Javascript 如何在java脚本DOm模型中写入页面

Javascript 如何在java脚本DOm模型中写入页面,javascript,Javascript,我正在做一个java脚本应用程序,计算行驶里程/使用加仑数和使用加仑数*每加仑价格。我有两个问题: 1当我输入所有值时,每加仑的价格自动加上另一个零。例如,40变为400。 2我想在按钮下面写下两次计算的结果。 如果有人能给我指导或帮助,我将不胜感激 <!DOCTYPE <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title> MPG application </tit


1当我输入所有值时,每加仑的价格自动加上另一个零。例如,40变为400。 2我想在按钮下面写下两次计算的结果。 如果有人能给我指导或帮助,我将不胜感激

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title> MPG application </title>

    var $ = function(id) {
    return document.getElementById(id);

    /* the user entries will be parsed  floats and a if 
    statment is checking to see if the person enters not  #*/
    var calculateMpg = function () {
        var miles = parseFloat($("miles").value); //alert(miles);
        var gallons = parseFloat($("gallons").value);
                 var costGallon = document.getElementById("costGallon").value;

        if (isNaN(miles) || isNaN(gallons)) {
            alert("enter a valid number");    


        else {
         var mpg = miles/gallons;

        var costGallon = gallons*costGallon;
    //alert("your total is" +mpg );
    alert("your total  new is " + costGallon);
    //cost of trip  = gallons used * price per gallon


    //write to the page
    window.onload = function () {
        $("calculate").onclick = calculateMpg;
        //focues means brings the window to the front


    <h1> calculate mPG </h1>
    <p>Enter the information below</p>

    <label for="miles">Miles Driven: </label>
    <!--the code under gives a form box of text-->
    <input type="text" id="miles"> <br><br>&nbsp;
    <label for = "gallons"> Gallons of gas used :</label>
    <input = "text" id="gallons"><br><br>&nbsp;
    <label for = "costGallon"> Price per Gallon: </label>
    <input = "text" id="costGallon" ><br><br>
    <input type = "button" id = "calculate" value = "Calculate MPG and cost of the trip">
    <!-- So here I want to say your mpg is and then call mpg. which I thought I did in the top  abobe window.onload -->
        <p style="color: red"> Your mpg is: <span id = "totalMpg"> </span>






var newVarNameIsBoss=加仑*成本加仑.toFixed2



<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- scorrect doctype-->
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title> MPG application </title>

var $ = function(id) {
    return document.getElementById(id);
};//remember that a var decleration always ends with a ; even if it's a function

/* the user entries will be parsed  floats and a if 
statment is checking to see if the person enters not  #*/
var calculateMpg = function () {
    var miles = parseFloat($("miles").value), //alert(miles);
    gallons = parseFloat($("gallons").value),
    costGallon = document.getElementById("costGallon").value,

    if (isNaN(miles) || isNaN(gallons)) {
        alert("enter a valid number");    

    } else {
        mpg = miles/gallons;
        totalCost = (gallons*costGallon).toFixed(2);
        alert("your total  new is " + totalCost);
        $('totalMpg').innerHTML = String(mpg.toFixed(2)) + " Miles per Gallon";

};//remember that a var decleration always ends with a ; even if it's a function

//write to the page
window.onload = function () {
    $("calculate").onclick = calculateMpg;
    //focues means brings the window to the front

};//remember that a var decleration always ends with a ; even if it's a function


<section> <!-- section bellow the body tag-->
<h1> calculate mPG </h1>
<p>Enter the information below</p>

<label for="miles">Miles Driven: </label>
<!--the code under gives a form box of text-->
<input type="text" id="miles"> <br/><br/>&nbsp;
<label for = "gallons"> Gallons of gas used :</label>
<input = "text" id="gallons"><br/><br/>&nbsp;
<label for = "costGallon"> Price per Gallon: </label>
<input = "text" id="costGallon" ><br/><br/>
<input type = "button" id = "calculate" value = "Calculate MPG and cost of the trip">
<!-- So here I want to say your mpg is and then call mpg. which I thought I did in the top  abobe window.onload -->
    <p style="color: red"> Your mpg is: <span id = "totalMpg"> </span></p><!--closing p tag here-->



您好,所以当我输入10表示所用汽油的加仑数,然后输入40表示每加仑的价格,然后按下calculate MPG和cost of the trip按钮时,它会在450.0 price字段中添加400.0。你们并没有遇到这个问题吗?嗨,只是想确定你们对计算每加仑汽油的英里数和旅行的总成本感兴趣。所以你要做两个计算:英里/加仑用量=每加仑,加仑用量*每加仑价格=总价。总价格当前显示在警报中,MPG显示在红色文本中。对于本例,230英里,9加仑,每加仑价格7.5美元,总成本为9*7.5=67.5美元,总成本为230/9=25.56英里/加仑,这就是我的代码将给出的结果。如果你想计算其他东西,请告诉我。可能是因为您使用的是浮点数,而不是浮点数???只需将我的代码复制粘贴到一个新文件中并试用;