系统变量的设置和重置-AutoCAD LISP

系统变量的设置和重置-AutoCAD LISP,lisp,autocad,autocad-plugin,autolisp,Lisp,Autocad,Autocad Plugin,Autolisp,我正在努力使在AutoCAD中绘制接线图非常容易,除了预先编程的按钮外,几乎没有其他按钮按下 其中一个涉及到LISP,它不能很好地设置系统变量,然后将它们重置为以前的状态。程序似乎执行了预期的功能,但没有达到预期的结果 一旦我的PLINE命令启动,变量就会重置。我需要PLINE启动、完成,然后重置变量 我尝试过在LISP中的命令中设置OrthoMode和SnapMode,以及通过(setvar(getvar…)命令 (defun varget() (setq lis'(“正交模式”“捕捉模式”)





(defun varget()
(setq lis'(“正交模式”“捕捉模式”))
(setq变量(mapcar'getvar lis))
(defun varset()
(setq P(getstring“音频(A)/视频(V)/通信(CO)/同轴电缆(R)/控制(C)/(N)网络/(P)电源:))





;; Define function, declare local symbols
(defun c:wire ( / col lay opt val var )

    ;; System variables to be modified within the program
    (setq var '(clayer orthomode snapmode cmdecho)
    ;; Retrieve current sys var values
          val  (mapcar 'getvar var)                
    ) ;; end setq

    ;; Predefine the getkword options
    (initget "Audio Video COmm R Control Network Power")
    ;; Prompt the user for input, default to "Audio" on null input
    (setq opt (cond ((getkword "\n[Audio/Video/COmm/Coax(R)/Control/Network/Power] <Audio>: ")) ("Audio")))

    ;; Define the layer & colour based on the option returned
        (   (= opt "Audio")   (setq lay "AUDIO"    col  94))
        (   (= opt "Video")   (setq lay "VIDEO"    col 150))
        (   (= opt "COmm")    (setq lay "COMM"     col 206))
        (   (= opt "R")       (setq lay "COAX"     col  44))
        (   (= opt "Control") (setq lay "CONTROL"  col  10))
        (   (= opt "Network") (setq lay "NETWORK"  col 210))
        (   (= opt "Power")   (setq lay "POWER"    col   7))
    ) ;; end cond

    ;; Suppress command-line output for the -LAYER command
    (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
    ;; Create & set the layer & layer colour
    (command "_.-layer" "_M" lay "_C" col "" "")

    ;; Set everything except the first sys var
    (mapcar 'setvar (cdr var) '(1 1 1))
    ;; Initiate the PLINE command
    (command "_.pline")
    ;; Continuously pause for user input
    (while (= 1 (logand 1 (getvar 'cmdactive))) (command "\\"))

    ;; Reset system variables
    (mapcar 'setvar var val)

    ;; Suppress the value returned by the last evaluated expression
) ;; end defun

;; Define function, declare local symbols
(defun c:wire ( / *error* col lay opt val var )

    ;; Define local error handler
    (defun *error* ( msg )
        ;; Reset system variables
        (mapcar 'setvar var val)
        ;; Suppress the output of standard cancellation messages
        (if (not (wcmatch (strcase msg t) "*break,*cancel*,*exit*"))
            ;; Print critical errors
            (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))
        ) ;; end if
        (princ) ;; Suppress the value returned by the last evaluated expression
    ) ;; end defun

    ;; System variables to be modified within the program
    (setq var '(clayer orthomode snapmode cmdecho)
    ;; Retrieve current sys var values
          val  (mapcar 'getvar var)                
    ) ;; end setq

    ;; Predefine the getkword options
    (initget "Audio Video COmm R Control Network Power")
    ;; Prompt the user for input, default to "Audio" on null input
    (setq opt (cond ((getkword "\n[Audio/Video/COmm/Coax(R)/Control/Network/Power] <Audio>: ")) ("Audio")))

    ;; Define the layer & colour based on the option returned
        (   (= opt "Audio")   (setq lay "AUDIO"    col  94))
        (   (= opt "Video")   (setq lay "VIDEO"    col 150))
        (   (= opt "COmm")    (setq lay "COMM"     col 206))
        (   (= opt "R")       (setq lay "COAX"     col  44))
        (   (= opt "Control") (setq lay "CONTROL"  col  10))
        (   (= opt "Network") (setq lay "NETWORK"  col 210))
        (   (= opt "Power")   (setq lay "POWER"    col   7))
    ) ;; end cond

    ;; Suppress command-line output for the -LAYER command
    (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
    ;; Create & set the layer & layer colour
    (command "_.-layer" "_M" lay "_C" col "" "")

    ;; Set everything except the first sys var
    (mapcar 'setvar (cdr var) '(1 1 1))
    ;; Initiate the PLINE command
    (command "_.pline")
    ;; Continuously pause for user input
    (while (= 1 (logand 1 (getvar 'cmdactive))) (command "\\"))

    ;; Reset system variables
    (mapcar 'setvar var val)

    ;; Suppress the value returned by the last evaluated expression
) ;; end defun