Javascript 我正在尝试将标记群集添加到我的谷歌地图脚本中

Javascript 我正在尝试将标记群集添加到我的谷歌地图脚本中,javascript,google-maps,markerclusterer,Javascript,Google Maps,Markerclusterer,我正试图将var markerCluster添加到我的google地图脚本中,但在为我的标记创建新布局后,我无法找到适合var markerCluster的位置,而不会导致我的地图或标记不显示 我已经尝试将var-markerCluster添加到脚本的大部分区域。我现在开始怀疑我是否必须完全改变布局 var map; var InforObj = []; // Add a marker clusterer to manage the markers. var markerCluster = ne

我正试图将var markerCluster添加到我的google地图脚本中,但在为我的标记创建新布局后,我无法找到适合var markerCluster的位置,而不会导致我的地图或标记不显示


var map;
var InforObj = [];
// Add a marker clusterer to manage the markers.
var markerCluster = new MarkerClusterer(map, markers, { imagePath: '' });

var centerCords = {
    lat: 16.058324,
    lng: 108.277000

var markersOnMap = [{
        placeName: ' <b>Ho-Chi-Minh City</b>  <br>' +
            'Ho Chi Minh City (commonly known as Saigon) is a city in southern Vietnam. <br>' +
            'Famous for the pivotal role it played in' +
            'the Vietnam War. Its also known for its French colonial landmarks,' +
            'including Notre-Dame Cathedral, made entirely of materials imported from France,' +
            'and the 19th-century Central Post Office. Food stalls line the city’s streets,' +
            'especially around bustling Bến Thành Market.',
        LatLng: [{
            lat: 10.775844,
            lng: 106.701756
        placeName: "<b>Grand Mercure Danang (Da Nang City)</b> <br>" +
            '<b>Address:</b> Zone of the Villas of Green Island, Lot A1, Đà Nẵng 084511, Vietnam. <br>'+  
            '<b>Five Star Hotel</b> - ☆☆☆☆☆   '   ,
        icon: 'pin.png',
        LatLng: [{
            lat: 16.048297,
            lng: 108.226951
        placeName: '<b>Da Nang City</b> <br>' +
            'Da Nang is a coastal city in central Vietnam known for its sandy beaches and history' +
            'as a French colonial port. Its a popular base for visiting the inland <b>Bà Nà</b> hills' +
            'to the west of the city. Here the hillside <b>Hải Vân</b> Pass has views of Da Nang Bay' +
            'and the Marble Mountains. These 5 limestone outcrops are topped with pagodas and hide' +
            'caves containing Buddhist shrines.',
        LatLng: [{
            lat: 16.068000,
            lng: 108.212000
        placeName: "<b>Dalat Hôtel du Parc (Dalat City)</b> <br>" +
            '<b>Address:</b> 15 Đường Trần Phú, Phường 3, Thành phố Đà Lạt, Lâm Đồng, Vietnam',
        icon: 'pin.png',
        LatLng: [{
            lat: 11.9367,
            lng: 108.4390
        placeName: "<b>Nhà gỗ - The Wooden House Restaurant (Dalat City)</b> <br>" +
            '<b>Address:</b> 26 Đường Nguyễn Đình Chiểu, Phường 9, Thành phố Đà Lạt, Lâm Đồng, Vietnam',
        icon: 'pin.png',
        LatLng: [{
            lat: 11.9505,
            lng: 108.4582
        placeName: '<b>Dalat City</b> <br>' +
            '<b>Đà Lạt</b>, the capital of <b>Lâm Đồng</b> Province in southern Vietnam’s Central Highlands,' +
            'is centered around a lake and golf course, and surrounded by hills, pine forests,' +
            'lakes and waterfalls. Known as the “City of Eternal Spring” for its distinctive temperate' +
            'climate, Đà Lạt was developed as a resort by the French in the early 1900s,' +
            'and many reminders of its colonial heritage remain.',
        LatLng: [{
            lat: 11.936230,
            lng: 108.445259
        placeName: "<b>Beaulieu Boutique Hotel (Hue City)</b> <br>" +
            '<b>Address:</b> 15 Pham Ngu Lao, Hue, Vietnam',
        icon: 'pin.png',
        LatLng: [{
            lat: 16.4691,
            lng: 107.5947
        placeName: "<b>Hanh Restaurant (Hue City)</b> <br>" +
            '<b>Address:</b> 11 Đường Phó Đức Chính, Phú Hội, Tp. Huế, Phú Hội, Vietnam',
        icon: 'pin.png',
        LatLng: [{
            lat: 16.4663,
            lng: 107.5950
        placeName: '<b>Hue City</b> <br>' +
            'Huế is a city in central Vietnam that was the seat of Nguyen Dynasty emperors and the' +
            'national capital from 1802 to 1945. A major attraction is its vast,' +
            '19th-century <b>Đại Nội Citadel</b>, surrounded by a moat and thick stone walls.' +
            'It encompasses the Imperial City, with palaces and shrines;' +
            'the Forbidden Purple City (<b>Tử cấm thành</b>), once the emperor’s home;' +
            'and a replica of the Royal Theater.',
        LatLng: [{
            lat: 16.463713,
            lng: 107.590866
        placeName: "Vietnam (Hanoi Cooking Centre)",
        icon: 'pin.png',
        LatLng: [{
            lat: 21.054374,
            lng: 105.837032

