Java Arduino在不打开串行监视器的情况下从Python读取串行数据

Java Arduino在不打开串行监视器的情况下从Python读取串行数据,java,python,arduino,minecraft,Java,Python,Arduino,Minecraft,我正在为MineCraft编写一个mod,我有一个Python脚本将健康值传递给Arduino Uno。打印这些值会显示积极的结果。但是,Arduino不能正常工作,以免串行监视器打开,即使它显然接收到数据。我想知道是否有任何工作围绕这个利基 下面是Python: import serial #to open Serial port connected to Arduino import sys #to send arguments to Arduino ser = serial.Ser

我正在为MineCraft编写一个mod,我有一个Python脚本将健康值传递给Arduino Uno。打印这些值会显示积极的结果。但是,Arduino不能正常工作,以免串行监视器打开,即使它显然接收到数据。我想知道是否有任何工作围绕这个利基


import serial   #to open Serial port connected to Arduino
import sys  #to send arguments to Arduino

ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600)   #declares specific Serial port at 9600 baud rate
ser.write(str(sys.argv[1]))         #sends arguments to Arduino via Serial

    reads health from Serial input
    returns health as String
String getHealth()
  String readHealth;

  readHealth = "";  //start empty String

    delay(3);   //wait three milliseconds

    if(Serial.available() > 0)  //if there is Serial to read
      char c =;   //read the character
      readHealth += c;  //add the character to the String

  return readHealth;

    takes in health read
    powers appropriate number of LEDs
    returns void
void toLight(String readHealth)
  int health = readHealth.toInt();  //convert readHealth to integer

  for(int thisRed = 0; thisRed < ELEMENTS; thisRed++)   //for every LED
    if(thisRed < health)    //turn on the LED if health is greater than index
      digitalWrite(red[thisRed], HIGH);
    else    //turn off the LED if health is less than or equal to index
      digitalWrite(red[thisRed], LOW);

