Java Caesar密码大小写环绕

Java Caesar密码大小写环绕,java,Java,我有一个问题,关于用我的凯撒密码程序包装字母表 该程序适用于所有小写字母。完美环绕,能够应用正、负移位。当我尝试输入大写字母时,大写字母不会环绕 这是我的密码: public static StringBuilder encode(String str, int numShift) { numShift = numShift % 26; //assign each character of the string to a position in the character a




public static StringBuilder encode(String str, int numShift)

    numShift = numShift % 26;

    //assign each character of the string to a position in the character array
    char[] strChars = str.toCharArray();

    for (int i = 0; i < strChars.length; i++)
            //ignore and continue if the character is not within the alphabet
            if((strChars[i] < 'a' || strChars[i] > 'z') && (strChars[i]<'A' || strChars[i] > 'Z')) 

            //apply the shift to each character
            strChars[i] += numShift;

            //wrap around if the shift is beyond Z
            **if(strChars[i] > 'z') 
                strChars[i] -= 'z';
                strChars[i] += ('a' - 1);         


    StringBuilder encodedStr = new StringBuilder();


    return encodedStr;

public static void init(){
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("Please enter the string that you would like to  encode:");
    String str = scan.nextLine();
    System.out.println("Please enter the number of letters you would like to shift:");
    int strShift = scan.nextInt();

    StringBuilder result = encode(str, strShift);
public static void main(String[] args)


private static char wrapChar(char input, int amount) {
    //assume for now that we have an upper-case letter
    char start = 'A';
    //if the assumption is mistaken...
    if (('a' <= input) && (input <= 'z')) {
        //then, if it is lower-case, then use lower-case
        start = 'a';
    } else if (!(('A' <= input) && (input <= 'Z'))) {
        //target is not letter
        return input;
    //Calculate total offset compared to the first letter of the alphabet
    //be it lower or upper
    int offset = ((input - start) + amount) % 26;
    //If offset happens to be negative, then shift a modulo period of 26
    //To get the correct positive offset
    if (offset < 26) {
        offset += 26;
    //Add the final offset to start and convert it to char
    return ((char)(start + offset));

strChars[i] = wrapChar(strChars[i], numShift);

    //apply the shift to each character
    strChars[i] += numShift;

    //wrap around if the shift is beyond Z
    **if(strChars[i] > 'z') 
        strChars[i] -= 'z';
        strChars[i] += ('a' - 1);         
strChars[i] = wrapChar(strChars[i], numShift);