使用jQuery在WooCommerce Bookings日历中获取所选日期

使用jQuery在WooCommerce Bookings日历中获取所选日期,jquery,wordpress,date,woocommerce,woocommerce-bookings,Jquery,Wordpress,Date,Woocommerce,Woocommerce Bookings,下面的脚本在playcode.io(或其他)中运行良好,但在注入我的站点时无法检测到单击。我更像是一名PHP开发人员,我确信我在这里犯了一些新手JS错误 脚本的目的是检测Woocommerce Bookings日历上的单击,并确定单击的日期是否符合条件,如果符合条件,则设置表单字段的值并隐藏该字段所在的,以防止用户手动选择 该脚本目前正在通过my child主题中的footer.php文件注入。它显示在靠近底部的/woocommerce脚本/comment下面 是否有方法使用的属性:“数据处理程


脚本的目的是检测Woocommerce Bookings日历上的单击,并确定单击的日期是否符合条件,如果符合条件,则设置表单字段的值并隐藏该字段所在的

该脚本目前正在通过my child主题中的footer.php文件注入。它显示在靠近底部的/woocommerce脚本/comment下面

  • 是否有方法使用
  • 有没有办法用纯JS做到这一点
  • 有没有什么WordPress的事情我没有在这里做,让它在WP内部工作
  • 以下是我在playcode上成功使用的代码:


        //detect a click in a <td> within the woocommerce bookings calendar <table>
        jQuery(document).on('click', '.ui-datepicker-calendar td', function() {
        //alert('click detected');
            // get the closest TD in the current row
            var currentRow = jQuery(this).closest("td");
            // get the year from the wc attribute
            var rawyear = parseInt(jQuery(this).attr("data-year"));
            //get the month from the wc attribute
            var rawmonth = parseInt(jQuery(this).attr("data-month"));
            //get the day from the text inside the <td>
            var rawday = parseInt(currentRow.find(".ui-state-default").html()); 
            //use the month, day and year to set the selected start date.           
            var startDate = new Date(rawyear, rawmonth, rawday, 0, 0, 0);
            //get the current date      
            var today = new Date();
            //set the year for the cutoff date
            var compYear = today.getFullYear();
            //set the month for the cutoff date
            var compMonth = today.getMonth();
            //set how many days into the future is the cuttoff (4-days in this case)
            var compDay = today.getDate() + 4;  
            //set full cuttoff date as variable     
            var cuttoffDate = new Date(compYear, compMonth, compDay, 0, 0, 0);
            //compare the date clicked with the cuttoff date. if the start date is less than or equal to the cutoff date...     
            if(startDate <= cuttoffDate && currentRow[0].className.includes('bookable')) {
                //set deposit option form field to "pay-in-full"
                pif = document.getElementById("wc-option-pay-full");
                pif.checked = true;
                //hide the deposit options
                document.getElementsByClassName('wc-deposits-wrapper')[0].style.display = 'none';
                //output the cutoff date to the console for debugging
                console.log('Pay-in-full on or before', cuttoffDate);
            } else {
        //set deposit option form field to "pay-deposit"
                pd = document.getElementById("wc-option-pay-deposit");
                pd.checked = true;
                //show the deposit options
                document.getElementsByClassName('wc-deposits-wrapper')[0].style.display = 'block';
        //log deposit allowed for debug
        console.log("Deposit allowed");


    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'bookable_product_script_js');
    function bookable_product_script_js() {
        global $product;
        // Only on single bookable products
        if( is_product() && $product->is_type('booking') ) :
        <script type='text/javascript'>
            // Get the date selected value
            $("#wc-bookings-booking-form > fieldset").on('date-selected', function( event, fdate ) {
                console.log( 'Timestamp in seconds: ' + event.timeStamp ); // the selected date timestamp
                console.log( 'Formatted chosen date: ' + fdate ); // The selected formated date in "YYYY-MM-DD" format
                var date  = new Date(Date.parse(fdate)), // The selected DATE Object
                    year  = date.getFullYear(), // Year in numeric value with 4 digits
                    month = date.getMonth(), // Month in numeric value from 0 to 11
                    day   = date.getDate(), // Day in numeric value from 1 to 31
                    wDay  = date.getDay(); // Week day in numeric value from 0 to 6
                console.log('Year: '+year+' | month: '+month+' | day: '+day+' | week day: '+wDay);
    函数可预订\u产品\u脚本\u js(){
    console.log('Timestamp in seconds:'+event.Timestamp);//所选日期时间戳
    console.log('Formatted selected date:'+fdate);//所选格式化日期为“YYYY-MM-DD”格式
    var date=新日期(date.parse(fdate)),//所选日期对象
    log('Year:'+Year+'| month:'+month+'| day:'+day+'| week day:'+wDay);

