Javascript 使用JS/JQuery将大文本转换为缩写或短字符串

Javascript 使用JS/JQuery将大文本转换为缩写或短字符串,javascript,jquery,arrays,replace,Javascript,Jquery,Arrays,Replace,我需要将这个大字符串转换为abbrev(短)字符串文本 我写了这段代码,但只转换最后一个值(Cuba到CUB) 你能帮我吗 函数文本{ 如果($(window).width()您正在用最新的更改覆盖结果。Replace返回一个字符串,您需要替换每个部分。如果将其分配给输出,则保留原始的text值,而不替换它 function text_abbrev() { if ($(window).width() <= 480) { $('.nav-tabs li a').each





function text_abbrev() {
    if ($(window).width() <= 480) {
      $('.nav-tabs li a').each(function() {
        var text = $(this).text();
        text = text.replace('Tijuana', 'TIJ');
        text = text.replace('Monterrey', 'MTY');
        text = text.replace('Guadalajara', 'GDL');
        text = text.replace('Toluca', 'TLC');
        text = text.replace('Cancún', 'CUN');
        $(this).text(text.replace('Cuba', 'CUB'));
    } else {}


function text_abbrev() {
    if ($(window).width() <= 480) {
      $('.nav-tabs li a').each(function() {
        var text = $(this).text();
        text = text.replace('Tijuana', 'TIJ');
        text = text.replace('Monterrey', 'MTY');
        text = text.replace('Guadalajara', 'GDL');
        text = text.replace('Toluca', 'TLC');
        text = text.replace('Cancún', 'CUN');
        $(this).text(text.replace('Cuba', 'CUB'));
    } else {}


// this function takes an object (the 'haystack') within which
// we search for the supplied value (the 'needle'):
function getKeyFromValue(haystack, needle) {

  // here we retrieve the keys of the supplied Object using
  // Object.keys, which returns an Array of those keys:
  return Object.keys(haystack)

    // here we filter the Array of keys, using an Arrow
    // function, to retain only the key(s) for which
    // the value stored in the Object with the current
    // key is exactly equal to the supplied needle to
    // search for:
    .filter(key => haystack[key] === needle)
    // we then take the first element of the retained
    // Array of keys, and return that to the calling
    // context:

// an object tying full names to abbreviated names:
var locationAbbreviations = {
  'Cancún': 'CUN',
  'Cuba': 'CUB',
  'Guadalajara': 'GDL',
  'Monterrey': 'MTY',
  'Tijuana': 'TIJ',
  'Toluca': 'TLC'

// binding the text-updates to the resize event(s) of
// the window:
$(window).resize(function() {

  // caching the elements:
  var elems = $('li a');

  // if the window width is less than 480px:
  if ($(this).width() < 480) {

    // we update the text of each of the found
    // elements, using the text() method's
    // anonymous function:
    elems.text(function(i, text) {
      // i:    the first argument, is the index of the
      //       current element in the jQuery collection
      //       element nodes.
      // text: the second argument, the current text
      // of the current element.

      // here we look up the abbreviation by using
      // the trimmed text of the current element 
      // (trimming removes leading and trailing
      // white-space from the String) as the key
      // with which to search in the
      // locationAbbreviations Object; if no value is
      // returned the response will be undefined
      // (falsey) so instead the original text will be
      // returned:
      return locationAbbreviations[text.trim()] || text;
  } else {

    // otherwise, we instead use the text() method
    // and its anonymous function to return the
    // result of calling a function:
    elems.text(function(i, text) {

      // here we call the named function, supplying
      // both the Object ('haystack') and trimmed
      // string of text from the current element
      // ('needle'):
      return getKeyFromValue(locationAbbreviations, text.trim());
返回位置缩写[text.trim()]| | text;
函数getKeyFromValue(草堆、针){ return Object.keys(haystack).filter(key=>haystack[key]==针).pop(); } 变量位置缩写={ "坎昆":"村",, “Cuba”:“CUB”, “瓜达拉哈拉”:“GDL”, “蒙特雷”:“MTY”, “蒂华纳”:“蒂吉”, “托卢卡”:“TLC” }; $(窗口)。调整大小(函数(){ 变量元素=$('LIA'); if($(this).width()<480){ 元素文本(函数(i,文本){ 返回位置缩写[text.trim()]| | text; }); }否则{ 元素文本(函数(i,文本){ 返回getKeyFromValue(location缩写,text.trim()); }) } });


// this function takes an object (the 'haystack') within which
// we search for the supplied value (the 'needle'):
function getKeyFromValue(haystack, needle) {

  // here we retrieve the keys of the supplied Object using
  // Object.keys, which returns an Array of those keys:
  return Object.keys(haystack)

    // here we filter the Array of keys, using an Arrow
    // function, to retain only the key(s) for which
    // the value stored in the Object with the current
    // key is exactly equal to the supplied needle to
    // search for:
    .filter(key => haystack[key] === needle)
    // we then take the first element of the retained
    // Array of keys, and return that to the calling
    // context:

// an object tying full names to abbreviated names:
var locationAbbreviations = {
  'Cancún': 'CUN',
  'Cuba': 'CUB',
  'Guadalajara': 'GDL',
  'Monterrey': 'MTY',
  'Tijuana': 'TIJ',
  'Toluca': 'TLC'

// binding the text-updates to the resize event(s) of
// the window:
$(window).resize(function() {

  // caching the elements:
  var elems = $('li a');

  // if the window width is less than 480px:
  if ($(this).width() < 480) {

    // we update the text of each of the found
    // elements, using the text() method's
    // anonymous function:
    elems.text(function(i, text) {
      // i:    the first argument, is the index of the
      //       current element in the jQuery collection
      //       element nodes.
      // text: the second argument, the current text
      // of the current element.

      // here we look up the abbreviation by using
      // the trimmed text of the current element 
      // (trimming removes leading and trailing
      // white-space from the String) as the key
      // with which to search in the
      // locationAbbreviations Object; if no value is
      // returned the response will be undefined
      // (falsey) so instead the original text will be
      // returned:
      return locationAbbreviations[text.trim()] || text;
  } else {

    // otherwise, we instead use the text() method
    // and its anonymous function to return the
    // result of calling a function:
    elems.text(function(i, text) {

      // here we call the named function, supplying
      // both the Object ('haystack') and trimmed
      // string of text from the current element
      // ('needle'):
      return getKeyFromValue(locationAbbreviations, text.trim());