
Lisp:两个列表的有序并集,lisp,common-lisp,union,Lisp,Common Lisp,Union,我试图创建一个函数,以有序的方式返回两个列表的并集。 这是我的密码: (defun setunion (lst1 lst2) (cond ((null lst1) lst2) ((null lst2) lst1) ((member (car lst2) lst1) (setunion lst1 (cdr lst2))) (t (append (setunion lst1 (cdr lst2)) (list (car ls

我试图创建一个函数,以有序的方式返回两个列表的并集。 这是我的密码:

(defun setunion (lst1 lst2)
    ((null lst1) lst2)
    ((null lst2) lst1)
    ((member (car lst2) lst1)
     (setunion lst1 (cdr lst2)))
    (t (append (setunion lst1 (cdr lst2))
               (list (car lst2))))))

(print (setunion '(a b c) '(a c d e f a)))



(defun help (lst1 lst2)
(setunion (remove-duplicates lst1 :from-end t) (reverse(remove-duplicates lst2 :from-end t))))
(print (help  '(b c b d) '(a d e a)))

这给了我一个输出(B C D A E),这就是我要寻找的。


(defun set-union (&rest lists)
  (remove-duplicates (reduce #'append lists)
                     :from-end t))


  • 很容易看到发生了什么
  • 它不依赖于毛茸茸的标准CL函数


(defun union-preserving-order (&rest ls)
  ;; Union of a bunch of lists.  The result will not contain
  ;; duplicates (under EQL) and elements will occur in the order they
  ;; occur in the lists, working from the left to the right.  So
  ;; (union-preserving-order '(a b) '(b a c)) will be (a b c), as will
  ;; (union-preserving-order '(a b) '(c b a)), while
  ;; (union-preserving-order '(b a) '(a b c) '(c d)) will be (b a c
  ;; d).
  (let ((accum '()))
    (dolist (l ls (nreverse accum))
      (dolist (e l)
        (pushnew e accum)))))

(defun union-preserving-order (&rest ls)
  ;; Union of a bunch of lists.  The result will not contain
  ;; duplicates (under EQL) and elements will occur in the order they
  ;; occur in the lists, working from the left to the right.  So
  ;; (union-preserving-order '(a b) '(b a c)) will be (a b c), as will
  ;; (union-preserving-order '(a b) '(c b a)), while
  ;; (union-preserving-order '(b a) '(a b c) '(c d)) will be (b a c
  ;; d).
  (let ((results '())                   ;results we'll return
        (rlc nil))                      ;last cons of results
    (dolist (l ls results)
      (dolist (e l)
        (unless (member e results)
          (if (not (null rlc))
              (setf (cdr rlc) (list e)
                    rlc (cdr rlc))
            (setf rlc (list e)
                  results rlc)))))))

(defun union-preserving-order (&rest ls)
  ;; Union of a bunch of lists.  The result will not contain
  ;; duplicates (under EQL) and elements will occur in the order they
  ;; occur in the lists, working from the left to the right.  So
  ;; (union-preserving-order '(a b) '(b a c)) will be (a b c), as will
  ;; (union-preserving-order '(a b) '(c b a)), while
  ;; (union-preserving-order '(b a) '(a b c) '(c d)) will be (b a c
  ;; d).
  (let ((results '())                   ;results we'll return
        (rlc nil))                      ;last cons of results
    (dolist (l ls results)
      (dolist (e l)
        (unless (member e results)
          (if (not (null rlc))
              (setf (cdr rlc) (list e)
                    rlc (cdr rlc))
            (setf rlc (list e)
                  results rlc)))))))