Javascript 重写 ReportViewer工具栏分页事件

Javascript 重写 ReportViewer工具栏分页事件,javascript,jquery,,javascript-events,reportviewer,Javascript,Jquery,,Javascript Events,Reportviewer,如何使用jquery或javascript覆盖 ReportViewer工具栏的分页单击事件。 . 下面的答案定义了一个样式类,它以ID为的控件为目标 <style> /* this will remove the spinner */ div#ReportViewer1_AsyncWait_Wait img{ display: none; } /* this allows you to modify the t

如何使用jquery或javascript覆盖 ReportViewer工具栏的分页单击事件。 .

        /* this will remove the spinner */
        div#ReportViewer1_AsyncWait_Wait img{ display: none; } 
        /* this allows you to modify the td that contains the spinner */
        div#ReportViewer1_AsyncWait_Wait table tbody tr td:first-child{ background: red; width: 100px; height: 100px; } 

div#ReportViewer1_AsyncWait_Wait img{display:none;}
div#ReportViewer1_AsyncWait_等待表tbody tr td:first child{背景:红色;宽度:100px;高度:100px;}
