
UTF-8编码不支持JSP,jsp,servlets,utf-8,character-encoding,jdeveloper,Jsp,Servlets,Utf 8,Character Encoding,Jdeveloper,当我试图在JSP页面中显示中文字符时,它将显示垃圾字符 我做错了什么 我已经在顶部的JSP中包含了以下行,即使现在,这个问题也没有得到解决: <%@page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@ page import="java.util.*"%> <%@ page import="com.hp.sales.om.workflow.c2c.config.model.Org




<%@page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>

<%@ page import="java.util.*"%>
<%@ page import="com.hp.sales.om.workflow.c2c.config.model.Organization"%>
<%@ page import="com.hp.sales.om.workflow.c2c.config.model.ClassificationL1"%>
<%@ page import="com.hp.sales.om.workflow.c2c.config.model.ClassificationL2"%>
<%@ page import="com.hp.sales.om.workflow.c2c.config.model.TaskConfig"%>

 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"

<script language="JavaScript">
//Javascript code here...

String taskId = (String) request.getAttribute("taskId");
if (taskId == null || taskId.trim().equals("")) {
    taskId = ""; 
<jsp:include page="/Header.jsp" />
<%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/bpel/workflow/worklist-taglib.tld" prefix="worklist"%>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/integration/r5/hpr/css/homepages-v5.css" />
Map links = new LinkedHashMap();
    links.put("Select Task", request.getContextPath()
            + "/SelectTask");
    String disableCondition = "";

<worklist:navLinks linkMap="<%=links%>" styleClass="customBreadCrumbNav"
separator=" > " prefixHTML="<strong>" suffixHTML="</strong>"
disableConditionBasedOn="<%=disableCondition%>" />
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                                } else {
 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
 <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
 <title>Select Task</title>
<br />
<form STYLE="display: inline;" method="POST" name="SelectTask"

    <input type="hidden" name="method" id="method" value='' /> <input
        type="hidden" name="method" id="method" value='' /> <input
        type="hidden" name="taskId" id="taskId" value='<%=taskId%>' />

    <!-- jQuery Ajax stuff for new way of create task, page not be refresh when choose organization -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
     var servletContextPath = <%=request.getContextPath()%>
                        function() {

                            $(window).load(function() {
                                                            url : servletContextPath
                                                                    + "/OrganizationLoadServlet",
                                                            cache : false,
                                                            beforeSend : function() {
                                                                //alert(this.url == 'myUrl');
                                                                //timeout setting 30second
                                                                ajax_timeout = setTimeout(
                                                                        function() {
                                                                            //alert('Request is taking a long time.');
                                                            success : function(
                                                                    xmlResponse) {
                                                                var count = 0;
                                                                        .each(function() {
                                                                if (count == 1) {
                                                                            .each(function() {
                                                                                type : "GET",
                                                                                url : servletContextPath
                                                                                        + "/OrganizationProcessHandler",
                                                                                data : {
                                                                                    orgId : $params
                                                                                cache : false,
                                                                                beforeSend : function() {
                                                                                    ajax_timeout2 = setTimeout(
                                                                                            function() {
                                                                                success : function(xmlResponse) {
                                                                                            .each(function() {
                                                                                    //timeout calling
                                                                                    if (ajax_timeout2) {

                                                                } else {
                                                                            .each(function() {
                                                                //timeout calling
                                                                if (ajax_timeout) {
                                                            complete : function() {
                                                                //alert(this.async == true);


                            //Business Process choicebox
                            $("#orgId").change(function() {
                                                            type : "GET",
                                                            url : servletContextPath
                                                                    + "/OrganizationProcessHandler",
                                                            data : {
                                                                orgId : $params
                                                            cache : false,
                                                            beforeSend : function() {
                                                                //alert(this.url == 'myUrl');
                    //timeout setting 30second
                                                                ajax_timeout = setTimeout(
                                                                        function() {
                                                                            //alert('Request is taking a long time.');
                                                            success : function(xmlResponse) {
                                                                        .each(function() {
                                                                //timeout calling
                                                                if (ajax_timeout) {
                                                            complete : function() {
                                                                //alert(this.async == true);


                            //Task Group handler
                            $("#processId").change(function() {
                                                if ($processId.length != 0) {
                                                                type : "POST",
                                                                url : servletContextPath
                                                                        + "/TaskGroupsForOrgAndProcessHandler",
                                                                data : {
                                                                    orgId : $orgId,
                                                                    processId : $processId
                                                                cache : false,
                                                                beforeSend : function() {
                                                                    //alert(this.url == 'myUrl');
                        //timeout setting 30second
                                                                    ajax_timeout = setTimeout(
                                                                            function() {
                                                                                //alert('Request is taking a long time.');
                                                                success : function(xmlResponse) {
                                                                            .each(function() {
                                                                                        //alert("Task Group === "+valTxt);
                                                                                        $('<option value="' + valTxt + '">'
                                                                                                        + labelTxt
                                                                                                        + '</option>')
                                                                    //timeout calling
                                                                    if (ajax_timeout) {

                                                                complete : function() {
                                                                    //alert(this.async == true);

                            //Task handler
                            $("#taskGrpId").change(function() {
                                                if ($taskGrpId.length != 0) {
                                                                type : "POST",
                                                                url : servletContextPath
                                                                        + "/TaskConfigsHandler",
                                                                data : {
                                                                    orgId : $orgId,
                                                                    processId : $processId,
                                                                    taskGrpId : $taskGrpId
                                                                cache : false,
                                                                beforeSend : function() {
                                                                    ajax_timeout = setTimeout(
                                                                            function() {
                                                                                //alert('Request is taking a long time.');
                                                                success : function(
                                                                        xmlResponse) {
                                                                            .each(function() {
                                                                    //timeout calling
                                                                    if (ajax_timeout) {

