BitmapImage Json序列化

BitmapImage Json序列化,json,bitmapimage,Json,Bitmapimage,如何序列化此对象。它有位图图像 enum Activity { Active, Gone, DontDisturb } class Client : Utility.ObserableObject { string name; string description; string phone; Activity activity;


 enum Activity { Active, Gone, DontDisturb }
        class Client : Utility.ObserableObject
             string name;
             string description;
             string phone;
             Activity activity;
             string image_path;
             BitmapImage image;
             public Client()
                 ImagePath = "Resources\\DefaultImages\\default_user.png";
                 Activity = Activity.Active;
             public string Name { get => name; set => Set(ref name, value); }
             public string Description { get => description; set => Set(ref description, value); }
             public string Phone { get => phone; set => Set(ref phone, value); }
             public Activity Activity { get => activity; set => Set(ref activity, value); }
             public string ImagePath { get => image_path; set => Set(ref image_path, value); }
             public BitmapImage Image { get => image; set => image = value; }

//this is a folder that is located in project     
string new_path = "Data\\Avatar\\avatar" + SelectedImage.Substring(SelectedImage.LastIndexOf('.'));

//SelectedImage is an image that user was selected from OpenFileDialog 
File.Copy(SelectedImage, new_path);

Client client = new Client();
client.Name = Name;
client.Description = Description;
client.Phone = Phone;
client.ImagePath = SelectedImage;
client.Image = new BitmapImage(new Uri(Path.GetFullPath(new_path)));

string str = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(client, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented, new
{ TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Objects });


/////////////output of serialization////////////////////
    "$type": "ClientProject.Models.Client, ClientProject",
  "Name": "Emil",
  "Description": "Prog",
  "Phone": "123456789",
  "Activity": 0,
  "ImagePath": "Resources/DefaultImages/default_user1.png",
  "Image": "file:///C:/Users/user/source/repos/ClientProject/ClientProject/bin/Debug/Data/Avatar/avatar.png"