
启用和禁用字段以及验证表单的Javascript,javascript,Javascript,如果选择了动物(在4b中),则应启用以下字段: i) 动物类型(使用与上述3b相同的列表)、年龄(以月为单位)、性别(雄性、雌性:选择 颜色(黑色、棕色、灰色、白色:选择一种或多种)。(对于以下情况,最高可获得5%的积分奖励: 颜色调色板的使用) ii)拥有的月数 iii)上次兽医就诊日期、兽医姓名、兽医电话号码 iv)交出动物的原因 d) 如果选择了货币服务(在4b中),则应启用以下字段:金额 请求和付款类型(支票、现金、信用卡:选择一种) e) 如果选择了服务(在4b中),说明是全职还是兼职


i) 动物类型(使用与上述3b相同的列表)、年龄(以月为单位)、性别(雄性、雌性:选择 颜色(黑色、棕色、灰色、白色:选择一种或多种)。(对于以下情况,最高可获得5%的积分奖励: 颜色调色板的使用)




d) 如果选择了货币服务(在4b中),则应启用以下字段:金额 请求和付款类型(支票、现金、信用卡:选择一种)

e) 如果选择了服务(在4b中),说明是全职还是兼职(选择一项),以及服务数量 每周工作天数(1-7天)。笔记仅应启用一种类型的服务信息 用户的选择,而其他选择被禁用

<button onclick="document.getElementById('id01').style.display='block'" style="width:auto;"> Donation Form </button>
<button onclick="'" style="width:auto;"> <a href="index.html"> Adoption Page  </a> </button>
    <div id="id01" class="modal">
  <span onclick="document.getElementById('id01').style.display='none'" class="close" title="Close Modal">×</span>
        <form class="modal-content animate" action="/action_page.php">
            <div class="container">

                  <label> <b> First Name: </b> </label>
                  <input name = "name" type = "text" size = "25" Placeholder=" Enter First Name" required />       
                  <label> <b> Last Name:</b> </label>
                  <input  type = "text" size = "25" placeholder="Enter Last Name" required />       
                  <label><b> Mailing address:</b> </label> 
                  <input  type = "text" size = "25" placeholder=" Enter Home Address" name="Address" required/> 
                  <label> <b> Date of Birth:</b> </label>
                  <input  type = "text" size = "25"  placeholder="DD/MM/YYYY" name="DOB"/>
                  <label> <b> Telephone Number:</b> </label> 
                  <input  type = "text" size = "25" placeholder="Enter Contact Number" name="Tnumber"/>
                  <input type="text" placeholder="Enter Email Address" name="email" required>

                  <p><b>  What type of donation would you like to make  </b> <p/>

                  <select name = "donations">
                                <option selected = " selected">------</option> 
                                <option>Animal </option>

                  <br /> <br />

                  <div id="animal" style ="visibility: hidden;" > 
                  <p> <b>Choose the type of Pet you would like to Donate: </b> </p>

                  <label> Dog <input name = "Pet" align="right" type ="checkbox" value= "Dog " align="right"/></label> 
                  <label> Cat <input name = "Pet" type ="checkbox" value= "Cat" /> </label>
                  <label>Snake <input name = "Pet" type ="checkbox" value= "Snake" />
                  <label> Hamster <input name = "Pet" align="right" type ="checkbox" value= "Hampster " /></label> <br/>

            <div class="clearfix">
                    <button type="button" onclick="document.getElementById('id01').style.display='none'" class="cancelbtn">Cancel form </button>
                    <button type="submit" class="submitbtn">Submit</button>

// Get the modal
var modal = document.getElementById('id01');

// When the user clicks anywhere outside of the modal, close it
window.onclick = function(event) {
    if (event.target == modal) {
        modal.style.display = "none";

     var selected = document.query.selector('#select-donation');
     var animals = document.query.selector('#select-animal');
     var monetary = document.query.selector('select-monetary);
     var service = document.query.selector ('select-service');

     function showlist(){
        if (selected.selectedIndex == 1 )
        { animals.removeAtrribute('disabled');
        monetary.disabled= true;
        service.disabled= true; }
        else if (selected.selectedIndex === 2) 
        { monetary.removeAtrribute('disabled');
        animal.disabled = true;
        service.disabled= true; }
        else if (selected.selectedIndex == 3)
        {service.removeAtrribute ('disabled');
        animal.disabled = true; 
        monetary.disabled = true; }

× 名字: 姓氏: 邮寄地址: 出生日期: 电话号码:
电子邮件 您希望进行哪种类型的捐赠

------ 动物 货币的 服务


狗 猫 蛇 仓鼠
取消表格 提交 //获取模态 var modal=document.getElementById('id01'); //当用户单击模式之外的任何位置时,将其关闭 window.onclick=函数(事件){ 如果(event.target==模态){ modal.style.display=“无”; } } var selected=document.query.selector(“#选择捐赠”); var-animals=document.query.selector(“#选择动物”); var monetary=document.query.selector('select-monetary'); var service=document.query.selector('select-service'); 函数showlist(){ if(selected.selectedIndex==1) {动物。移除属性('禁用'); 货币。残疾=真; service.disabled=true;} else if(selected.selectedIndex==2) {monetary.RemoveAttribute('disabled'); 动物残疾=真; service.disabled=true;} else if(selected.selectedIndex==3) {service.removeatrAttribute('disabled'); 动物残疾=真; monetary.disabled=true;} }