connection
     * @throws IOException
    public ClientHttpRequest(HttpURLConnection connection) throws IOException 
        this.connection = connection;
        connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type","multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary);

     * Creates a new multipart POST HTTP request for a specified URL
     * @param url the URL to send request to
     * @throws IOException
    public ClientHttpRequest(URL url) throws IOException 

     * Creates a new multipart POST HTTP request for a specified URL string
     * @param urlString the string representation of the URL to send request to
     * @throws IOException
    public ClientHttpRequest(String urlString) throws IOException 
        this(new URL(urlString));

    private void writeName(String name) throws IOException 
        write("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"");

     * adds a string parameter to the request
     * @param name parameter name
     * @param value parameter value
     * @throws IOException
    public void setParameter(String name, String value) throws IOException 
        newline(); newline();

    private static void pipe(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException 
        byte[] buf = new byte[500000];
        int nread;
        int total = 0;
        synchronized (in) 
            while((nread =, 0, buf.length)) >= 0) 
                out.write(buf, 0, nread);
                total += nread;
        buf = null;

     * adds a file parameter to the request
     * @param name parameter name
     * @param filename the name of the file
     * @param is input stream to read the contents of the file from
     * @throws IOException
    public void setParameter(String name, String filename, InputStream is) throws IOException 

        write("; filename=\"");
        write("Content-Type: ");
        String type = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(filename);
        if (type == null) 
            type = "application/octet-stream";
        pipe(is, os);

     * adds a file parameter to the request
     * @param name parameter name
     * @param file the file to upload
     * @throws IOException
    public void setParameter(String name, File file) throws IOException 
        setParameter(name, file.getPath(), new FileInputStream(file));

     * adds a parameter to the request; if the parameter is a File, the file is uploaded, otherwise the string value of the parameter is passed in the request
     * @param name parameter name
     * @param object parameter value, a File or anything else that can be stringified
     * @throws IOException
    public void setParameter(String name, Object object) throws IOException 
        if (object instanceof File) 
            setParameter(name, (File)object);
            setParameter(name, object.toString());

     * adds parameters to the request
     * @param parameters array of parameter names and values (parameters[2*i] is a name, parameters[2*i + 1] is a value); if a value is a file, the file is uploaded, otherwise it is stringified and sent in the request
     * @throws IOException
    public void setParameters(Object[] parameters) throws IOException 
        if (parameters == null) return;
        for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length - 1; i+=2) 
            setParameter(parameters[i].toString(), parameters[i+1]);

     * posts the requests to the server, with all the cookies and parameters that were added
     * @return input stream with the server response
     * @throws IOException
    public InputStream post() throws IOException 

        InputStream inputStream = null;
            responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
            responseContentLength = connection.getHeaderField("Content-Length");        

            inputStream = connection.getInputStream();

        catch(Exception exception)

            responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();

            inputStream = connection.getErrorStream();

        return inputStream;

     * posts the requests to the server, with all the cookies and parameters that were added before (if any), and with parameters that are passed in the argument
     * @param parameters request parameters
     * @return input stream with the server response
     * @throws IOException
     * @see setParameters
    public InputStream post(Object[] parameters) throws IOException 
        return post();

     * post the POST request to the server, with the specified parameter
     * @param name parameter name
     * @param value parameter value
     * @return input stream with the server response
     * @throws IOException
     * @see setParameter
    public InputStream post(String name, Object value) throws IOException 
        setParameter(name, value);
        return post();

     * post the POST request to the server, with the specified parameters
     * @param name1 first parameter name
     * @param value1 first parameter value
     * @param name2 second parameter name
     * @param value2 second parameter value
     * @return input stream with the server response
     * @throws IOException
     * @see setParameter
    public InputStream post(String name1, Object value1, String name2, Object value2) throws IOException 
        setParameter(name1, value1);
        return post(name2, value2);

     * post the POST request to the server, with the specified parameters
     * @param name1 first parameter name
     * @param value1 first parameter value
     * @param name2 second parameter name
     * @param value2 second parameter value
     * @param name3 third parameter name
     * @param value3 third parameter value
     * @return input stream with the server response
     * @throws IOException
     * @see setParameter
    public InputStream post(String name1, Object value1, String name2, Object value2, String name3, Object value3) throws IOException 
        setParameter(name1, value1);
        return post(name2, value2, name3, value3);

     * post the POST request to the server, with the specified parameters
     * @param name1 first parameter name
     * @param value1 first parameter value
     * @param name2 second parameter name
     * @param value2 second parameter value
     * @param name3 third parameter name
     * @param value3 third parameter value
     * @param name4 fourth parameter name
     * @param value4 fourth parameter value
     * @return input stream with the server response
     * @throws IOException
     * @see setParameter
    public InputStream post(String name1, Object value1, String name2, Object value2, String name3, Object value3, String name4, Object value4) throws IOException 
        setParameter(name1, value1);
        return post(name2, value2, name3, value3, name4, value4);

     * posts a new request to specified URL, with parameters that are passed in the argument
     * @param parameters request parameters
     * @return input stream with the server response
     * @throws IOException
     * @see setParameters
    public static InputStream post(URL url, Object[] parameters) throws IOException 
        return new ClientHttpRequest(url).post(parameters);

     * post the POST request specified URL, with the specified parameter
     * @param name parameter name
     * @param value parameter value
     * @return input stream with the server response
     * @throws IOException
     * @see setParameter
    public static InputStream post(URL url, String name1, Object value1) throws IOException 
        return new ClientHttpRequest(url).post(name1, value1);

     * post the POST request to specified URL, with the specified parameters
     * @param name1 first parameter name
     * @param value1 first parameter value
     * @param name2 second parameter name
     * @param value2 second parameter value
     * @return input stream with the server response
     * @throws IOException
     * @see setParameter
    public static InputStream post(URL url, String name1, Object value1, String name2, Object value2) throws IOException 
        return new ClientHttpRequest(url).post(name1, value1, name2, value2);

     * post the POST request to specified URL, with the specified parameters
     * @param name1 first parameter name
     * @param value1 first parameter value
     * @param name2 second parameter name
     * @param value2 second parameter value
     * @param name3 third parameter name
     * @param value3 third parameter value
     * @return input stream with the server response
     * @throws IOException
     * @see setParameter
    public static InputStream post(URL url, String name1, Object value1, String name2, Object value2, String name3, Object value3) throws IOException 
        return new ClientHttpRequest(url).post(name1, value1, name2, value2, name3, value3);

     * post the POST request to specified URL, with the specified parameters
     * @param name1 first parameter name
     * @param value1 first parameter value
     * @param name2 second parameter name
     * @param value2 second parameter value
     * @param name3 third parameter name
     * @param value3 third parameter value
     * @param name4 fourth parameter name
     * @param value4 fourth parameter value
     * @return input stream with the server response
     * @throws IOException
     * @see setParameter
    public static InputStream post(URL url, String name1, Object value1, String name2, Object value2, String name3, Object value3, String name4, Object value4) throws IOException 
        return new ClientHttpRequest(url).post(name1, value1, name2, value2, name3, value3, name4, value4);


 try {"Importing the Https certificate..");

        /* ----------- Importing the Https certificate -----------*/
        TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[]{
            new X509TrustManager() {

                public[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
                    return null;

                public void checkClientTrusted(
              [] certs, String authType) {

                public void checkServerTrusted(
              [] certs, String authType) {
        try {
            SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
            sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Exception" + e);
        HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier() {

            public boolean verify(String string, SSLSession ssls) {
                return true;