        placeName: "Vietnam (Fortuna Hotel, Hanoi)",
        icon: 'pin.png',
        LatLng: [{
            lat: 21.0215,
            lng: 105.8178

        placeName: '<b>Hanoi</b> (<b>Capital City</b>) <br>' +
            'is known for its centuries-old architecture and a rich culture with Southeast Asian,' +
            'Chinese and French influences. At its heart is the chaotic Old Quarter, where the narrow' +
            'streets are roughly arranged by trade. There are many little temples,' +
            'including Bach Ma, honoring a legendary horse,' +
            'plus Đồng Xuân Market, selling household goods and street food.',
        LatLng: [{
            lat: 21.027763,
            lng: 105.834160

window.onload = function() {

function addMarker() {

    for (var i = 0; i < markersOnMap.length; i++) {
        var contentString = '<div id="content"><p>' + markersOnMap[i].placeName +

        const marker = new google.maps.Marker({
            position: markersOnMap[i].LatLng[0],
            map: map

        const infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
            content: contentString,
            maxWidth: 200

        marker.addListener('click', function() {
  'map'), marker);
            InforObj[0] = infowindow;
        marker.addListener('mouseover', function() {
  'map'), marker);
            InforObj[0] = infowindow;

function closeOtherInfo() {
    if (InforObj.length > 0) {
        /* detach the info-window from the marker ... undocumented in the API docs */
        InforObj[0].set("marker", null);
        /* and close it */
        /* blank the array */
        InforObj.length = 0;

function initMap() {
    map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
        zoom: 4,
        center: centerCords

