Javascript 如果有多个子菜单,是否将其设置为下拉菜单?

Javascript 如果有多个子菜单,是否将其设置为下拉菜单?,javascript,angularjs,twitter-bootstrap,drop-down-menu,meanjs,Javascript,Angularjs,Twitter Bootstrap,Drop Down Menu,Meanjs,我正在与Mean JS合作一个项目,我正在使用他们提供的模板。 基本上我想做: if (more than 1 sub-menus) make it drop-down else make just a button and if that button clicked take it to state of the sub menu. 导航栏上的按钮将定义为下拉菜单。它将有两个子菜单。此主按钮将对所有类型的用户可见。但是,普通用户只能看到下拉菜单上

我正在与Mean JS合作一个项目,我正在使用他们提供的模板。 基本上我想做:

 if (more than 1 sub-menus)
         make it drop-down
       make just a button and if that button clicked take it to state of the sub menu.


<nav class="collapse  navbar-collapse" collapse="!isCollapsed" role="navigation">
  <ul class="nav navbar-nav" ng-if="menu.shouldRender(authentication.user);">
    <li ng-repeat="item in menu.items | orderBy: 'position'" ng-if="item.shouldRender(authentication.user);" ng-switch="item.type" ng-class="{ active: $state.includes(item.state), dropdown: item.type === 'dropdown' }" class="{{item.class}}" dropdown="item.type === 'dropdown'">
      <a ng-switch-when="dropdown" class="dropdown-toggle" dropdown-toggle role="button">{{::item.title}}&nbsp;<span class="caret"></span></a>
      <ul ng-switch-when="dropdown" class="dropdown-menu">
        <li ng-repeat="subitem in item.items | orderBy: 'position'" ng-if="subitem.shouldRender(authentication.user);" ui-sref-active="active">
          <a ui-sref="{{subitem.state}}" ng-bind="subitem.title"></a>
      <a ng-switch-default ui-sref="{{item.state}}" ng-bind="item.title"></a>
// Configuring the Articles module
  function(Menus) {
    // Add the articles dropdown item
    Menus.addMenuItem('topbar', {
      title: 'Blog',
      state: 'articles',
      type: 'dropdown',
      roles: ['*'],
      position: 1

    // Add the dropdown list item
    Menus.addSubMenuItem('topbar', 'articles', {
      title: 'Visit Blog',
      state: 'articles.list',
      roles: ['user', 'admin']

    // Add the dropdown create item
    Menus.addSubMenuItem('topbar', 'articles', {
      title: 'Create Blog Post',
      state: 'articles.create',
      roles: ['admin']