
如何使用yaml手动排序Jekyll页面?,jekyll,Jekyll,我正在将一个旧站点从PHP CMS转换为Jekyll,我希望保留手动排序的页面。起初,我认为我可以重命名文件以包含索引,例如01从这里开始.markdown,02了解更多信息.markdown等。如果我再往下添加一页,这会让事情变得很尴尬 理想情况下,我希望指定一个包含页面顺序的yaml文件。例如: category: basics pages: - start here - learn more - overview category: advanced pages: - d

我正在将一个旧站点从PHP CMS转换为Jekyll,我希望保留手动排序的页面。起初,我认为我可以重命名文件以包含索引,例如


category: basics
  - start here
  - learn more
  - overview

category: advanced
  - diving further
  - wrapping up


来自Jekyll documentation code

\u data/docs.yml

- title: chapter 1
  - home
  - page
  - other

- title: Other chapter
  - toto
  - etc
<div class="unit one-fifth hide-on-mobiles">
    {% for section in site.data.docs %}
    <h4>{{ section.title }}</h4>
    {% include docs_ul.html items=section.docs %}
    {% endfor %}
{% assign items = include.items %}
{% for item in items %}
  {% assign item_url = item | prepend:"/docs/" | append:"/" %}
  {% if item_url == page.url %}
    {% assign c = "current" %}
  {% else %}
    {% assign c = "" %}
  {% endif %}
  {% for p in site.docs %}
    {% if p.url == item_url %}
      <li class="{{ c }}"><a href="{{ site.url }}{{ p.url }}">{{ p.title }}</a></li>
      {% break %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% comment %}
Map grabs the doc sections, giving us an array of arrays. Join, flattens all
the items to a comma delimited string. Split turns it into an array again.
{% endcomment %}
{% assign docs = site.data.docs | map: 'docs' | join: ',' | split: ',' %}

{% comment %}
Because this is built for every page, lets find where we are in the ordered
document list by comparing url strings. Then if there's something previous or
next, lets build a link to it.
{% endcomment %}

{% for document in docs %}
  {% assign document_url = document | prepend:"/docs/" | append:"/" %}
  {% if document_url == page.url %}
    <div class="section-nav">
      <div class="left align-right">
          {% if forloop.first %}
            <span class="prev disabled">Back</span>
          {% else %}
            {% assign previous = forloop.index0 | minus: 1 %}
            {% assign previous_page = docs[previous] | prepend:"/docs/" | append:"/" %}
            <a href="{{ previous_page }}" class="prev">Back</a>
          {% endif %}
      <div class="right align-left">
          {% if forloop.last %}
            <span class="next disabled">Next</span>
          {% else %}
            {% assign next = forloop.index0 | plus: 1 %}
            {% assign next_page = docs[next] | prepend:"/docs/" | append:"/" %}
            <a href="{{ next_page }}" class="next">Next</a>
          {% endif %}
    <div class="clear"></div>
    {% break %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
在Jekyll中,文档包含在\u docs集合中,但这可以很容易地调整为与页面一起使用

中的导航包括/docs\u contents.html

- title: chapter 1
  - home
  - page
  - other

- title: Other chapter
  - toto
  - etc
<div class="unit one-fifth hide-on-mobiles">
    {% for section in site.data.docs %}
    <h4>{{ section.title }}</h4>
    {% include docs_ul.html items=section.docs %}
    {% endfor %}
{% assign items = include.items %}
{% for item in items %}
  {% assign item_url = item | prepend:"/docs/" | append:"/" %}
  {% if item_url == page.url %}
    {% assign c = "current" %}
  {% else %}
    {% assign c = "" %}
  {% endif %}
  {% for p in site.docs %}
    {% if p.url == item_url %}
      <li class="{{ c }}"><a href="{{ site.url }}{{ p.url }}">{{ p.title }}</a></li>
      {% break %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% comment %}
Map grabs the doc sections, giving us an array of arrays. Join, flattens all
the items to a comma delimited string. Split turns it into an array again.
{% endcomment %}
{% assign docs = site.data.docs | map: 'docs' | join: ',' | split: ',' %}

