Javascript 使用jquery进行复杂的链式API调用,以从中获取信息

Javascript 使用jquery进行复杂的链式API调用,以从中获取信息,javascript,jquery,ajax,api,each,Javascript,Jquery,Ajax,Api,Each,假设我有3个API从应用程序返回XMLDocuments,我只知道“服务器名称”,这是我的输入 API 1:为每个服务器提供所有服务器名称和相关的唯一ID API 2:返回服务器分配给给定唯一ID的所有“模板”;还提供了API 3的“随时可用”URL,该URL API 3:提供API 2中每个“模板”的详细信息 因此,简而言之,我需要从API1获取唯一ID,并将其传递给API2,以获取从服务器分配的模板获取所有详细信息所需的URL。还考虑到我可能想从多个服务器获取信息,这些服务器之间用


  • API 1:为每个服务器提供所有服务器名称和相关的唯一ID

  • API 2:返回服务器分配给给定唯一ID的所有“模板”;还提供了API 3的“随时可用”URL,该URL

  • API 3:提供API 2中每个“模板”的详细信息


    nodeId: nodeId, // node = server
    nodeName: nodeName,
    aspectProperties: { ...objectWithAllAspectProperties },
    policyProperties: { ...ObjectWithAllPolicyProperties },
如果我使用分配了4个模板的服务器,并将console.log('final data')放在“return data;“从main.js(如下所示),控制台多次返回数组,随着循环的经过而递增。只有最后一个是我需要的:

[object Array][Array[1]]
[object Array][Array[1], Array[1]]
[object Array][Array[1], Array[1]]
[object Array][Array[1], Array[1]]
[object Array][Array[1], Array[1], Array[1]]
[object Array][Array[1], Array[1], Array[1], Array[1]]      //////// this is the one I need



import jQuery from "./vendor/jquery-3.5.1.min.js";
window.$ = window.jQuery = jQuery;

import { ajaxCall as getAllNodeIdsAjaxCall } from "./getFromApi/getAllNodeIds.js";
import { ajaxCall as getNodeAssignmentList } from "./getFromApi/getNodeAssignmentList.js";
import { ajaxCall as getAssignmentDetailFromURL } from "./getFromApi/getAssignmentDetailFromURL.js";

var filteredServersWithIds;

    $("#getXml").click(function () {
  filteredServersWithIds = getAllNodeIdsAjaxCall().then(function (data) {
    var everyNodesAssignmentsAndPolicies = [];

    $.each(data, function (i, jsonObj) {
      $.each(jsonObj, function (key, val) {
        getNodeAssignmentList(val.nodeId).then(function (data) {
          $.each(data, function (i, jsonObj) {
              .then(function (data) {
                var everyNodesAssignmentsAndPoliciesWithoutEmptyObj = everyNodesAssignmentsAndPolicies.filter(
                  (value) => Object.keys(value).length !== 0
                return everyNodesAssignmentsAndPoliciesWithoutEmptyObj;
              .then(function (data) {
                console.log("final data:");

The output (return filteredServersWithIds) of the jQuery function ajaxCall below will be:
    { Hostname: "serverone", nodeId: "1" },
    { Hostname: "servertwo", nodeId: "2" },
    { ... }

import jQuery, { ajax } from "../vendor/jquery-3.5.1.min.js";
window.$ = window.jQuery = jQuery;

export function ajaxCall() {
  // Defining AJAX settings

var ajaxURL = "http://localhost/api_1/getAllNodesWithIds";
  var ajaxType = "GET";
  var ajaxAcceptedResponseFormat = "text/xml";
  var ajaxAcceptedResponseTxt = "text/plain";
  var ajaxResponseParseMethod = "xml";
  var ajaxContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8";
  var ajaxAsynchronous = true;
  var ajaxCache = false;
  var ajaxCrossDomain = false;
  var ajaxDataToTarget = null;
  var ajaxUseGlobalHandlers = false;
  var ajaxUsername = "admin";
  var ajaxPassword = "1234";
  var ajaxTimeout = 5000;

  var haveRootNodeTag = "node_list";
  var haveChildNodeTag = "nodes";

  var haveExpectedFormat = 0;
  var haveExpectedResponse = 0;
  var haveNonExpected = "";
  var haveRawResponse = 0;
  var haveRawResponseData = "";

