List 从树返回元素列表的SML函数引发异常

List 从树返回元素列表的SML函数引发异常,list,types,tree,sml,List,Types,Tree,Sml,我有一个SML作业,其中一个问题是实现一个函数 findAll : (int -> bool) -> binary search tree -> int list 到目前为止,我有以下几点: datatype 'a tree = Empty | Node of (int * 'a tree * 'a tree) exception answer of int list fun findAll f Empty = raise answer [] | findAll


findAll : (int -> bool) -> binary search tree -> int list

datatype 'a tree = Empty | Node of (int * 'a tree  * 'a tree) 

exception answer of int list

fun findAll f Empty = raise answer []
  | findAll f (Node(x, l, r)) = 
    if (f x) then raise answer(x)::(findAll f l)::(findAll f r)
        (findAll f l)::(findAll f r)
接受bool函数并以异常的形式返回满足该函数的所有节点。我知道为什么我的代码不起作用,因为在原始代码(raise answer)中会有一个(raise answer),但无论如何这都不是编译。 我在想我该怎么做才能解决这个问题。


3867615/john316.sml:7.25-7.64 Error: operator and operand don't agree [tycon mismatch]
  operator domain: int list
  operand:         int
  in expression:
    answer x
3867615/john316.sml:7.25-7.64 Error: operator and operand don't agree [circularity]
  operator domain: 'Z * 'Z list
  operand:         'Z * 'Z
  in expression:
    (findAll f) l :: (findAll f) r
3867615/john316.sml:7.25-7.64 Error: argument of raise is not an exception [tycon mismatch]
  raised: _ list
  in expression:
    raise (answer x :: (findAll <exp>) l :: (findAll <exp>) r)
3867615/john316.sml:9.9-9.37 Error: operator and operand don't agree [circularity]
  operator domain: 'Z * 'Z list
  operand:         'Z * 'Z
  in expression:
    (findAll f) l :: (findAll f) r

fun findAll f Empty = []
  | findAll f (Node(x, l, r)) = 
    if f x then x :: findAll f l @ findAll f r
    else findAll f l @ findAll f r