{% comment %}
Because this is built for every page, lets find where we are in the ordered
document list by comparing url strings. Then if there's something previous or
next, lets build a link to it.
{% endcomment %}

{% for document in docs %}
  {% assign document_url = document | prepend:"/docs/" | append:"/" %}
  {% if document_url == page.url %}
    <div class="section-nav">
      <div class="left align-right">
          {% if forloop.first %}
            <span class="prev disabled">Back</span>
          {% else %}
            {% assign previous = forloop.index0 | minus: 1 %}
            {% assign previous_page = docs[previous] | prepend:"/docs/" | append:"/" %}
            <a href="{{ previous_page }}" class="prev">Back</a>
          {% endif %}
      <div class="right align-left">
          {% if forloop.last %}
            <span class="next disabled">Next</span>
          {% else %}
            {% assign next = forloop.index0 | plus: 1 %}
            {% assign next_page = docs[next] | prepend:"/docs/" | append:"/" %}
            <a href="{{ next_page }}" class="next">Next</a>
          {% endif %}
    <div class="clear"></div>
    {% break %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}


页脚上一页/下一页导航位于\u includes/section\u nav.html

- title: chapter 1
  - home
  - page
  - other

- title: Other chapter
  - toto
  - etc
<div class="unit one-fifth hide-on-mobiles">
    {% for section in site.data.docs %}
    <h4>{{ section.title }}</h4>
    {% include docs_ul.html items=section.docs %}
    {% endfor %}
{% assign items = include.items %}
{% for item in items %}
  {% assign item_url = item | prepend:"/docs/" | append:"/" %}
  {% if item_url == page.url %}
    {% assign c = "current" %}
  {% else %}
    {% assign c = "" %}
  {% endif %}
  {% for p in site.docs %}
    {% if p.url == item_url %}
      <li class="{{ c }}"><a href="{{ site.url }}{{ p.url }}">{{ p.title }}</a></li>
      {% break %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% comment %}
Map grabs the doc sections, giving us an array of arrays. Join, flattens all
the items to a comma delimited string. Split turns it into an array again.
{% endcomment %}
{% assign docs = site.data.docs | map: 'docs' | join: ',' | split: ',' %}

{% comment %}
Because this is built for every page, lets find where we are in the ordered
document list by comparing url strings. Then if there's something previous or
next, lets build a link to it.
{% endcomment %}

{% for document in docs %}
  {% assign document_url = document | prepend:"/docs/" | append:"/" %}
  {% if document_url == page.url %}
    <div class="section-nav">
      <div class="left align-right">
          {% if forloop.first %}
            <span class="prev disabled">Back</span>
          {% else %}
            {% assign previous = forloop.index0 | minus: 1 %}
            {% assign previous_page = docs[previous] | prepend:"/docs/" | append:"/" %}
            <a href="{{ previous_page }}" class="prev">Back</a>
          {% endif %}
      <div class="right align-left">
          {% if forloop.last %}
            <span class="next disabled">Next</span>
          {% else %}
            {% assign next = forloop.index0 | plus: 1 %}
            {% assign next_page = docs[next] | prepend:"/docs/" | append:"/" %}
            <a href="{{ next_page }}" class="next">Next</a>
          {% endif %}
    <div class="clear"></div>
    {% break %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{%assign docs=site.data.docs | map:'docs'| join:','| split:','%}
{%assign document_url=document | prepend:“/docs/”| append:“/”%}
{%if document_url==page.url%}
{%assign previous=forloop.index0 |减:1%}
{%assign previous_page=docs[previous]| prepend:“/docs/”| append:“/”%}
{%assign next=forloop.index0 | plus:1%}
{%assign next_page=docs[next]|前置:“/docs/”|追加:“/”%}