  // Begin AJAX Work

var ajaxreq = $.ajax({
    accepts: {
      //xml: ajaxAcceptedResponseFormat,
      text: ajaxAcceptedResponseTxt,
    }, // Accepted response data
    global: false,
    type: ajaxType,
    contentType: ajaxContentType,
    url: ajaxURL,
    beforeSend: function (xhr) {
        "Basic " + btoa(ajaxUsername + ":" + ajaxPassword)
    async: ajaxAsynchronous,
    cache: ajaxCache,
    converters: { "text xml": jQuery.parseXML },
    crossDomain: ajaxCrossDomain,
    //, data: ajaxDataToTarget
    dataType: ajaxResponseParseMethod,
    global: ajaxUseGlobalHandlers,
    ifModified: false,
    username: ajaxUsername,
    password: ajaxPassword,
    timeout: ajaxTimeout,
    .then(function (data) {
      // splits multiple servers separated with spaces from input
      var serversFromInput = splitServers();

  var jsonOfNodesWithIds = [];
  var filteredServersWithIds = [];
  var returnedData;

  // parses the XML response from the API 1

    .find("nodes node")
    .each(function () {
      var nodeId = $(this).find("node > id").text();
      var nodeHostname = $(this).find("node > display_label").text();

        nodeId: nodeId,
        Hostname: nodeHostname,

  $.each(serversFromInput, function (index, value) {
    returnedData = $.grep(jsonOfNodesWithIds, function (element, index) {
      return element.Hostname === value;
  return filteredServersWithIds;
.fail(function (data) {
  return (
    "Loading XML data response failed with >> " +
    data.statusText +
    ". Status code >> " +

return ajaxreq;

export function splitServers() {
  var nodeFilter = $("#serverFilter").val();
  return nodeFilter.split(" ");
The output (return jsonOfNodeWithDetailedAspectURL) of the jQuery function ajaxCall below will be:
        nodeId: "1",
        assignmentIsEnabled: true, 
        detailedAssignmentURL: "http://localhost/api_2/getNodeAssignmentList/id/1",
        nodeId: "2",
        assignmentIsEnabled: true, 
        detailedAssignmentURL: "http://localhost/api_2/getNodeAssignmentList/id/2",
    { ... }

import jQuery, { ajax } from "../vendor/jquery-3.5.1.min.js";
window.$ = window.jQuery = jQuery;

export function ajaxCall(nodeId) {
  // Defining AJAX settings

  var ajaxURL = "http://localhost/api_2/getNodeAssignmentList/id/" + nodeId;
  var ajaxType = "GET";
  var ajaxAcceptedResponseFormat = "text/xml";
  var ajaxAcceptedResponseTxt = "text/plain";
  var ajaxResponseParseMethod = "xml";
  var ajaxContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8";
  var ajaxAsynchronous = true;
  var ajaxCache = false;
  var ajaxCrossDomain = false;
  var ajaxDataToTarget = null;
  var ajaxUseGlobalHandlers = false;
  var ajaxUsername = "admin";
  var ajaxPassword = "1234";
  var ajaxTimeout = 5000;

  var haveExpectedFormat = 0;
  var haveExpectedResponse = 0;
  var haveNonExpected = "";
  var haveRawResponse = 0;
  var haveRawResponseData = "";

  // Begin AJAX Work

  var ajaxreq = $.ajax({
    accepts: {
      //xml: ajaxAcceptedResponseFormat,
      text: ajaxAcceptedResponseTxt,
    }, // Accepted response data
    global: false,
    type: ajaxType,
    contentType: ajaxContentType,
    url: ajaxURL,
    beforeSend: function (xhr) {
        "Basic " + btoa(ajaxUsername + ":" + ajaxPassword)
    async: ajaxAsynchronous,
    cache: ajaxCache,
    converters: { "text xml": jQuery.parseXML },
    crossDomain: ajaxCrossDomain,
    //, data: ajaxDataToTarget
    dataType: ajaxResponseParseMethod,
    global: ajaxUseGlobalHandlers,
    ifModified: false,
    username: ajaxUsername,
    password: ajaxPassword,
    timeout: ajaxTimeout,
      function (data) {
        var jsonOfNodeWithDetailedAspectURL = [];

      .find("assignment_list template_version_assignment")
      .each(function () {
        var nodeId = $(this).find("related_ci > target_id").text();
        var assignmentIsEnabled = $(this).find("is_enabled").text();
        var unchangedDetailedAssignmentURL = $(this)

        var correctedDetailedAssignmentURL = unchangedDetailedAssignmentURL.replace(

          nodeId: nodeId,
          assignmentIsEnabled: assignmentIsEnabled,
          detailedAssignmentURL: correctedDetailedAssignmentURL,

