Javascript 如何在mocha测试中模拟全局变量(定义、模块、窗口)?

Javascript 如何在mocha测试中模拟全局变量(定义、模块、窗口)?,javascript,node.js,unit-testing,mocha.js,Javascript,Node.js,Unit Testing,Mocha.js,为了实现100%的代码覆盖率,我尝试使用mocha测试我的javascript模块在AMD、CommonJS/Node和浏览器条件下是否正确加载。我使用的模式如下: my module.js (function(global){ function MyClass(){} // AMD if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd){ define(function(){ return MyClass


my module.js


  function MyClass(){}

  // AMD
  if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd){
      return MyClass;

  // CommonJS/Node
  } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports){
    module.exports = MyClass;

  // Browser
  } else {
    global.MyClass = MyClass;

var MyClass = require('./my-module');

describe('MyClass', function(){
  // suite of tests for the class itself
  // uses 'var instance = new MyClass();' in each test
  // all of these tests pass

describe('Exports', function(){
  // suite of tests for the export portion
    MyClass = null; // will reload module for each test
    define = null; // set 'define' to null
    module = null; // set 'module' to null

  // tests for AMD
  describe('AMD', function(){
    it('should have loaded as AMD module', function(){
      var define = function(){};
      define.amd = true;

      MyClass = require('./my-module'); // might be cached?
      // hoping this reloads with 'define' in its parent scope
      // but it does not. AMD condition is never reached.

      expect(spy).to.have.been.called(); // chai spy, code omitted
var loadModule = require('./module-loader').loadModule;

// ...

it('should load module with mocked global vars', function(){
  function mockMethod(str){
    console.log("mock: "+str);

  var MyMockModule = loadModule('./my-module.js', {mock:mockMethod});
  // 'MyClass' is available as MyMockModule.module.exports

  function MyClass(){}

  if(typeof mock !== 'undefined'){ 
    mock("testing"); // will log "mock: testing"

  module.exports = MyClass;



my module.test.js


  function MyClass(){}

  // AMD
  if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd){
      return MyClass;

  // CommonJS/Node
  } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports){
    module.exports = MyClass;

  // Browser
  } else {
    global.MyClass = MyClass;

var MyClass = require('./my-module');

describe('MyClass', function(){
  // suite of tests for the class itself
  // uses 'var instance = new MyClass();' in each test
  // all of these tests pass

describe('Exports', function(){
  // suite of tests for the export portion
    MyClass = null; // will reload module for each test
    define = null; // set 'define' to null
    module = null; // set 'module' to null

  // tests for AMD
  describe('AMD', function(){
    it('should have loaded as AMD module', function(){
      var define = function(){};
      define.amd = true;

      MyClass = require('./my-module'); // might be cached?
      // hoping this reloads with 'define' in its parent scope
      // but it does not. AMD condition is never reached.

      expect(spy).to.have.been.called(); // chai spy, code omitted
var loadModule = require('./module-loader').loadModule;

// ...

it('should load module with mocked global vars', function(){
  function mockMethod(str){
    console.log("mock: "+str);

  var MyMockModule = loadModule('./my-module.js', {mock:mockMethod});
  // 'MyClass' is available as MyMockModule.module.exports

  function MyClass(){}

  if(typeof mock !== 'undefined'){ 
    mock("testing"); // will log "mock: testing"

  module.exports = MyClass;







  function MyClass(){}

  // AMD
  if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd){
      return MyClass;

  // CommonJS/Node
  } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports){
    module.exports = MyClass;

  // Browser
  } else {
    global.MyClass = MyClass;

var MyClass = require('./my-module');

describe('MyClass', function(){
  // suite of tests for the class itself
  // uses 'var instance = new MyClass();' in each test
  // all of these tests pass

describe('Exports', function(){
  // suite of tests for the export portion
    MyClass = null; // will reload module for each test
    define = null; // set 'define' to null
    module = null; // set 'module' to null

  // tests for AMD
  describe('AMD', function(){
    it('should have loaded as AMD module', function(){
      var define = function(){};
      define.amd = true;

      MyClass = require('./my-module'); // might be cached?
      // hoping this reloads with 'define' in its parent scope
      // but it does not. AMD condition is never reached.

      expect(spy).to.have.been.called(); // chai spy, code omitted
var loadModule = require('./module-loader').loadModule;