     * Add Woocommerce Deposit Cutoff Date
     * Currently set to 9-days in the future.
     * If a user selects a booking date sooner than "10" days from today,
     * Deposit option is set to "pay-in-full" and deposit options are hidden.
     * If a user selects a booking date later than "10" day from today,
     * Deposit option is set to "pay deposit" and deposit options are displayed.
    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'bookable_product_script_js');
    function bookable_product_script_js() {
        global $product;
        // Only on single bookable products
        if( is_product() && $product->is_type('booking') ) :
        <script type='text/javascript'>
            // Get the date selected value
            $("#wc-bookings-booking-form > fieldset").on('date-selected', function( event, fdate ) {
                console.log( 'Timestamp in seconds: ' + event.timeStamp ); // the selected date timestamp
                console.log( 'Formatted chosen date: ' + fdate ); // The selected formated date in "YYYY-MM-DD" format
                var date  = new Date(Date.parse(fdate)), // The selected DATE Object
                    year  = date.getFullYear(), // Year in numeric value with 4 digits
                    month = date.getMonth(), // Month in numeric value from 0 to 11
                    day   = date.getDate(), // Day in numeric value from 1 to 31
                    wDay  = date.getDay(); // Week day in numeric value from 0 to 6
                //get the current date      
                var today = new Date();
                //set the year for the cutoff date
                var compYear = today.getFullYear();
                //set the month for the cutoff date
                var compMonth = today.getMonth();
                //set how many days into the future is the cuttoff (4-days in this case)
                var compDay = today.getDate() + 9;  
                //set full cuttoff date as variable     
                var cuttoffDate = new Date(compYear, compMonth, compDay, 0, 0, 0);
                //compare the date clicked with the cuttoff date. if the start date is less than or equal to the cutoff date...     
                if(date <= cuttoffDate) {
                    //set deposit option form field to "pay-in-full"
                    pif = document.getElementById("wc-option-pay-full");
                    pif.checked = true;
                    //hide the deposit options
                    document.getElementsByClassName('wc-deposits-wrapper')[0].style.display = 'none';
                    //output the cutoff date to the console for debugging
                    //console.log('Pay-in-Full Cutoff: ', cuttoffDate);
                } else {
                    //set deposit option form field to "pay-in-full"
                    pd = document.getElementById("wc-option-pay-deposit");
                    pd.checked = true;
                    //hide the deposit options
                    document.getElementsByClassName('wc-deposits-wrapper')[0].style.display = 'block';
                    //output for debug
                    //console.log("Deposit allowed");
                //for debug.
                //alert('Years: '+year+' | months: '+month+' | days: '+day+' | week days: '+wDay);
    函数可预订\u产品\u脚本\u js(){
    console.log('Timestamp in seconds:'+event.Timestamp);//所选日期时间戳
    console.log('Formatted selected date:'+fdate);//所选格式化日期为“YYYY-MM-DD”格式
    var date=新日期(date.parse(fdate)),//所选日期对象
    var today=新日期();
    var compYear=today.getFullYear();
    var compMonth=today.getMonth();
    var compDay=today.getDate()+9;
    如果(date Hi,Mitch-你是否确保脚本在加载时没有错误,并且以已知的工作形式与浏览器和页面缓存进行比较?谢谢Loic!这成功了。还感谢正确的钩子,因为这是我的下一次探索。对不起,@LoicTheAztec。这是我的第一篇帖子,我不知道解决问题的正确方法。)他的。我已将其更改为您的正确答案。我很抱歉。似乎在各种预订条件下,脚本会将整个日历转换为一个href,以“#”作为页面顶部的目标。您可以在此处看到它的作用:但不在此处:@MItchGould我的代码此处仅是基于专用“选定日期”的示例来自WooCommerce Bookings的委派事件…您必须根据您的预订设置和所需功能调整此示例。出于某些原因,此最终脚本将各种产品的日历转换为指向页面顶部的hrefs锚定链接。这使您无法选择日期。请参阅对的评论链接@洛伊奇的回答。
    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'bookable_product_script_js');
    function bookable_product_script_js() {
        global $product;
        // Only on single bookable products
        if( is_product() && $product->is_type('booking') ) :