      .find("assignment_list aspect_version_assignment")
      .each(function () {
        var nodeId = $(this).find("related_ci > target_id").text();
        var assignmentIsEnabled = $(this).find("is_enabled").text();
        var unchangedDetailedAssignmentURL = $(this)

        var correctedDetailedAssignmentURL = unchangedDetailedAssignmentURL.replace(

          nodeId: nodeId,
          assignmentIsEnabled: assignmentIsEnabled,
          detailedAssignmentURL: correctedDetailedAssignmentURL,
    return jsonOfNodeWithDetailedAspectURL;
  } // End function
.fail(function (data) {
  return (
    "Loading XML data response failed with >> " +
    data.statusText +
    ". Status code >> " +

return ajaxreq;
import jQuery, { ajax } from "../vendor/jquery-3.5.1.min.js";
window.$ = window.jQuery = jQuery;

export function ajaxCall(nodeDetailedAssignmentURL) {
  // Defining AJAX settings

  var ajaxURL = nodeDetailedAssignmentURL;
  var ajaxType = "GET";
  var ajaxAcceptedResponseFormat = "text/xml";
  var ajaxAcceptedResponseTxt = "text/plain";
  var ajaxResponseParseMethod = "xml";
  var ajaxContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8";
  var ajaxAsynchronous = true;
  var ajaxCache = false;
  var ajaxCrossDomain = false;
  var ajaxDataToTarget = null;
  var ajaxUseGlobalHandlers = false;
  var ajaxUsername = "admin";
  var ajaxPassword = "1234";
  var ajaxTimeout = 5000;

  var haveExpectedFormat = 0;
  var haveExpectedResponse = 0;
  var haveNonExpected = "";
  var haveRawResponse = 0;
  var haveRawResponseData = "";

  // Begin AJAX Work

  var ajaxreq = $.ajax({
    accepts: {
      //xml: ajaxAcceptedResponseFormat,
      text: ajaxAcceptedResponseTxt,
    }, // Accepted response data
    global: false,
    type: ajaxType,
    contentType: ajaxContentType,
    url: ajaxURL,
    beforeSend: function (xhr) {
        "Basic " + btoa(ajaxUsername + ":" + ajaxPassword)
    async: ajaxAsynchronous,
    cache: ajaxCache,
    converters: { "text xml": jQuery.parseXML },
    crossDomain: ajaxCrossDomain,
    //, data: ajaxDataToTarget
    dataType: ajaxResponseParseMethod,
    global: ajaxUseGlobalHandlers,
    ifModified: false,
    username: ajaxUsername,
    password: ajaxPassword,
    timeout: ajaxTimeout,
      function (data) {
        var aspectProperties = [];
        var policyProperties = [];
        var objectOfNodeAspectAndPolicies = [];

          .each(function () {

            var aspectIsEnabled = $(this).find("is_enabled").text();
            var aspectTargetId = $(this)
              .find("aspect_version_ref > target_id")
            var aspectDisplayLabel = $(this)
              .find("aspect_version_ref > display_label")
            var aspectDescription = $(this)
              .find("aspect_version_ref > description")
            var aspectMajorVersion = $(this)
              .find("aspect_version_ref > major_version")
            var aspectMinorVersion = $(this)
              .find("aspect_version_ref > minor_version")

            var nodeId = $(this)
              .find("related_ci > configuration_item > id")
            var nodeType = $(this)
              .find("related_ci > configuration_item > type")
            var nodeName = $(this)
              .find("related_ci > configuration_item > name")

              nodeId: nodeId,
              nodeType: nodeType,
              nodeName: nodeName,
              aspectIsEnabled: aspectIsEnabled,
              aspectTargetId: aspectTargetId,
              aspectDisplayLabel: aspectDisplayLabel,
              aspectDescription: aspectDescription,
              aspectMajorVersion: aspectMajorVersion,
              aspectMinorVersion: aspectMinorVersion,

              .find("parameter_value_list parameter_value")
              .each(function () {
                var policyType = $(this)
                  .find("parameter_context > defined_in_type")
                var policyLabel = $(this)
                  .find("parameter_context > defined_in_label")
                var policyDescription = $(this)
                  .find("parameter_context > defined_in_desc")

                var metricId = $(this).find("parameter > id").text();
                var metricDisplayLabel = $(this)
                  .find("parameter > display_label")
                var metricType = $(this).find("parameter > type").text();
                var metricDescription = $(this)
                  .find("parameter > description")
                var metricDefaultValue = $(this)
                  .find("parameter > default_value > value")

                var metricActualValue = $(this)
                  .find("parameter_value > value")

                  policyType: policyType,
                  policyLabel: policyLabel,
                  policyDescription: policyDescription,
                  metricId: metricId,
                  metricDisplayLabel: metricDisplayLabel,
                  metricType: metricType,
                  metricDescription: metricDescription,
                  metricDefaultValue: metricDefaultValue,
                  metricActualValue: metricActualValue,

              nodeId: nodeId,
              nodeName: nodeName,
              aspectProperties: aspectProperties,
              policyProperties: policyProperties,
        return objectOfNodeAspectAndPolicies;
      } // End function
    .fail(function (data) {
      return (
        "Loading XML data response failed with >> " +
        data.statusText +
        ". Status code >> " +
  return ajaxreq;