var InforObj=[];
var markerCluster=newmarkerclusterer(映射,标记,{imagePath:'' });
var markersOnMap=[{
”+ 胡志明市(俗称西贡)是越南南部的一座城市。
'+ “以其在其中发挥的关键作用而闻名”+ 越南战争。它也以其法国殖民地标而闻名+ “包括圣母院大教堂,全部由从法国进口的材料制成,”+ 还有19世纪的中央邮政局。城市街道两旁都是食品摊+ 尤其是在繁华的B区ế新罕布什尔州市场。”, 板条:[{ 纬度:10.775844, 液化天然气:106.701756 }] }, { 地名:“岘港美爵酒店(岘港市)
”+ '地址:青洲别墅区,A1地块,西贡ẵng 084511,越南。
' “五星级酒店-☆☆☆☆☆ ' , 图标:“pin.png”, 板条:[{ 纬度:16.048297, 液化天然气:108.226951 }] }, { 地名:“岘港市
”+ “岘港是越南中部的一个沿海城市,以其沙滩和历史而闻名”+ “作为法国殖民地的港口,它是游览内陆BáNáhills的热门基地”+ “在城市的西面。这里是山坡Hải V–n Pass可以看到岘港湾的景色+ “还有大理石山。这5个石灰岩露头顶部有宝塔和兽皮”+ “藏有佛教神殿的洞穴”, 板条:[{ 拉丁美洲:16.068000, 液化天然气:108.212000 }] }, { 地名:“达拉特公园酒店(达拉特市)
”+ “地址:15Đư”ờng Trầnú,Pường 3,Thánh phố Đa Lạt、 L–mĐồ越南",, 图标:“pin.png”, 板条:[{ 拉脱维亚:11.9367, 液化天然气:108.4390 }] }, { 地名:“Nhágỗ - 木屋餐厅(达拉特市)
“+ “地址:26Đư”ờ吴恩圭ễ新罕布什尔州ểu、 Phường 9,Thánh phố Đa Lạt、 L–mĐồ越南",, 图标:“pin.png”, 板条:[{ 纬度:11.9505, 液化天然气:108.4582 }] }, { 地名:“达拉特市
”+ ĐĐLạt、 拉穆的首都ồ位于越南中部高地南部的ng省+ “以湖泊和高尔夫球场为中心,四周群山环绕,松林环绕,”+ 湖泊和瀑布。因其独特的温带气候而被称为“永恒的春天之城”+ “气候ạ它在20世纪初被法国人开发成一个旅游胜地+ “许多关于其殖民地遗产的记忆依然存在。”, 板条:[{ 纬度:11.936230, 液化天然气:108.445259 }] }, { 地名:“博来精品酒店(顺化市)
”+ “地址:越南顺化市范Ngu-Lao 15号”, 图标:“pin.png”, 板条:[{ 拉脱维亚:16.4691, 液化天然气:107.5947 }] }, { 地名:“汉餐厅(顺化市)
”+ “地址:11Đư”ờ吴伯雄ứcènh,PhúHội、 胡总领事ế, 普赫ội、 越南",, 图标:“pin.png”, 板条:[{ 拉脱维亚:16.4663, 液化天然气:107.5950 }] }, { 地名:“顺化市
”+ "胡ế 是越南中部的一座城市,曾是阮王朝皇帝和+ “从1802年到1945年的首都。一个主要的吸引力是它的广阔,”他说+ “19世纪”ạ我ộ我喜欢城堡,四周有护城河和厚厚的石墙。”+ “它包括皇城,有宫殿和神殿;”+ 紫禁城ử Cấ曾经是皇帝的家+ “还有皇家剧院的复制品。”, 板条:[{ 纬度:16.463713, 液化天然气:107.590866 }] }, { 地名:“越南(河内烹饪中心)”, 图标:“pin.png”, 板条:[{ 纬度:21.054374, 液化天然气:105.837032 }] }, { 地名:“越南(河内福图纳酒店)”, 图标:“pin.png”, 板条:[{ 拉脱维亚:21.0215, 液化天然气:105.8178 }] }, { 地名:“河内(首都)
”+ “以其具有数百年历史的建筑和丰富的东南亚文化而闻名,”他说+ 中国和法国的影响。它的核心是混乱的老城区,狭窄的+ “街道大致按行业排列,有许多小寺庙,”+ “包括巴赫马,纪念一匹传奇马”+ "加Đồ吴旭恩市场,出售家庭用品和街头食品, 板条:[{ 纬度:21.027763, 液化天然气:105.834160 }] } ]; window.onload=函数(){ initMap(); }; 函数addMarker(){ 对于(变量i=0;i”; const marker=new google.maps.marker({ 位置:markersOnMap[i]。LatLng[0], 地图:地图 }); 欺骗
function addMarker() {
  var markers = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < markersOnMap.length; i++) {
    var contentString = '<div id="content"><p>' + markersOnMap[i].placeName +

    const marker = new google.maps.Marker({
      position: markersOnMap[i].LatLng[0],
      map: map

    const infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
      content: contentString,
      maxWidth: 200

    marker.addListener('click', function() {
      closeOtherInfo();'map'), marker);
      InforObj[0] = infowindow;
    marker.addListener('mouseover', function() {
      closeOtherInfo();'map'), marker);
      InforObj[0] = infowindow;
  var markerCluster = new MarkerClusterer(map, markers, {
    imagePath: ''