Javascript iText在转换为pdf时未正确呈现html标题标记

Javascript iText在转换为pdf时未正确呈现html标题标记,javascript,html,css,pdf,itext,Javascript,Html,Css,Pdf,Itext,这个新问题与此有关。基本上,我能够将具有图像和CSS样式的html文件转换为PDF。然而,我只是注意到标题标签(h1-h6)没有正确呈现。我意识到在iText网页上有一个这样的例子,但是代码与我目前拥有的不兼容。有人能帮我解决这个问题吗。谢谢 public class HtmlToPdfConverter { public static final String HTML = "C:\\Users\\APPS\\Desktop\\helppages_COPY\\Help_SiteMap


public class HtmlToPdfConverter {

    public static final String HTML = "C:\\Users\\APPS\\Desktop\\helppages_COPY\\Help_SiteMap.htm";
    public static final String DEST = "C:\\Users\\APPS\\Desktop\\output.pdf";

    //public static final String HTML = "C:\\Users\\APPS\\Desktop\\helppages_COPY\\general\\Training1.htm";
    //public static final String DEST = "C:\\Users\\APPS\\Desktop\\Training1.pdf";

    public static final String IMG_PATH = "C:\\Users\\APPS\\Desktop\\helppages_COPY\\images\\";
    public static final String RELATIVE_PATH = "C:\\Users\\APPS\\Desktop\\helppages_COPY\\images\\";
    public static final String CSS_DIR = "C:\\Users\\APPS\\Desktop\\helppages_COPY\\css\\";

    public void createPdf(String file) throws IOException, DocumentException {
        Document document = new Document();
        PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(file));;

        // CSS
        CSSResolver cssResolver = XMLWorkerHelper.getInstance().getDefaultCssResolver(false);
        FileRetrieve fileRetrieve = new FileRetrieveImpl(CSS_DIR);

        // HTML
        HtmlPipelineContext htmlPipelineContext = new HtmlPipelineContext(null);
        htmlPipelineContext.setImageProvider(new AbstractImageProvider() {

            public String getImageRootPath() {
                return IMG_PATH;

        htmlPipelineContext.setLinkProvider(new LinkProvider() {

            public String getLinkRoot() {
                return RELATIVE_PATH;

        // Pipelines
        ElementList elements = new ElementList();
        ElementHandlerPipeline end = new ElementHandlerPipeline(elements, null);
        //PdfWriterPipeline pdfWriterPipeline = new PdfWriterPipeline(document, pdfWriter);
        //HtmlPipeline hhHtmlPipeline = new HtmlPipeline(htmlPipelineContext, pdfWriterPipeline);
        HtmlPipeline hhHtmlPipeline = new HtmlPipeline(htmlPipelineContext, end);
        CssResolverPipeline cssResolverPipeline = new CssResolverPipeline(cssResolver, hhHtmlPipeline);

        // XML Worker
        XMLWorker xmlWorker = new XMLWorker(cssResolverPipeline, true);
        XMLParser xmlParser = new XMLParser(xmlWorker);
        xmlParser.parse(new FileInputStream(HTML));;
        for (Element e : elements) {


        System.out.println("**** Conversion Complete ****");

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, DocumentException {
        new HtmlToPdfConverter().createPdf(DEST);



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <title>Alert Notification</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/helppages.css" />


    <div class="page-padding">

        <table class="header">
            <tr class="header-footer-tr">
                <td class="header-td-left">
                    <a href="#LINKS">Topic References</a>
                <td class="header-td-center">
                    <a id="TOP">Create Alert</a>
                <td class="header-td-right">
                    <a href="../Help_SiteMap.htm">Topics Map</a>

        <p>The Create Alert function provides an Administrator a means to send a &#8220;System&#8221; Alert that immediately displays
            a message window to all users who are currently logged on and to the rest when they do log on until a specified time.
            A system Alert might be used to notify users of changes that effect system access or availability such as scheduled maintenance.

        <p>This function is executed as an Admin menu option.</p>

        <div class="image-padding center-content">
            <!-- <img src="../images/Create_Alert.png" alt="Create Alert" /> -->
            <img src="" alt="dummy image" />

        <p>This window has two text fields, two selection lists, and two buttons.</p>

            <li>Subject - text input to accept a title of the message to all users</li>
            <li>Expire time hour - selection list to specify the hour of the day until which users will see this message at login</li>
            <li>Expire time minute - selection list to specify the minute of the hour until which users will see this message at login
            <li>Multi-line text input field to accept message body</li>
            <li>OK - button to accept and broadcast the Alert then close the window</li>
            <li>Close - button to close the window discarding the message</li>

        <br />

        <div class="thin-horizontal-line"></div>

        <h2 id="TUTORIAL">Tutorial</h2>

            <b>Send an Alert</b>

            <li>Enter an Alert title in the Subject text input field and information for the Alert body (both required fields)</li>
            <li>Optionally, change the expiration time (must be at least 5 minutes in future, 10 is safer)</li>
            <li>Click the OK button</li>

        <br />

        <table class="footer">
            <tr class="header-footer-tr">
                <td style="width: 50%; text-align: center">
                    <a id="LINKS"></a>Local Topics</td>
                <td style="width: 50%; text-align: center">Related Topics</td>
            <tr class="verticle-align-top">
                <td class="local-topics-padding">
                        <a href="#TOP">Top of this Page</a>
                        <a href="#TUTORIAL">Tutorial</a>
                <td class="text-align-right related-topics-padding">
                        <a href="../admin/Admin_Main.htm">Admin Functions</a>





  • 主题-文本输入,用于向所有用户接受消息标题
  • Expire time hour-选择列表,指定用户在登录时看到此消息的时间
  • Expire time minute(过期时间分钟)-选择列表,指定用户在登录时看到此消息之前的每小时分钟数
  • 接受消息正文的多行文本输入字段
  • 确定-按钮接受并广播警报,然后关闭窗口
  • 关闭-按钮关闭窗口,丢弃消息

辅导的 发出警报

  • 在主题文本输入字段中输入警报标题和警报正文信息(两个必填字段)
  • (可选)更改过期时间(以后必须至少5分钟,10分钟更安全)
  • 单击OK按钮




添加你的代码、css以及打印内容和未打印内容的屏幕截图会很有帮助……我已经添加了我的代码。HTML是什么样子的?您希望从输出中得到什么?你的输出是什么?你为什么不使用最新版本的iText?(见附录)问题不清楚。根据问题当前版本中的信息,无法给出答案。我已经在帖子中添加了更多信息,以及代码和示例。这应该是关于我的html看起来像什么,我的期望输出是什么,以及我的当前输出是什么的问题。至于我为什么不使用iText 7。我为一家小企业工作,该企业正在为政府进行一个小项目。不会支付iText 7许可证的费用,向公众发布整个应用程序代码不是一个选项。添加您的代码、css以及打印内容和未打印内容的屏幕截图会很有帮助……我已经添加了我的代码。HTML看起来像什么?您希望从输出中得到什么?你的输出是什么?你为什么不使用最新版本的iText?(见附录)问题不清楚。根据问题当前版本中的信息,无法给出答案。我已经在帖子中添加了更多信息,以及代码和示例。这应该是关于我的html看起来像什么,我的期望输出是什么,以及我的当前输出是什么的问题。至于我为什么不使用iText 7。我为一家小企业工作,该企业正在为政府进行一个小项目。用户不会支付iText 7许可证的费用,并且不会向公众发布整个应用程序代码。