Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/1/list/4.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
List Python-TypeError:列表索引必须是整数,而不是str_List_Typeerror - Fatal编程技术网

List Python-TypeError:列表索引必须是整数,而不是str

List Python-TypeError:列表索引必须是整数,而不是str,list,typeerror,List,Typeerror,我正在写一个非常非常简单的加密脚本 当我运行它时,发生了一个类型错误: TypeError:列表索引必须是整数,而不是str' 我查看了一些有关Stackoverflow的问题,但没有任何帮助 我想这是一个非常简单的观点,我在这里错过了 import os os.system("clear") content = input("content:" + " ") filename = input("filename:" + " ") content = list(content) file






import os


content = input("content:" + " ")
filename = input("filename:" + " ")

content = list(content)
file = open(filename, "w")

counter = 0


input("Press enter to encrypt...")

for counter in content:
    if content[counter] in "a":
        content[counter] = "z"
    if content[counter] in "b":
        content[counter] = "y"
    if content[counter] in "c":
        content[counter] = "x"
    if content[counter] in "d":
        content[counter] = "w"
    if content[counter] in "e":
        content[counter] = "v"
    if content[counter] in "f":
        content[counter] = "u"
    if content[counter] in "g":
        content[counter] = "t"
    if content[counter] in "h":
        content[counter] = "s"
    if content[counter] in "i":
        content[counter] = "r"
    if content[counter] in "j":
        content[counter] = "q"
    if content[counter] in "k":
        content[counter] = "p"
    if content[counter] in "l":
        content[counter] = "o"
    if content[counter] in "m":
        content[counter] = "n"
    if content[counter] in "n":
        content[counter] = "m"
    if content[counter] in "o":
        content[counter] = "l"
    if content[counter] in "p":
        content[counter] = "k"
    if content[counter] in "q":
        content[counter] = "j"
    if content[counter] in "r":
        content[counter] = "i"
    if content[counter] in "s":
        content[counter] = "h"
    if content[counter] in "t":
        content[counter] = "g"
    if content[counter] in "u":
        content[counter] = "f"
    if content[counter] in "v":
        content[counter] = "e"
    if content[counter] in "w":
        content[counter] = "d"
    if content[counter] in "x":
        content[counter] = "c"
    if content[counter] in "y":
        content[counter] = "b"
    if content[counter] in "z":
        content[counter] = "a"

content = "".join(content)



print("Successfully encrypted!")
print("Use 'decrypt.py' to decrypt.")

当您开始过多地按Ctrl+V时,请后退一步。。在任何情况下,计数器都是表示正在迭代的字符的字符串,因此内容[counter]因异常消息中给出的原因而无效。换句话说,运行以下命令:for content:printcounter中的计数器,而不是有问题的循环,并添加适当的格式;你看到了什么结果?为什么?使用该观察返回原始问题。如果要迭代序列的索引,请使用。但这并不是真正想要的提示:在Python中字符串是不可变的,这样的单个字符是不能更改的。相反,创建一个不同的变量,比如encryped_content=并在每个循环中向其追加适当的输出。在循环内部,您应该只需要访问计数器,并将其称为其他名称,例如字母,以避免混淆和此加密的内容。