Javascript 何时为webservice回调调用$scope.apply()

Javascript 何时为webservice回调调用$scope.apply(),javascript,jquery,angularjs,web-services,Javascript,Jquery,Angularjs,Web Services,我目前正在开发一个Angular JS项目,在该项目中,我调用一个webservice,然后在成功回调中根据结果更新一个文本框值 现在,我的Web服务调用有点晚,成功回调需要一些时间。在成功回调中,我更新了一个文本框值,并隐藏了一个加载进度对话框 但是,如果我不使用$scope.apply(),则进度对话框永远不会隐藏,文本框也不会更新 如果使用相同的,则应用它。$scope.apply()的用途是什么 使用它的最佳实践是什么。它能用在像我这样的场合吗。我也尝试过使用$timeout。即使这样也

我目前正在开发一个Angular JS项目,在该项目中,我调用一个webservice,然后在成功回调中根据结果更新一个文本框值







app.service('registerService', function ($http, APP_CONFIG, $q, spinnerService) {
this.callService = function (request) {'mySpinner')
    var deferred = $q.defer();
        method: 'POST',
        url: APP_CONFIG.baseUrl + '/register',
        data: request
    }).success(function (data) {
    }).error(function () {
        deferred.reject('There was an error while making request');
    return deferred.promise;

 registerService.callService(JSON.stringify(requestData)).then(function (data) {
       $scope.$apply(function () {
      spinnerService.hide('mySpinner');//hide loading..this works!

      spinnerService.hide('mySpinner');//hide loading ..this does not if I remove $scope.apply()

    }, function () {
      //unable to fetch NLS resource
      spinnerService.hide('mySpinner');//hide loading


app.factory('spinnerService', function () {
    var cache = {};
    return {

// A private function intended for spinner directives to register themselves with the service.
_register: function (spinnerScope) {
  // If no id is passed in, throw an exception.
  if (! {
    throw new Error("A spinner must have an ID to register with the spinner service.");

  // Add our spinner directive's scope to the cache.
  cache[] = spinnerScope;

// A private function exposed just in case the user really needs to manually unregister a spinner.
_unregister: function (spinnerId) {
  delete cache[spinnerId];

// A private function that will remove an entire spinner group if needed.
_unregisterGroup: function (group) {
  for (var spinnerId in cache) {
    if (cache.hasOwnProperty(spinnerId)) {
      if (cache[spinnerId].group === group) {
        delete cache[spinnerId];

// A private function that will clear out all spinners from the cache.
_unregisterAll: function () {
  for (var spinnerId in cache) {
    if (cache.hasOwnProperty(pinnerId)) {
      delete cache[spinnerId];

// Show the specified spinner.
// If loadingText is specified, replace the loadingText specified on the directive as we show the spinner.
show: function (spinnerId, loadingText) {

  if (cache.hasOwnProperty(spinnerId)) {
    var spinnerScope = cache[spinnerId];
    spinnerScope.showSpinner = true;
    if (loadingText !== undefined) {
      spinnerScope.loadingText = loadingText;


// Hide the specified spinner.
// If doneText is specified, replace the doneText specified on the directive as we hide the spinner.
hide: function (spinnerId, doneText) {

  if (cache.hasOwnProperty(spinnerId)) {
    var spinnerScope = cache[spinnerId];
    spinnerScope.showSpinner = false;

    if (doneText !== undefined) {
      spinnerScope.doneText = doneText;