// ...

it('should load module with mocked global vars', function(){
  function mockMethod(str){
    console.log("mock: "+str);

  var MyMockModule = loadModule('./my-module.js', {mock:mockMethod});
  // 'MyClass' is available as MyMockModule.module.exports

  function MyClass(){}

  if(typeof mock !== 'undefined'){ 
    mock("testing"); // will log "mock: testing"

  module.exports = MyClass;


var vm = require('vm');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var extend = require('extend'); // install from npm

 * Helper for unit testing:
 * - load module with mocked dependencies
 * - allow accessing private state of the module
 * @param {string} filePath Absolute path to module (file to load)
 * @param {Object=} mocks Hash of mocked dependencies
exports.loadModule = function(filePath, mocks) {
  mocks = mocks || {};

  // this is necessary to allow relative path modules within loaded file
  // i.e. requiring ./some inside file /a/b.js needs to be resolved to /a/some
  var resolveModule = function(module) {
    if (module.charAt(0) !== '.') return module;
    return path.resolve(path.dirname(filePath), module);

  var exports = {};
  var context = {
    require: function(name) {
      return mocks[name] || require(resolveModule(name));
    console: console,
    exports: exports,
    module: {
      exports: exports

  var extendMe = {};
  extend(true, extendMe, context, mocks);

  // runs your module in a VM with a new context containing your mocks
  vm.runInNewContext(fs.readFileSync(filePath), extendMe);

  return extendMe;
my module.test.js


  function MyClass(){}

  // AMD
  if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd){
      return MyClass;

  // CommonJS/Node
  } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports){
    module.exports = MyClass;

  // Browser
  } else {
    global.MyClass = MyClass;

var MyClass = require('./my-module');

describe('MyClass', function(){
  // suite of tests for the class itself
  // uses 'var instance = new MyClass();' in each test
  // all of these tests pass

describe('Exports', function(){
  // suite of tests for the export portion
    MyClass = null; // will reload module for each test
    define = null; // set 'define' to null
    module = null; // set 'module' to null

  // tests for AMD
  describe('AMD', function(){
    it('should have loaded as AMD module', function(){
      var define = function(){};
      define.amd = true;

      MyClass = require('./my-module'); // might be cached?
      // hoping this reloads with 'define' in its parent scope
      // but it does not. AMD condition is never reached.

      expect(spy).to.have.been.called(); // chai spy, code omitted
var loadModule = require('./module-loader').loadModule;

// ...

it('should load module with mocked global vars', function(){
  function mockMethod(str){
    console.log("mock: "+str);

  var MyMockModule = loadModule('./my-module.js', {mock:mockMethod});
  // 'MyClass' is available as MyMockModule.module.exports

  function MyClass(){}

  if(typeof mock !== 'undefined'){ 
    mock("testing"); // will log "mock: testing"

  module.exports = MyClass;

my module.js


  function MyClass(){}

  // AMD
  if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd){
      return MyClass;

  // CommonJS/Node
  } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports){
    module.exports = MyClass;

  // Browser
  } else {
    global.MyClass = MyClass;

var MyClass = require('./my-module');

describe('MyClass', function(){
  // suite of tests for the class itself
  // uses 'var instance = new MyClass();' in each test
  // all of these tests pass

describe('Exports', function(){
  // suite of tests for the export portion
    MyClass = null; // will reload module for each test
    define = null; // set 'define' to null
    module = null; // set 'module' to null

  // tests for AMD
  describe('AMD', function(){
    it('should have loaded as AMD module', function(){
      var define = function(){};
      define.amd = true;

      MyClass = require('./my-module'); // might be cached?
      // hoping this reloads with 'define' in its parent scope
      // but it does not. AMD condition is never reached.

      expect(spy).to.have.been.called(); // chai spy, code omitted
var loadModule = require('./module-loader').loadModule;

// ...

it('should load module with mocked global vars', function(){
  function mockMethod(str){
    console.log("mock: "+str);

  var MyMockModule = loadModule('./my-module.js', {mock:mockMethod});
  // 'MyClass' is available as MyMockModule.module.exports

  function MyClass(){}

  if(typeof mock !== 'undefined'){ 
    mock("testing"); // will log "mock: testing"

  module.exports = MyClass;



let document = (typeof document === "undefined") ? {} : document;