The output (return filteredServersWithIds) of the jQuery function ajaxCall below will be:
    { Hostname: "serverone", nodeId: "1" },
    { Hostname: "servertwo", nodeId: "2" },
    { ... }

import jQuery, { ajax } from "../vendor/jquery-3.5.1.min.js";
window.$ = window.jQuery = jQuery;

export function ajaxCall() {
  // Defining AJAX settings

var ajaxURL = "http://localhost/api_1/getAllNodesWithIds";
  var ajaxType = "GET";
  var ajaxAcceptedResponseFormat = "text/xml";
  var ajaxAcceptedResponseTxt = "text/plain";
  var ajaxResponseParseMethod = "xml";
  var ajaxContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8";
  var ajaxAsynchronous = true;
  var ajaxCache = false;
  var ajaxCrossDomain = false;
  var ajaxDataToTarget = null;
  var ajaxUseGlobalHandlers = false;
  var ajaxUsername = "admin";
  var ajaxPassword = "1234";
  var ajaxTimeout = 5000;

  var haveRootNodeTag = "node_list";
  var haveChildNodeTag = "nodes";

  var haveExpectedFormat = 0;
  var haveExpectedResponse = 0;
  var haveNonExpected = "";
  var haveRawResponse = 0;
  var haveRawResponseData = "";

  // Begin AJAX Work

var ajaxreq = $.ajax({
    accepts: {
      //xml: ajaxAcceptedResponseFormat,
      text: ajaxAcceptedResponseTxt,
    }, // Accepted response data
    global: false,
    type: ajaxType,
    contentType: ajaxContentType,
    url: ajaxURL,
    beforeSend: function (xhr) {
        "Basic " + btoa(ajaxUsername + ":" + ajaxPassword)
    async: ajaxAsynchronous,
    cache: ajaxCache,
    converters: { "text xml": jQuery.parseXML },
    crossDomain: ajaxCrossDomain,
    //, data: ajaxDataToTarget
    dataType: ajaxResponseParseMethod,
    global: ajaxUseGlobalHandlers,
    ifModified: false,
    username: ajaxUsername,
    password: ajaxPassword,
    timeout: ajaxTimeout,
    .then(function (data) {
      // splits multiple servers separated with spaces from input
      var serversFromInput = splitServers();

  var jsonOfNodesWithIds = [];
  var filteredServersWithIds = [];
  var returnedData;

  // parses the XML response from the API 1

    .find("nodes node")
    .each(function () {
      var nodeId = $(this).find("node > id").text();
      var nodeHostname = $(this).find("node > display_label").text();

        nodeId: nodeId,
        Hostname: nodeHostname,

  $.each(serversFromInput, function (index, value) {
    returnedData = $.grep(jsonOfNodesWithIds, function (element, index) {
      return element.Hostname === value;
  return filteredServersWithIds;
.fail(function (data) {
  return (
    "Loading XML data response failed with >> " +
    data.statusText +
    ". Status code >> " +

return ajaxreq;

export function splitServers() {
  var nodeFilter = $("#serverFilter").val();
  return nodeFilter.split(" ");
The output (return jsonOfNodeWithDetailedAspectURL) of the jQuery function ajaxCall below will be:
        nodeId: "1",
        assignmentIsEnabled: true, 
        detailedAssignmentURL: "http://localhost/api_2/getNodeAssignmentList/id/1",
        nodeId: "2",
        assignmentIsEnabled: true, 
        detailedAssignmentURL: "http://localhost/api_2/getNodeAssignmentList/id/2",
    { ... }

import jQuery, { ajax } from "../vendor/jquery-3.5.1.min.js";
window.$ = window.jQuery = jQuery;

export function ajaxCall(nodeId) {
  // Defining AJAX settings

  var ajaxURL = "http://localhost/api_2/getNodeAssignmentList/id/" + nodeId;
  var ajaxType = "GET";
  var ajaxAcceptedResponseFormat = "text/xml";
  var ajaxAcceptedResponseTxt = "text/plain";
  var ajaxResponseParseMethod = "xml";
  var ajaxContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8";
  var ajaxAsynchronous = true;
  var ajaxCache = false;
  var ajaxCrossDomain = false;
  var ajaxDataToTarget = null;
  var ajaxUseGlobalHandlers = false;
  var ajaxUsername = "admin";
  var ajaxPassword = "1234";
  var ajaxTimeout = 5000;

  var haveExpectedFormat = 0;
  var haveExpectedResponse = 0;
  var haveNonExpected = "";
  var haveRawResponse = 0;
  var haveRawResponseData = "";

