Java 如何在新方法中使用另一个方法中的变量?

Java 如何在新方法中使用另一个方法中的变量?,java,Java,我在go()方法中声明了balance变量,现在我正试图将该变量的值存储在一个if语句中。但是,编译器告诉我它无法识别变量平衡。有人知道如何解决这个问题吗?只要把go的余额还给ifStatements()作为参数即可 像这样,go()将返回一个整数 import java.util.Scanner; public class ATM { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String ATM; A




import java.util.Scanner;
public class ATM {
 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    String ATM;
    ATM myATM = new ATM();
    //Main method, declares variables and calls the go() and ifStatement() methds.

 public void go() throws Exception {
    int balance;
    Scanner userInput = new Scanner(;

    System.out.println("Welcome to online ATM banking\nHow much do you want in your bank account?\nEnter your number");

    balance = userInput.nextInt();

    //Starts the program and sets a value to the variable "balance".

  public static void ifStatement() throws Exception {

      //Creats if statements that change the outcome of the program depending on what the user as inputte dinto thto the program.
      //This has been done using int variables whihc have been converted into strings so that they can communicate wiht the userOption variable, the userOption variable's value has been set to whatever the user inputs int the program.

     String Withdraw;
     String Deposit;
     String Inquire;
     String Quit;
     String usersOption;
     int a = 1;
     int b = 2;
     int c = 3;
     int d = 4;
     String s = Integer.toString(a);
     String ss = Integer.toString(b);
     String sss = Integer.toString(c);
     String ssss = Integer.toString(d);
     //Declares variables

     Scanner userInput = new Scanner(; // Allows user input.

     System.out.println("What do you want to do?\n1.Withdraw\n2.Deposit\n3.Inquire\n4.Quit\nEnter your number");

     usersOption = userInput.nextLine();//Sets user input to a variable called userOption.

     if (usersOption.equals(s)){
        System.out.println("*****************************************\n                Withdrawl\n*****************************************\nHow much would you like to draw?\nEnter your number");
        String withdrawl;
        withdrawl = userInput.nextLine();
        balance = balance - withdrawl;
     else {
     if(usersOption.equals(ss)) {
        System.out.println("*****************************************\n                 Deposit\n*****************************************\nHow much do you want to deposit?");
        userInput.nextLine();  }else {System.out.println();
     if(usersOption.equals(sss))   {
        System.out.println("*****************************************\n                 Your balance is 100\n*****************************************");
     else {
        System.out.println("*****************************************\n                 Goodbye!\n*****************************************");
        System.exit(0); }else {System.out.println();}

 public int go() throws Exception {
    Scanner userInput = new Scanner(;

    System.out.println("Welcome to online ATM banking\nHow much do you want in your bank account?\nEnter your number");

    return userInput.nextInt();

  public void ifStatement(int balance) throws Exception {

      //Creats if statements that change the outcome of the program depending on what the user as inputte dinto thto the program.
      //This has been done using int variables whihc have been converted into strings so that they can communicate wiht the userOption variable, the userOption variable's value has been set to whatever the user inputs int the program.

  String Withdraw;
  String Deposit;
  String Inquire;
  String Quit;
  String usersOption;
  int a = 1;
  int b = 2;
  int c = 3;
  int d = 4;
  String s = Integer.toString(a);
  String ss = Integer.toString(b);
  String sss = Integer.toString(c);
  String ssss = Integer.toString(d);
  //Declares variables

  Scanner userInput = new Scanner(; // Allows user input.

  System.out.println("What do you want to do?\n1.Withdraw\n2.Deposit\n3.Inquire\n4.Quit\nEnter your number");

  usersOption = userInput.nextLine();//Sets user input to a variable called userOption.

  if (usersOption.equals(s)){
      System.out.println("*****************************************\n                 Withdrawl\n*****************************************\nHow much would you like to draw?\nEnter your number");
  String withdrawl;
  withdrawl = userInput.nextLine();
  balance = balance - withdrawl;
  }else {System.out.println();}
  if   (usersOption.equals(ss)) {
      System.out.println("*****************************************\n                 Deposit\n*****************************************\nHow much do you want to deposit?");
  userInput.nextLine();  }else {System.out.println();}
  if   (usersOption.equals(sss))   {
      System.out.println("*****************************************\n                 Your balance is 100\n*****************************************");
  }else {System.out.println();}
  if   (usersOption.equals(ssss))   {
      System.out.println("*****************************************\n                 Goodbye!\n*****************************************");
  System.exit(0); }else {System.out.println();}



您可以像在ifStatement(int balance)中输入一样设置此变量,也可以在类的开头定义它。
