
如何在javascript中按单词顺序匹配两个字符串?,javascript,string-matching,Javascript,String Matching,需要找到与给定字符串最匹配的字符串 list = ['Mr. Adam Smith Junior', 'Anna Smith Jr.', 'Adam Jhon Smith', 'Smith Adam']; str = 'Adam Smith Jr.'; // output: 'Mr. Adam Smith Junior' 我已经尝试过标记单词,对于列表中的每一项,它都与2个单词匹配(Adam/Smith/Jr.)。但我的预期输出是列表[0]。因此,我需要一个解决方案,通过最匹配的单词序列找到


list = ['Mr. Adam Smith Junior', 'Anna Smith Jr.', 'Adam Jhon Smith', 'Smith Adam'];
str = 'Adam Smith Jr.';

// output: 'Mr. Adam Smith Junior'

编辑: 看起来你在寻找最连续的单词数。这是一个完全可以做到这一点的版本:

    var list = ['Mr. Adam Smith Junior', 'Anna Smith Jr.', 'Adam Jhon Smith', 'Smith Adam'];
    var str = 'Adam Smith Jr.';

     * Representing a class to search and match a string in a list of strings
     * @param {string[]} data An array consists of input strings to search in
     * @param {string} query A string to search for
    var TextMatcher = function(data, query) {

        this.wordsToSearch = extractWords(query);

        /** @type {any[]} */
        this.results = [];
        var $this = this;

        data.forEach(function(ele, idx) {

            var words = extractWords(ele);

            var start = findSearchStartPoint(words, $this.wordsToSearch);

            var numberOfMatches = findNumberOfMatches(words, $this.wordsToSearch, start);

                words: words,
                wordsToSearch: $this.wordsToSearch,
                firstListMatchedIndex: start.firstListMatchedIndex,
                numberOfMatches: numberOfMatches,
                index: idx

        // The logic can be improved by using regular expression
         * Simply breaks down a string to its words
         * @param {string} s The input string 
        function extractWords(s) {
            return (s || '').split(' ');

         * @typedef {Object} SearchPoint Starting point of search
         * @property {number} startIndex - Index of `wordsToSearch` element
         * @property {number} firstListMatchedIndex - Index of `words` element

         * Finds the starting point of the search. In other words, it returns the first word in `wordsToSearch`
         * that matches the first word in `words`
         * @param {string[]} words The array in which search will be done
         * @param {string[]} wordsToSearch The array of words that needs to be searched for
         * @returns {SearchPoint} Returns indices of each input array from which search should start
        function findSearchStartPoint(words, wordsToSearch) {
            var startIndex = wordsToSearch.length;
            var firstListMatchedIndex = -1;
            for (var i = 0; i < wordsToSearch.length; i++) {
                firstListMatchedIndex = words.findIndex(function(w, x) {
                    return x > firstListMatchedIndex
                            && wordsToSearch[i].toLowerCase() === w.toLowerCase();

                if (firstListMatchedIndex > -1) {
                    startIndex = i;

            return {
                startIndex: startIndex,
                firstListMatchedIndex: firstListMatchedIndex

         * Returns number of consecutive `wordsToSearch` elements in `words` starting
         * from `start`
         * @param {string[]} words The array in which search will be done
         * @param {string[]} wordsToSearch The array of words that needs to be searched for
         * @param {SearchPoint} start
        function findNumberOfMatches(words, wordsToSearch, start) {
            var numberOfMatched = 0;
            if (start.firstListMatchedIndex > -1) {
                numberOfMatched = 1;
                for (var i = start.startIndex + 1; i < wordsToSearch.length; i++) {
                    if (wordsToSearch[i].toLowerCase() === (words[i + start.firstListMatchedIndex] || '').toLowerCase()) {
                    } else {

            return numberOfMatched;

     * Sends a summary of how the search performed to `console`
    TextMatcher.prototype.showResutls = function() {
        console.info('Words to be searched:')

        this.results.forEach(function(r) {
            console.info('List item ' + r.index + ' ---- No. of words matched: ' + r.numberOfMatches
                            + (r.numberOfMatches > 0  ? ', First word matched: ' + r.words[r.firstListMatchedIndex] : ''));    

     * Displays which `data` item has the most number of matched consecutive words in `console`
    TextMatcher.prototype.mostMatched = function() {
        var max = Math.max(...this.results.map(function(el) {
            return el.numberOfMatches;
        return this.results.find(function(el) {
            return el.numberOfMatches === max;

    // Creates an instance of TextMatcher
    var search = new TextMatcher(list, str);
    // Shows results in console    
    // Gets the most matched item in the list
    var res = search.mostMatched();
    // Shows the most matched item in console
    console.info('The phrase with the most consecutive words matched:');
    console.info('Phrase: "' + list[res.index] + '", No. of words matched: ' + res.numberOfMatches + ', Index: ' + res.index);




//Words to be searched:
//[ 'Adam', 'Smith', 'Jr.' ]

//[ 'Mr.', 'Adam', 'Smith', 'Junior' ]
//List item 0 ---- No. of words matched: 2, First word matched: Adam
//[ 'Anna', 'Smith', 'Jr.' ]
//List item 1 ---- No. of words matched: 1, First word matched: Smith
//[ 'Adam', 'Jhon', 'Smith' ]
//List item 2 ---- No. of words matched: 1, First word matched: Adam
//[ 'Smith', 'Adam' ]
//List item 3 ---- No. of words matched: 1, First word matched: Adam

//The phrase with the most consecutive words matched:
//Phrase: "Mr. Adam Smith Junior", No. of words matched: 2, Index: 0
var list = ['Mr. Adam Smith Junior', 'Anna Smith Jr.', 'Adam Jhon Smith', 'Smith Adam'];
var str = 'Adam Smith Jr.';

// This loop finds the best matching string in the array and
// and prints it in the console
function findBestMatch(arr, s) {
    for (var i = s.length; i > 1; i--) {
        var found = arr.find(function(ele) {
            return ele.indexOf(s.substr(0, i)) > -1;
        }) || [];
        if (found.length) {

findBestMatch(list, str);
var str='小亚当·斯密';
var i=0,j=0;
// Your code request - Updated code.
var list = ['Mr. Adam Smith Junior', 'Anna Smith Jr.', 'Adam Jhon Smith', 'Smith Adam'];
var str = 'Adam Smith Jr.';

// Updated code.
str = str.split(' ');
var i = 0, j = 0;
var matched = [];

// First loop for your `list` variable array to go through each string.
while(i < str.length){
    // Second loop for your `str` variable to match each part of string with your `list` variable's each string.    
    for(j=0;j < list.length;j++){      
        var match = new RegExp( str[i], 'g' );  
            // Find exact match - Your code goes here.


// Your result of find the all matched values from `list` variable.