  // Begin AJAX Work

  var ajaxreq = $.ajax({
    accepts: {
      //xml: ajaxAcceptedResponseFormat,
      text: ajaxAcceptedResponseTxt,
    }, // Accepted response data
    global: false,
    type: ajaxType,
    contentType: ajaxContentType,
    url: ajaxURL,
    beforeSend: function (xhr) {
        "Basic " + btoa(ajaxUsername + ":" + ajaxPassword)
    async: ajaxAsynchronous,
    cache: ajaxCache,
    converters: { "text xml": jQuery.parseXML },
    crossDomain: ajaxCrossDomain,
    //, data: ajaxDataToTarget
    dataType: ajaxResponseParseMethod,
    global: ajaxUseGlobalHandlers,
    ifModified: false,
    username: ajaxUsername,
    password: ajaxPassword,
    timeout: ajaxTimeout,
      function (data) {
        var jsonOfNodeWithDetailedAspectURL = [];

      .find("assignment_list template_version_assignment")
      .each(function () {
        var nodeId = $(this).find("related_ci > target_id").text();
        var assignmentIsEnabled = $(this).find("is_enabled").text();
        var unchangedDetailedAssignmentURL = $(this)

        var correctedDetailedAssignmentURL = unchangedDetailedAssignmentURL.replace(

          nodeId: nodeId,
          assignmentIsEnabled: assignmentIsEnabled,
          detailedAssignmentURL: correctedDetailedAssignmentURL,

      .find("assignment_list aspect_version_assignment")
      .each(function () {
        var nodeId = $(this).find("related_ci > target_id").text();
        var assignmentIsEnabled = $(this).find("is_enabled").text();
        var unchangedDetailedAssignmentURL = $(this)

        var correctedDetailedAssignmentURL = unchangedDetailedAssignmentURL.replace(

          nodeId: nodeId,
          assignmentIsEnabled: assignmentIsEnabled,
          detailedAssignmentURL: correctedDetailedAssignmentURL,
    return jsonOfNodeWithDetailedAspectURL;
  } // End function
.fail(function (data) {
  return (
    "Loading XML data response failed with >> " +
    data.statusText +
    ". Status code >> " +

return ajaxreq;
import jQuery, { ajax } from "../vendor/jquery-3.5.1.min.js";
window.$ = window.jQuery = jQuery;

export function ajaxCall(nodeDetailedAssignmentURL) {
  // Defining AJAX settings

  var ajaxURL = nodeDetailedAssignmentURL;
  var ajaxType = "GET";
  var ajaxAcceptedResponseFormat = "text/xml";
  var ajaxAcceptedResponseTxt = "text/plain";
  var ajaxResponseParseMethod = "xml";
  var ajaxContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8";
  var ajaxAsynchronous = true;
  var ajaxCache = false;
  var ajaxCrossDomain = false;
  var ajaxDataToTarget = null;
  var ajaxUseGlobalHandlers = false;
  var ajaxUsername = "admin";
  var ajaxPassword = "1234";
  var ajaxTimeout = 5000;

  var haveExpectedFormat = 0;
  var haveExpectedResponse = 0;
  var haveNonExpected = "";
  var haveRawResponse = 0;
  var haveRawResponseData = "";

  // Begin AJAX Work

  var ajaxreq = $.ajax({
    accepts: {
      //xml: ajaxAcceptedResponseFormat,
      text: ajaxAcceptedResponseTxt,
    }, // Accepted response data
    global: false,
    type: ajaxType,
    contentType: ajaxContentType,
    url: ajaxURL,
    beforeSend: function (xhr) {
        "Basic " + btoa(ajaxUsername + ":" + ajaxPassword)
    async: ajaxAsynchronous,
    cache: ajaxCache,
    converters: { "text xml": jQuery.parseXML },
    crossDomain: ajaxCrossDomain,
    //, data: ajaxDataToTarget
    dataType: ajaxResponseParseMethod,
    global: ajaxUseGlobalHandlers,
    ifModified: false,
    username: ajaxUsername,
    password: ajaxPassword,
    timeout: ajaxTimeout,
      function (data) {
        var aspectProperties = [];
        var policyProperties = [];
        var objectOfNodeAspectAndPolicies = [];

