Linux 关于服务器上的内存和进程

Linux 关于服务器上的内存和进程,linux,django,apache,celery,Linux,Django,Apache,Celery,还是个学习者。我有一个Django网站,从一个月以来一直部署在Web派系服务器上 昨天我尝试设置芹菜,使用主管在后台发送电子邮件。我刚完成设置,一切正常,突然收到来自Webfaction的电子邮件: Hello, Right now (2013-12-23 00:06:06 UTC) it appears that your processes on Web330 are using a lot more memory than your plan allows. I




    Right now (2013-12-23 00:06:06 UTC) it appears that your processes on Web330 are using a lot more memory than your plan allows.

    If you haven't read it yet, we recommend that you have a look at our "Reducing Memory Usage" article ( for tips on how to keep your memory usage down.

    Your total allowed memory is 512MB and your current memory usage is 1023MB.

    Since your high memory usage is impacting other users on the server we had to kill your processes (our watchdog first sends a SIGTERM to your processes and then sends a SIGKILL a few seconds later).

    You need to either find a way to keep your memory down or you'll have to upgrade to a plan that allows more memory.

    Please respond to this message to let us know how you're dealing with the problem.

    Below is the list of processes that you're running with the memory that they use (the command used to list these processes is "ps -u hammad -o rss,etime,pid,command"):

    User - Memory - Elapsed Time - Pid - Command:
/home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/apache2/bin/httpd.worker -f /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/apache2/conf/httpd.conf -k start
    hammad - 51MB - 0:16:44 - 428360 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/apache2/bin/httpd.worker -f /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/apache2/conf/httpd.conf -k start
    hammad - 49MB - 0:16:44 - 428361 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/apache2/bin/httpd.worker -f /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/apache2/conf/httpd.conf -k start
    hammad - 52MB - 0:16:44 - 428362 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/apache2/bin/httpd.worker -f /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/apache2/conf/httpd.conf -k start
    hammad - 50MB - 0:16:44 - 428363 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/apache2/bin/httpd.worker -f /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/apache2/conf/httpd.conf -k start
    hammad - 53MB - 0:16:44 - 428364 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/apache2/bin/httpd.worker -f /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/apache2/conf/httpd.conf -k start
    hammad - 2MB - 0:16:44 - 428365 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/apache2/bin/httpd.worker -f /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/apache2/conf/httpd.conf -k start
    hammad - 11MB - 0:06:29 - 435573 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/python2.7 /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/supervisord -c supervisord_prod.conf
    hammad - 48MB - 0:06:28 - 435577 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/python2.7 /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/celery -A gccFishing worker -l info
    hammad - 39MB - 0:06:27 - 435589 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/python2.7 /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/celery -A gccFishing worker -l info
    hammad - 39MB - 0:06:27 - 435590 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/python2.7 /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/celery -A gccFishing worker -l info
    hammad - 39MB - 0:06:27 - 435591 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/python2.7 /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/celery -A gccFishing worker -l info
    hammad - 39MB - 0:06:27 - 435592 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/python2.7 /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/celery -A gccFishing worker -l info
    hammad - 39MB - 0:06:27 - 435593 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/python2.7 /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/celery -A gccFishing worker -l info
    hammad - 39MB - 0:06:27 - 435594 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/python2.7 /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/celery -A gccFishing worker -l info
    hammad - 39MB - 0:06:27 - 435595 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/python2.7 /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/celery -A gccFishing worker -l info
    hammad - 39MB - 0:06:27 - 435596 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/python2.7 /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/celery -A gccFishing worker -l info
    hammad - 39MB - 0:06:27 - 435597 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/python2.7 /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/celery -A gccFishing worker -l info
    hammad - 41MB - 0:06:27 - 435598 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/python2.7 /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/celery -A gccFishing worker -l info
    hammad - 39MB - 0:06:27 - 435599 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/python2.7 /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/celery -A gccFishing worker -l info
    hammad - 39MB - 0:06:27 - 435600 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/python2.7 /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/celery -A gccFishing worker -l info
    hammad - 39MB - 0:06:27 - 435601 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/python2.7 /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/celery -A gccFishing worker -l info
    hammad - 39MB - 0:06:27 - 435602 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/python2.7 /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/celery -A gccFishing worker -l info
    hammad - 39MB - 0:06:27 - 435603 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/python2.7 /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/celery -A gccFishing worker -l info
    hammad - 39MB - 0:06:27 - 435604 - /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/python2.7 /home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/celery -A gccFishing worker -l info
    hammad - 0MB - 52 days, 14:45:11 - 702447 - 


    WebFaction team -

  • 为什么有这么多Apache实例,这些内存是用来做什么的?Apache不只是处理请求吗?如果是,那么每个实例的内存中都有什么

  • 为什么主管产生了这么多芹菜实例?这是我的supervisord.conf文件:

    file=/tmp/supervisor.sock   ; (the path to the socket file)
    logfile=/tmp/supervisord.log ; (main log file;default $CWD/supervisord.log)
    logfile_maxbytes=50MB        ; (max main logfile bytes b4 rotation;default 50MB)
    logfile_backups=10           ; (num of main logfile rotation backups;default 10)
    loglevel=info                ; (log level;default info; others: debug,warn,trace)
    pidfile=/tmp/ ; (supervisord pidfile;default
    nodaemon=false               ; (start in foreground if true;default false)
    minfds=1024                  ; (min. avail startup file descriptors;default 1024)
    minprocs=200                 ; (min. avail process descriptors;default 200)
    serverurl=unix:///tmp/supervisor.sock ; use a unix:// URL  for a unix socket
    command=/home/hammad/webapps/gccfishing/bin/celery -A gccFishing worker -l info
    startsecs = 10 
    stopwaitsecs = 900 
  • 再说一遍,每个芹菜实例的内存用于什么?我只是用它来发送一些html(没有图像或图形)电子邮件,偶尔给15-20个人发邮件


    为什么有这么多Apache实例?同时回答请求。如果您的站点不需要每秒处理多次点击,您可能希望减少Apache Worker的数量。您还可以进一步减少内存使用



    celeryd Worker和的数量可以通过
