Java 有没有办法将变量表示为int而不是double来计算正确的百分比?

Java 有没有办法将变量表示为int而不是double来计算正确的百分比?,java,time,int,double,Java,Time,Int,Double,我正在做ThinkJava()第23页的练习2.3 该程序将存储在变量中的任意时间转换为秒,然后计算一天中剩余的秒数,然后计算一天中已过去的百分比 以下是工作计划: public class Time { public static void main(String[] args) { double hour = 21.0; //Represents 9 PM double minute = 5.0; //Represents 9:05 PM double se




public class Time {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

    double hour = 21.0; //Represents 9 PM
    double minute = 5.0; //Represents 9:05 PM
    double second = 33.0; //Represents 9:05:33 PM

    final double SEC_IN_MIN = 60.0; //Made final because the amount of seconds in a minute does not change
    final double SEC_IN_HOUR = 3600.0; //Made final for the same reason above.

    final double SEC_SINCE_MN = (SEC_IN_HOUR * hour) + (SEC_IN_MIN * minute) + second; //Calculates the seconds since midnight, or 00:00
    final double SEC_IN_DAY = 24.0 * SEC_IN_HOUR; //Calculates the amount of seconds in a day; 24 stands for the hours in a day

    System.out.printf("The number of seconds since midnight is: %.0f\n", SEC_SINCE_MN);
    System.out.printf("The number of seconds remaining in the day is: %.0f\n", SEC_IN_DAY - SEC_SINCE_MN);
    System.out.printf("The percentage of the day that has passed is: %.0f%%", (100 * SEC_SINCE_MN) / SEC_IN_DAY); // Escape percent sign is %% 100 * to remove decimal value



System.out.printf("The percentage of the day that has passed is: %d%%", (100 * SEC_SINCE_MN) * 1.0 / SEC_IN_DAY); 




编辑1:不符合我教授建议的代码(返回java.lang.double error作为最后一个print语句)


public class Time {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    int hour = 21; //Represents 9 PM
    int minute = 5; //Represents 9:05 PM
    int second = 33; //Represents 9:05:33 PM

    final int SEC_IN_MIN = 60; //Made final because the amount of seconds in a minute does not change
    final int SEC_IN_HOUR = 3600; //Made final for the same reason above.

    final int SEC_SINCE_MN = (SEC_IN_HOUR * hour) + (SEC_IN_MIN * minute) + second; //Calculates the seconds since midnight, or 00:00
    final int SEC_IN_DAY = 24 * SEC_IN_HOUR; //Calculates the amount of seconds in a day; 24 stands for the hours in a day

    System.out.printf("The number of seconds since midnight is: %d\n", SEC_SINCE_MN);
    System.out.printf("The number of seconds remaining in the day is: %d\n", SEC_IN_DAY - SEC_SINCE_MN);
    System.out.printf("The percentage of the day that has passed is: %d%%", (100 * SEC_SINCE_MN) * 1.0 / SEC_IN_DAY); // Escape percent sign is %%. 100 * to remove decimal value


public class Time {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    int hour = 21; //Represents 9 PM
    int minute = 5; //Represents 9:05 PM
    int second = 33; //Represents 9:05:33 PM

    final int SEC_IN_MIN = 60; //Made final because the amount of seconds in a minute does not change
    final int SEC_IN_HOUR = 3600; //Made final for the same reason above.

    final int SEC_SINCE_MN = (SEC_IN_HOUR * hour) + (SEC_IN_MIN * minute) + second; //Calculates the seconds since midnight, or 00:00
    final int SEC_IN_DAY = 24 * SEC_IN_HOUR; //Calculates the amount of seconds in a day; 24 stands for the hours in a day

    System.out.printf("The number of seconds since midnight is: %d\n", SEC_SINCE_MN);
    System.out.printf("The number of seconds remaining in the day is: %d\n", SEC_IN_DAY - SEC_SINCE_MN);
    System.out.printf("The percentage of the day that has passed is: %d%%", (100 * SEC_SINCE_MN) / SEC_IN_DAY); // Escape percent sign is %%. 100 * to remove decimal value




int抛出句点之后的内容。你可能想再复制10次。获取第一个数字以检查其是否大于5,并在百分比中添加一个数字。 很抱歉没有写代码。 我现在在iOS上,我的java生锈了。。。 祝你好运




Math.round((100.0 * SEC_SINCE_MN) / SEC_IN_DAY)

那么,你是在问如何圆一个双人,对吗@JB Nizet,没有。我的程序按原样提供正确的输出。出于所有意图和目的,我已经成功地使用双变量而不是int完成了赋值。但是,变量应该是int,但我不知道当变量是int时如何使最后一个语句工作。向我们展示不工作的代码,而不是工作的代码如何?准确地告诉我们你期望发生什么,以及会发生什么。但是,
(100*秒)×1.0/SEC\u IN\u DAY
Math.round((100.0 * SEC_SINCE_MN) / SEC_IN_DAY)