          .each(function () {

            var aspectIsEnabled = $(this).find("is_enabled").text();
            var aspectTargetId = $(this)
              .find("aspect_version_ref > target_id")
            var aspectDisplayLabel = $(this)
              .find("aspect_version_ref > display_label")
            var aspectDescription = $(this)
              .find("aspect_version_ref > description")
            var aspectMajorVersion = $(this)
              .find("aspect_version_ref > major_version")
            var aspectMinorVersion = $(this)
              .find("aspect_version_ref > minor_version")

            var nodeId = $(this)
              .find("related_ci > configuration_item > id")
            var nodeType = $(this)
              .find("related_ci > configuration_item > type")
            var nodeName = $(this)
              .find("related_ci > configuration_item > name")

              nodeId: nodeId,
              nodeType: nodeType,
              nodeName: nodeName,
              aspectIsEnabled: aspectIsEnabled,
              aspectTargetId: aspectTargetId,
              aspectDisplayLabel: aspectDisplayLabel,
              aspectDescription: aspectDescription,
              aspectMajorVersion: aspectMajorVersion,
              aspectMinorVersion: aspectMinorVersion,

              .find("parameter_value_list parameter_value")
              .each(function () {
                var policyType = $(this)
                  .find("parameter_context > defined_in_type")
                var policyLabel = $(this)
                  .find("parameter_context > defined_in_label")
                var policyDescription = $(this)
                  .find("parameter_context > defined_in_desc")

                var metricId = $(this).find("parameter > id").text();
                var metricDisplayLabel = $(this)
                  .find("parameter > display_label")
                var metricType = $(this).find("parameter > type").text();
                var metricDescription = $(this)
                  .find("parameter > description")
                var metricDefaultValue = $(this)
                  .find("parameter > default_value > value")

                var metricActualValue = $(this)
                  .find("parameter_value > value")

                  policyType: policyType,
                  policyLabel: policyLabel,
                  policyDescription: policyDescription,
                  metricId: metricId,
                  metricDisplayLabel: metricDisplayLabel,
                  metricType: metricType,
                  metricDescription: metricDescription,
                  metricDefaultValue: metricDefaultValue,
                  metricActualValue: metricActualValue,

              nodeId: nodeId,
              nodeName: nodeName,
              aspectProperties: aspectProperties,
              policyProperties: policyProperties,
        return objectOfNodeAspectAndPolicies;
      } // End function
    .fail(function (data) {
      return (
        "Loading XML data response failed with >> " +
        data.statusText +
        ". Status code >> " +
  return ajaxreq;

The output (return filteredServersWithIds) of the jQuery function ajaxCall below will be:
    { Hostname: "serverone", nodeId: "1" },
    { Hostname: "servertwo", nodeId: "2" },
    { ... }

import jQuery, { ajax } from "../vendor/jquery-3.5.1.min.js";
window.$ = window.jQuery = jQuery;

export function ajaxCall() {
  // Defining AJAX settings

var ajaxURL = "http://localhost/api_1/getAllNodesWithIds";
  var ajaxType = "GET";
  var ajaxAcceptedResponseFormat = "text/xml";
  var ajaxAcceptedResponseTxt = "text/plain";
  var ajaxResponseParseMethod = "xml";
  var ajaxContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8";
  var ajaxAsynchronous = true;
  var ajaxCache = false;
  var ajaxCrossDomain = false;
  var ajaxDataToTarget = null;
  var ajaxUseGlobalHandlers = false;
  var ajaxUsername = "admin";
  var ajaxPassword = "1234";
  var ajaxTimeout = 5000;

  var haveRootNodeTag = "node_list";
  var haveChildNodeTag = "nodes";

  var haveExpectedFormat = 0;
  var haveExpectedResponse = 0;
  var haveNonExpected = "";
  var haveRawResponse = 0;
  var haveRawResponseData = "";

  // Begin AJAX Work

var ajaxreq = $.ajax({
    accepts: {
      //xml: ajaxAcceptedResponseFormat,
      text: ajaxAcceptedResponseTxt,
    }, // Accepted response data
    global: false,
    type: ajaxType,
    contentType: ajaxContentType,
    url: ajaxURL,
    beforeSend: function (xhr) {
        "Basic " + btoa(ajaxUsername + ":" + ajaxPassword)
    async: ajaxAsynchronous,
    cache: ajaxCache,
    converters: { "text xml": jQuery.parseXML },
    crossDomain: ajaxCrossDomain,
    //, data: ajaxDataToTarget
    dataType: ajaxResponseParseMethod,
    global: ajaxUseGlobalHandlers,
    ifModified: false,
    username: ajaxUsername,
    password: ajaxPassword,
    timeout: ajaxTimeout,
    .then(function (data) {
      // splits multiple servers separated with spaces from input
      var serversFromInput = splitServers();

  var jsonOfNodesWithIds = [];
  var filteredServersWithIds = [];
  var returnedData;