                                                                complete : function() {
                                                                    //alert(this.async == true);

    <!-- endless -->

    <!-- Layer for during do submition -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
                        function() {
                                            function() {
                                                var taskConfigId = document
                                                if (taskConfigId == null
                                                        || taskConfigId == ''
                                                        || taskConfigId == -4
                                                        || taskConfigId.length == 0) {
                                                    alert('Please select task');
                                                } else {
                                                    //Get the screen height and width
                                                    var maskHeight = $(document).height();
                                                    var maskWidth = $(window).width();

                                                    //alert("taskConfigId== " +taskConfigId);
                                                    //Set heigth and width to mask to fill up the whole screen
                                                                        'width' : maskWidth,
                                                                        'height' : maskHeight

                                                    //transition effect     




var servletContextPath= ";" $(文件) .准备好了吗( 函数(){ $(窗口)。加载(函数(){ $.ajax({ url:servletContextPath +“/OrganizationLoadServlet”, cache:false, beforeSend:function(){ //警报(this.url=='myUrl'); //超时设置30秒 ajax\u timeout=setTimeout( 函数(){ //警报('请求需要很长时间'); }, 30000); // }, 成功:功能( xmlResponse){ var计数=0; $(xmlResponse) .find('项目') .each(函数({ 计数++; }); 如果(计数=1){ $(xmlResponse.find('ITEMS')) .each(函数({ }); $.ajax({ 键入:“获取”, url:servletContextPath +“/OrganizationProcessHandler”, 数据:{ orgId:$params }, cache:false, beforeSend:function(){ ajax\u timeout2=setTimeout( 函数(){ }, 30000); }, 成功:函数(xmlResponse){ $(xmlResponse.find('ITEMS')) .each(函数({ }); //超时呼叫 if(ajax\u超时2){ clearTimeout(ajax\u timeout2); } } }); }否则{ $(xmlResponse.find('ITEMS')) .each(函数({ }); } //超时呼叫 if(ajax\u超时){ clearTimeout(ajax\u超时); } //
    <!-- endless -->

    <table width="100%" border="0" class="HeaderPane" cellpadding=0
        cellspacing=0 height="44" bordercolor="#000000">
        <tr width="100%">
            <td width="100%" class="customContentText"><strong>Organization:</strong>
                <select id="orgId" name="orgId">
                    <option VALUE='-1'>------------ Select Organization
        <tr width="100%">
            <td width="100%" class="customContentText">
                <p id="loading" style="margin-left: 80px;">
                    <img src="/integration/r5/hpr/images/ajax-loader.gif"
                        alt="loading" /> <br />Please wait....
                <p id="done"></p>

                <p id="warning" style="margin-left: 80px;">
                    <img src="img/warnsign.gif" alt="warning" width="16" height="16" />
                    <br />Your request has timed out. Please try again. If this
                    condition continues, please contact your administrator.
                </p>  <br />
        <tr width="100%">
            <td width="100%" class="customContentText">
                <table width="100%" align="center" class="HeaderPane" id="table1">

    <!-- Mask to cover the whole screen -->
    <div id="mask">
            <img src="/integration/r5/hpr/images/ajax-loader.gif" alt="loading" />
            <br />
            <font color="White" size="4"> Please wait....</font>

        if (taskId == null || taskId.trim().equals("")) {

<jsp:include page="/Footer.jsp" />
        } else {
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'GBK'?>
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     version="2.5" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee">

public class OrganizationLoadServlet extends HttpServlet {
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(OrganizationLoadServlet.class);

    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
        HttpSession session = request.getSession();

        Organization[] orgs = (Organization[])session.getAttribute(WorklistappConstants.SESS_ATTR_PREFS_ORGANIZATIONS);

        if (orgs == null) {
            orgs = getFilteredOrgs(request);
            session.setAttribute(WorklistappConstants.SESS_ATTR_PREFS_ORGANIZATIONS, orgs);

        log.info("Before: " + response.getCharacterEncoding());//Here I am getting "iso-8859-1"
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        String dislayName = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < orgs.length; i++) {
            Organization org = orgs[i];
            dislayName = org.getOrgDisplayName();

            sb.append("<LABEL><![CDATA[" + dislayName + "]]></LABEL>");
            sb.append("<VALUE><![CDATA[" + org.getOrgId() + "]]></VALUE>");

        response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
        response.getWriter().write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?><ITEM>" + sb.toString() + "</ITEM>");
        log.info("After: " + response.getCharacterEncoding());//Here I am getting "iso-8859-1"


    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
        this.doGet(request, response);

    private Organization[] getFilteredOrgs(HttpServletRequest request) {
    return orgs;


    private Organization[] filterOrganizationsByUserOrgs(Organization[] orgs, List<Long> userOrgIdList) {

        return filteredOrgs;

    private List<Long> getUserOrgIdList(String userId) throws Exception {

        return userOrgIdList;

    private String getUserID(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException {

        return wfCtx.getUser();

Right Click In Project --> Properties --> Under Resource(Text File Encoding should be selected in "Inherited from Container(UTF-8)"
sb.append("<option value="+org.getOrgId()+">"+dislayName+"</option>");
    response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");

$('#orgId').html("<option value=\'-1\'>------------ Select Organization ------------</option>"+xmlResponse);