        <script type='text/javascript'>
            // Get the date selected value
            $("#wc-bookings-booking-form > fieldset").on('date-selected', function( event, fdate ) {
                console.log( 'Timestamp in seconds: ' + event.timeStamp ); // the selected date timestamp
                console.log( 'Formatted chosen date: ' + fdate ); // The selected formated date in "YYYY-MM-DD" format
                var date  = new Date(Date.parse(fdate)), // The selected DATE Object
                    year  = date.getFullYear(), // Year in numeric value with 4 digits
                    month = date.getMonth(), // Month in numeric value from 0 to 11
                    day   = date.getDate(), // Day in numeric value from 1 to 31
                    wDay  = date.getDay(); // Week day in numeric value from 0 to 6
                console.log('Year: '+year+' | month: '+month+' | day: '+day+' | week day: '+wDay);
     * Add Woocommerce Deposit Cutoff Date
     * Currently set to 9-days in the future.
     * If a user selects a booking date sooner than "10" days from today,
     * Deposit option is set to "pay-in-full" and deposit options are hidden.
     * If a user selects a booking date later than "10" day from today,
     * Deposit option is set to "pay deposit" and deposit options are displayed.
    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'bookable_product_script_js');
    function bookable_product_script_js() {
        global $product;
        // Only on single bookable products
        if( is_product() && $product->is_type('booking') ) :
        <script type='text/javascript'>
            // Get the date selected value
            $("#wc-bookings-booking-form > fieldset").on('date-selected', function( event, fdate ) {
                console.log( 'Timestamp in seconds: ' + event.timeStamp ); // the selected date timestamp
                console.log( 'Formatted chosen date: ' + fdate ); // The selected formated date in "YYYY-MM-DD" format
                var date  = new Date(Date.parse(fdate)), // The selected DATE Object
                    year  = date.getFullYear(), // Year in numeric value with 4 digits
                    month = date.getMonth(), // Month in numeric value from 0 to 11
                    day   = date.getDate(), // Day in numeric value from 1 to 31
                    wDay  = date.getDay(); // Week day in numeric value from 0 to 6
                //get the current date      
                var today = new Date();
                //set the year for the cutoff date
                var compYear = today.getFullYear();
                //set the month for the cutoff date
                var compMonth = today.getMonth();
                //set how many days into the future is the cuttoff (4-days in this case)
                var compDay = today.getDate() + 9;  
                //set full cuttoff date as variable     
                var cuttoffDate = new Date(compYear, compMonth, compDay, 0, 0, 0);
                //compare the date clicked with the cuttoff date. if the start date is less than or equal to the cutoff date...     
                if(date <= cuttoffDate) {
                    //set deposit option form field to "pay-in-full"
                    pif = document.getElementById("wc-option-pay-full");
                    pif.checked = true;
                    //hide the deposit options
                    document.getElementsByClassName('wc-deposits-wrapper')[0].style.display = 'none';
                    //output the cutoff date to the console for debugging
                    //console.log('Pay-in-Full Cutoff: ', cuttoffDate);
                } else {
                    //set deposit option form field to "pay-in-full"
                    pd = document.getElementById("wc-option-pay-deposit");
                    pd.checked = true;
                    //hide the deposit options
                    document.getElementsByClassName('wc-deposits-wrapper')[0].style.display = 'block';
                    //output for debug
                    //console.log("Deposit allowed");
                //for debug.
                //alert('Years: '+year+' | months: '+month+' | days: '+day+' | week days: '+wDay);