  // parses the XML response from the API 1

    .find("nodes node")
    .each(function () {
      var nodeId = $(this).find("node > id").text();
      var nodeHostname = $(this).find("node > display_label").text();

        nodeId: nodeId,
        Hostname: nodeHostname,

  $.each(serversFromInput, function (index, value) {
    returnedData = $.grep(jsonOfNodesWithIds, function (element, index) {
      return element.Hostname === value;
  return filteredServersWithIds;
.fail(function (data) {
  return (
    "Loading XML data response failed with >> " +
    data.statusText +
    ". Status code >> " +

return ajaxreq;

export function splitServers() {
  var nodeFilter = $("#serverFilter").val();
  return nodeFilter.split(" ");
The output (return jsonOfNodeWithDetailedAspectURL) of the jQuery function ajaxCall below will be:
        nodeId: "1",
        assignmentIsEnabled: true, 
        detailedAssignmentURL: "http://localhost/api_2/getNodeAssignmentList/id/1",
        nodeId: "2",
        assignmentIsEnabled: true, 
        detailedAssignmentURL: "http://localhost/api_2/getNodeAssignmentList/id/2",
    { ... }

import jQuery, { ajax } from "../vendor/jquery-3.5.1.min.js";
window.$ = window.jQuery = jQuery;

export function ajaxCall(nodeId) {
  // Defining AJAX settings

  var ajaxURL = "http://localhost/api_2/getNodeAssignmentList/id/" + nodeId;
  var ajaxType = "GET";
  var ajaxAcceptedResponseFormat = "text/xml";
  var ajaxAcceptedResponseTxt = "text/plain";
  var ajaxResponseParseMethod = "xml";
  var ajaxContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8";
  var ajaxAsynchronous = true;
  var ajaxCache = false;
  var ajaxCrossDomain = false;
  var ajaxDataToTarget = null;
  var ajaxUseGlobalHandlers = false;
  var ajaxUsername = "admin";
  var ajaxPassword = "1234";
  var ajaxTimeout = 5000;

  var haveExpectedFormat = 0;
  var haveExpectedResponse = 0;
  var haveNonExpected = "";
  var haveRawResponse = 0;
  var haveRawResponseData = "";

  // Begin AJAX Work

  var ajaxreq = $.ajax({
    accepts: {
      //xml: ajaxAcceptedResponseFormat,
      text: ajaxAcceptedResponseTxt,
    }, // Accepted response data
    global: false,
    type: ajaxType,
    contentType: ajaxContentType,
    url: ajaxURL,
    beforeSend: function (xhr) {
        "Basic " + btoa(ajaxUsername + ":" + ajaxPassword)
    async: ajaxAsynchronous,
    cache: ajaxCache,
    converters: { "text xml": jQuery.parseXML },
    crossDomain: ajaxCrossDomain,
    //, data: ajaxDataToTarget
    dataType: ajaxResponseParseMethod,
    global: ajaxUseGlobalHandlers,
    ifModified: false,
    username: ajaxUsername,
    password: ajaxPassword,
    timeout: ajaxTimeout,
      function (data) {
        var jsonOfNodeWithDetailedAspectURL = [];

      .find("assignment_list template_version_assignment")
      .each(function () {
        var nodeId = $(this).find("related_ci > target_id").text();
        var assignmentIsEnabled = $(this).find("is_enabled").text();
        var unchangedDetailedAssignmentURL = $(this)

        var correctedDetailedAssignmentURL = unchangedDetailedAssignmentURL.replace(

          nodeId: nodeId,
          assignmentIsEnabled: assignmentIsEnabled,
          detailedAssignmentURL: correctedDetailedAssignmentURL,

