Jsf 从richfaces 3.3.2迁移到richfaces 4.0.0最终版

Jsf 从richfaces 3.3.2迁移到richfaces 4.0.0最终版,jsf,richfaces,Jsf,Richfaces,我正在尝试将一个web应用程序从richfaces 3.3.2迁移到4.0.0,因此我更改了web.xml文件中的必要内容(servlet映射“.xhtml”,并删除了Ajax4jsf过滤器)。 我还将richfaces 3 JAR更改为第四版,但现在我遇到了一些错误,不知道如何解决: The import org.ajax4jsf cannot be resolved The import org.ajax4jsf cannot be resolved The import org.ajax4

我正在尝试将一个web应用程序从richfaces 3.3.2迁移到4.0.0,因此我更改了web.xml文件中的必要内容(servlet映射“.xhtml”,并删除了Ajax4jsf过滤器)。 我还将richfaces 3 JAR更改为第四版,但现在我遇到了一些错误,不知道如何解决:

The import org.ajax4jsf cannot be resolved
The import org.ajax4jsf cannot be resolved
The import org.ajax4jsf cannot be resolved
The import org.richfaces cannot be resolved
The import org.richfaces cannot be resolved
The import org.richfaces cannot be resolved
Incompatible conditional operand types UIComponent and UICalendar
UICalendar cannot be resolved to a type
HtmlToolTip cannot be resolved to a type
HtmlToolTip cannot be resolved to a type
HtmlToolTip cannot be resolved to a type
Incompatible conditional operand types UIViewRoot and AjaxViewRoot
AjaxViewRoot cannot be resolved to a type
AjaxViewRoot cannot be resolved to a type
org.ajax4jsf cannot be resolved to a type
EventsQueue cannot be resolved to a type
HtmlAjaxSupport cannot be resolved to a type
HtmlToolTip cannot be resolved to a type
Incompatible conditional operand types UIComponent and HtmlCalendar
HtmlCalendar cannot be resolved to a type
HtmlToolTip cannot be resolved to a type
HtmlToolTip cannot be resolved to a type
HtmlToolTip cannot be resolved to a type
HtmlToolTip cannot be resolved to a type
HtmlToolTip cannot be resolved to a type



删除web.xml文件中的RichFaces 3.3 Ajax过滤器

                <display-name>RichFaces Filter</display-name>

                <servlet-name>Spring MVC Dispatcher Servlet</servlet-name>

RichFaces 4.0.0最终打开webmvc-config.xml文件添加以下内容

       <bean id="flowController" class="org.springframework.webflow.mvc.servlet.FlowController">
            <property name="flowExecutor" ref="flowExecutor" />
            <property name="ajaxHandler">
                <bean class="org.springframework.faces.webflow.JsfAjaxHandler" />

从v3到v4的迁移非常混乱,很多事情都发生了变化。您的项目是用Ant还是Maven构建的?可能您在类路径中缺少了一些库或错误的引用。您可以添加关于您的项目的更多详细信息吗?问题是反迁移指南尚未完成。我的项目是在没有maven的情况下生成的。v3 jar运行正常,所以我用v4 jar替换了它们。(richfaces-api-4.0.0.Final.jar、richfaces-impl-4.0.0.Final.jar和richfaces-ui-4.0.0.Final.jar)。richfaces-ui-3.3.2.SR1.jar可能会更正这些错误。我想知道为什么v4没有包含与v3相同的规范!如果我记得很清楚的话,有些图书馆的名字随着v4的出现而改变了。试试richfaces组件UI您的库中有richfaces核心impl吗?AjaxViewRoot似乎在那里: