Java 为什么冬眠不';无法从本机查询返回任何内容

Java 为什么冬眠不';无法从本机查询返回任何内容,java,spring,hibernate,spring-boot,Java,Spring,Hibernate,Spring Boot,我有一个基于Hibernate4.2和SpringBoot1.4的应用程序。我有一个非常具体的SQL查询,我不能用HQL以性能的方式建模 log.debug("Request to get all current Bids for station : code {}, bidType {}, versionNum {}", code, bidType, grainProAdminProperties.getPrice().getCurrentVersionNumber()); List<


log.debug("Request to get all current Bids for station : code {}, bidType {}, versionNum {}", code, bidType, grainProAdminProperties.getPrice().getCurrentVersionNumber());

List<Object[]> result = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(
        "select bid.*, tp.price as tp_price, tp.price_nds as tp_priceNds " +
        "from bid, transportation_price tp, station_location lts, partner part, station stat " +
        "where " +
        "   bid.is_active = true and" +
        "   bid.archive_date is null and " +
        " = bid.elevator_id and " +
        "   part.station_id = and " +
        "   lts.region_id = stat.region_id and " +
        "   lts.district_id = stat.district_id and " +
        "   (stat.locality_id is null or " +
        "   lts.locality_id = stat.locality_id) and " +
        "   ((cast(tp.station_from_code as text) = lts.code and " +
        "     cast(tp.station_to_code as text) = cast(:code as text)) " +
        " or " +
        "    (cast(tp.station_to_code as text) = lts.code and " +
        "     cast(tp.station_from_code as text) = cast(:code as text))) and " +
        "    cast(bid.bid_type as text) like cast(:bidType as text) and " +
        "    cast(tp.version_number as int) = cast(:versionNumber as int)").
            new ResultTransformer() {
                public Object transformTuple(Object[] tuple, String[] aliases) {
                    log.warn("Transform tuple: {}, aliases {}", tuple, aliases);
                    return null;

                public List transformList(List collection) {
                    return collection;
        setParameter("code", code).
        setParameter("versionNumber", grainProAdminProperties.getPrice().getCurrentVersionNumber()).
        setParameter("bidType", bidType).

    log.debug("Result of request: {}", result);


问题是(正如@GaëlMarziou所说)在一个绑定中。我正在使用Enum BidType作为此查询的输入参数,但未使用标准toString方法将其转换为字符串。

您是否尝试将3个查询参数硬编码为查询中的常量,以检查其是否存在绑定问题?谢谢@GaëlMarziou!你是对的。我使用Enum BidType作为输入参数,我认为标准的toString()方法将在SQL中被调用以替换。但是买一些理由它不是真的:(你能给我解释一下这种行为的原因吗?太好了,所以你用了
@NotNull@Enumerated(EnumType.STRING)@column(name=“bid\u type”,nullable=false)private BidType BidType;
Request to get all current Bids for station : code 865065, bidType BUY, versionNum 2
Hibernate: select bid.*, tp.price as tp_price, tp.price_nds as tp_priceNds from bid, transportation_price tp, station_location lts, partner part, station stat where    bid.is_active = true and   bid.archive_date is null and = bid.elevator_id and    part.station_id = and    lts.region_id = stat.region_id and    lts.district_id = stat.district_id and    (stat.locality_id is null or    lts.locality_id = stat.locality_id) and    ((cast(tp.station_from_code as text) = lts.code and      cast(tp.station_to_code as text) = cast(? as text))  or     (cast(tp.station_to_code as text) = lts.code and      cast(tp.station_from_code as text) = cast(? as text))) and     cast(bid.bid_type as text) like cast(? as text) and     cast(tp.version_number as int) = cast(? as int)
Result of request: []