      .find("assignment_list aspect_version_assignment")
      .each(function () {
        var nodeId = $(this).find("related_ci > target_id").text();
        var assignmentIsEnabled = $(this).find("is_enabled").text();
        var unchangedDetailedAssignmentURL = $(this)

        var correctedDetailedAssignmentURL = unchangedDetailedAssignmentURL.replace(

          nodeId: nodeId,
          assignmentIsEnabled: assignmentIsEnabled,
          detailedAssignmentURL: correctedDetailedAssignmentURL,
    return jsonOfNodeWithDetailedAspectURL;
  } // End function
.fail(function (data) {
  return (
    "Loading XML data response failed with >> " +
    data.statusText +
    ". Status code >> " +

return ajaxreq;
import jQuery, { ajax } from "../vendor/jquery-3.5.1.min.js";
window.$ = window.jQuery = jQuery;

export function ajaxCall(nodeDetailedAssignmentURL) {
  // Defining AJAX settings

  var ajaxURL = nodeDetailedAssignmentURL;
  var ajaxType = "GET";
  var ajaxAcceptedResponseFormat = "text/xml";
  var ajaxAcceptedResponseTxt = "text/plain";
  var ajaxResponseParseMethod = "xml";
  var ajaxContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8";
  var ajaxAsynchronous = true;
  var ajaxCache = false;
  var ajaxCrossDomain = false;
  var ajaxDataToTarget = null;
  var ajaxUseGlobalHandlers = false;
  var ajaxUsername = "admin";
  var ajaxPassword = "1234";
  var ajaxTimeout = 5000;

  var haveExpectedFormat = 0;
  var haveExpectedResponse = 0;
  var haveNonExpected = "";
  var haveRawResponse = 0;
  var haveRawResponseData = "";

  // Begin AJAX Work

  var ajaxreq = $.ajax({
    accepts: {
      //xml: ajaxAcceptedResponseFormat,
      text: ajaxAcceptedResponseTxt,
    }, // Accepted response data
    global: false,
    type: ajaxType,
    contentType: ajaxContentType,
    url: ajaxURL,
    beforeSend: function (xhr) {
        "Basic " + btoa(ajaxUsername + ":" + ajaxPassword)
    async: ajaxAsynchronous,
    cache: ajaxCache,
    converters: { "text xml": jQuery.parseXML },
    crossDomain: ajaxCrossDomain,
    //, data: ajaxDataToTarget
    dataType: ajaxResponseParseMethod,
    global: ajaxUseGlobalHandlers,
    ifModified: false,
    username: ajaxUsername,
    password: ajaxPassword,
    timeout: ajaxTimeout,
      function (data) {
        var aspectProperties = [];
        var policyProperties = [];
        var objectOfNodeAspectAndPolicies = [];

          .each(function () {

            var aspectIsEnabled = $(this).find("is_enabled").text();
            var aspectTargetId = $(this)
              .find("aspect_version_ref > target_id")
            var aspectDisplayLabel = $(this)
              .find("aspect_version_ref > display_label")
            var aspectDescription = $(this)
              .find("aspect_version_ref > description")
            var aspectMajorVersion = $(this)
              .find("aspect_version_ref > major_version")
            var aspectMinorVersion = $(this)
              .find("aspect_version_ref > minor_version")

            var nodeId = $(this)
              .find("related_ci > configuration_item > id")
            var nodeType = $(this)
              .find("related_ci > configuration_item > type")
            var nodeName = $(this)
              .find("related_ci > configuration_item > name")

              nodeId: nodeId,
              nodeType: nodeType,
              nodeName: nodeName,
              aspectIsEnabled: aspectIsEnabled,
              aspectTargetId: aspectTargetId,
              aspectDisplayLabel: aspectDisplayLabel,
              aspectDescription: aspectDescription,
              aspectMajorVersion: aspectMajorVersion,
              aspectMinorVersion: aspectMinorVersion,

              .find("parameter_value_list parameter_value")
              .each(function () {
                var policyType = $(this)
                  .find("parameter_context > defined_in_type")
                var policyLabel = $(this)
                  .find("parameter_context > defined_in_label")
                var policyDescription = $(this)
                  .find("parameter_context > defined_in_desc")

                var metricId = $(this).find("parameter > id").text();
                var metricDisplayLabel = $(this)
                  .find("parameter > display_label")
                var metricType = $(this).find("parameter > type").text();
                var metricDescription = $(this)
                  .find("parameter > description")
                var metricDefaultValue = $(this)
                  .find("parameter > default_value > value")

                var metricActualValue = $(this)
                  .find("parameter_value > value")

                  policyType: policyType,
                  policyLabel: policyLabel,
                  policyDescription: policyDescription,
                  metricId: metricId,
                  metricDisplayLabel: metricDisplayLabel,
                  metricType: metricType,
                  metricDescription: metricDescription,
                  metricDefaultValue: metricDefaultValue,
                  metricActualValue: metricActualValue,

              nodeId: nodeId,
              nodeName: nodeName,
              aspectProperties: aspectProperties,
              policyProperties: policyProperties,
        return objectOfNodeAspectAndPolicies;
      } // End function
    .fail(function (data) {
      return (
        "Loading XML data response failed with >> " +
        data.statusText +
        ". Status code >> " +
  return ajaxreq;


