Java OOP继承作业(动物到狮子的超类继承)

Java OOP继承作业(动物到狮子的超类继承),java,inheritance,Java,Inheritance,我需要: 使用狮子类扩展动物类,并具有不同的特性 添加一个名为Liontype类的字段,并添加一个按权重对lion类型进行分类的方法。需要从超类派生 然后打印出来 我的代码中有错误,我一直在尝试修复它。 提前感谢您的帮助 public class Animal { private int numTeeth = 0; private boolean spots = false; private int weight = 0; public Animal(int numTeeth,

我需要: 使用狮子类扩展动物类,并具有不同的特性



我的代码中有错误,我一直在尝试修复它。 提前感谢您的帮助

public class Animal {
  private int numTeeth = 0;
  private boolean spots = false;
  private int weight = 0;

  public Animal(int numTeeth, boolean spots, int weight){

  public int getNumTeeth(){
    return numTeeth;

  public void setNumTeeth(int numTeeth) {
    this.numTeeth = numTeeth;

  public boolean getSpots() {
    return spots;

  public void setSpots(boolean spots) {
    this.spots = spots;

  public int getWeight() {
    return weight;

  public void setWeight(int weight) {
    this.weight = weight;

//Extend animal class
 public class Lion extends Animal{
  public Lion (int numTeeth, boolean spots, int weight){
  super(numTeeth, spots, weight);
  //Add new attributes
    int age = 0;
    int cubs = 0;

 public static void main(String args[]){
   //Create lions and assign attributes
   Lion lion1 = new Lion();
   lion1.numTeeth = 12;
   lion1.spots = 1;
   lion1. weight = 86;
   lion1.age = 7;
   lion1.cubs = 3;

    //Print attributes
    System.out.println("Lion1 attributes:");
    System.out.println("Number of teeth : " + numTeeth);
    System.out.println("Number of spots : " + spots);
    System.out.println("Weight of lion : " + weight + " kgs");
    System.out.println("Age : " + age);
    System.out.println("No of cubs : " + cubs);
    System.out.println(" ");

   Lion lion2 = new Lion();
   lion2.numTeeth = 16;
   lion2.spots = 0;
   lion2. weight = 123;
   lion2.age = 13;
   lion2.cubs = 5;

    System.out.println("Lion2 attributes:");
    System.out.println("Number of teeth : " + numTeeth);
    System.out.println("Number of spots : " + spots);
    System.out.println("Weight of lion : " + weight + " kgs");
    System.out.println("Age : " + age);
    System.out.println("No of cubs : " + cubs);
    System.out.println(" ");

public class Liontype{
  //Trying to get weight from another class
  public Integer getWeight()
    if (weight > 120)
      System.out.println("This lion is a cub");
    else if (weight >= 120 && weight < 180)
      System.out.println("This lion is a female");
    else if (weight >= 180)
      System.out.println("This lion is a male");

Expected outcome:

Lion attributes:
Number of teeth : 16
Spots : true
Weight of lion : 83kgs
Age : 13
No of cubs : 3
This lion is a female




int年龄=0; int-cubs=0



在方法public static void mainString args[]中,您试图使用 狮子类的田野年龄大,幼崽少。见第1点



 public static void main(String args[]){
   //Create lions and assign attributes
   Lion lion1 = new Lion();
   lion1.numTeeth = 12;
   lion1.spots = 1;
   lion1. weight = 86;
   lion1.age = 7;
   lion1.cubs = 3;
numTeeth spots weight和所有其他字段都设置为私有。您的Lion类无法直接访问这些字段。你应该用你的接球手和接球手来对付动物



System.out.println("Number of Teeth" + Lion1.getNumTeeth());

什么错误?编译器还是运行时?请具体说明LionType resp在哪里。狮
 //Print attributes
    System.out.println("Lion1 attributes:");
    System.out.println("Number of teeth : " + numTeeth);
    System.out.println("Number of spots : " + spots);
    System.out.println("Weight of lion : " + weight + " kgs");
    System.out.println("Age : " + age);
    System.out.println("No of cubs : " + cubs);
    System.out.println(" ");
System.out.println("Number of Teeth" + Lion1.getNumTeeth());